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Topic: Paradise

Showing 1 to 48 of 48.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-11-06 Jesus' Destination Right After Death: Where did Jesus go right after death (between death and resurrection)?
Jesus Went to Hell or Abraham's Bosom: Did Jesus go to Hell (Hades) or Paradise (Abraham's Bosom)?
2023-11-06 Jesus' Destination Right After Death: Where did Jesus go right after death (between death and resurrection)?
Jesus Went to Hell or Abraham's Bosom: Did Jesus go to Hell (Hades) or Paradise (Abraham's Bosom)?
2023-10-02 The Thief on the Cross in "Paradise": In the story of the thief on the cross, where was "paradise?" [Luke 23:42-43, 2 Corinthians 12:4, Acts 2:31].
2023-08-08 Jesus Descends into Hell-or Not?: Did Jesus go to hell after He died, or did He go immediately into the hands of His Father? [1 Peter 3:19-20, 1 Peter 4:6-7, 2 Corinthians 12:4, Acts 2:27, Luke 23:46, 2 Peter 2:5].
2023-07-03 Afterlife: What happens to us when we die? Do we just rest until we are raised? [2 Corinthians 5:8, 1 Samuel 28:15, Hebrews 10:20, Luke 23:43].
2023-05-10 Jesus-to Hell or Paradise: If Jesus went to paradise with the thief that day, how could He also go to hell, as we have been taught?
2023-05-05 The Thief in "Paradise": In light of the various translations of the word, "paradise", is the thief in "paradise" in the past, present or future? [Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 12:2, Revelation 22:1-5, Acts 2:27, Psalm 16:10].
2023-04-26 The Thief in Paradise: Could you comment on the verse about the thief on the cross being with Jesus in Paradise that day? [Luke 23:43].
2022-11-22 Sheol-Two Compartments (Paradise & Hell): Are the people in "Paradise" or "Abraham's Bosom" actually adjacent to those in hell? [Luke 16:19-31].
2022-11-11 Paradise: Is Jesus saying to the thief that He is going to meet him in the garden of Eden, when he says "Paradise"? [Revelation 2:7, Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 12:4, Revelation 22:1-3].
2022-09-19 Theme Song of The Narrow Path (Whistling Song): Is that you whistling on the introduction? Or a friend of yours?
Appreciation for "The Narrow Path" Radio Program: Caller appreciates the unique educational value of the radio program.
Levels of Heaven: What is the "third heaven", or the various levels, in heaven? [2 Corinthians 12:2, Revelation 4:1].
2022-06-08 "Paradise" vs "Heaven": Is there a difference between "Paradise" and "Heaven" - where the "Throne of God" is?
Only Jesus' Body is in Heaven: Isn't it only Jesus' physical body that is in heaven and everyone else's is not (like Enoch & Elijah)? [John 3:10-13, Acts 2:34, John 1:18].
No One Has Seen God: Has anyone seen God? [John 1:18, Genesis 18:1, Exodus 33:11, Exodus 33:20, Isaiah 6:1].
2022-06-03 Christians Go to Heaven Upon Death: Does a Christian go to heaven when they die? [John 5:24, 2 Corinthians 5:1-8, Philippians 1:21-23, I Thessalonians 4:15]
Intermedate State Under an Altar: What do you think about a denomination teaching that upon death believers go to a place under an altar unti later? [Revelation 6:9],
Thief on the Cross: Did the thief on the cross go to paradise? [Luke 23:43].
2022-05-26 Where Did Jesus Go When He Died?: Where did Jesus go for the 3 days after He died? [1 Peter 3:20-21, Revelation 20:14, Acts 2:27, Luke 23:43].
2022-04-15 Thief on the Cross: Did the thief on the cross go to heaven before Jesus did? [2 Corinthians 5:8].
2022-04-11 Heaven or Paradise: How do you look at the two references about the thief being in heaven that day with Jesus, and yet He told Mary not to touch Him because He had not yet ascended? [2 Corinthians 12:2, Luke 23:43, John 20:17].
Book of Romans: Why did Paul write the Book of Romans, especially since he had not been there?
2022-04-08 Paradise: When Jesus told the thief that he would be with Him in paradise, what did He mean? [2 Corinthians 12:4, Revelation 2:7].
2022-01-05 Contradiction About When Jesus Went to Heaven: Can you help me reconcile two seemingly contradictory statements about when the thief would meet Jesus in paradise and when he told Mary He had not yet ascended into heaven? [Luke 23:43, John 20:17, 2 Corinthians 12:4, John 20:17],
2020-09-29 Many Heavens & Paradise When We Die: How many heavens are there, and do we go to heaven or paradise when we die? [2 Corinthians 12].
2020-09-29 Paradise & The New Jerusalem: Is not the New Jerusalem called "Paradise" [Revelation 2:7].
Abortion to Save the Life of the Mother: What is your thoughts on an abortion in the case of threat to the mother's life?
2020-03-03 Paradise or Heaven: Is Paradise the same thing as Heaven? [Luke 23:43]
2019-07-09 The Jewish Bible & Paradise: The Jewish Bible interprets the word, "paradise" differently in Luke. What do you think about that interpretation? [Luke 23:43].
2019-07-02 Thief in Paradise Today: When Christ told the thief on the cross that he would be that day with him in paradise, but Christ went to the grave for three days, so how does one align that? [Luke 23:43].
2019-05-23 Absent from the Body: What does the verse mean when it says, "absent from the body, present from the Lord"? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:23].
None Ascended: What does it mean that 'no man has ascended up to heaven'? [John 3:13]. 23, 7, 2, 2938
2019-04-16 Thief on the Cross: When Jesus told the thief that he'd be in paradise that day, and what happened to Jesus during the 3 days before He was resurrected? The words; Paradise, Hades, Sheol: The use of the words “Paradise”, “Hades”, “Sheol” in scripture [Revelation 21&22, 2 Corinthians 12, Luke 16:19-31, Acts 2]
2019-02-06 Death: What happens to us after we die? Are we in the presence of God? Are we asleep, unconscious? Jesus told the thief on the cross that he'd be w/ Him in Paradise that day, but a verse in Ecclesiastes says the dead know not anything. [Luke 23:43, Ecclesiastes 9:5]
2018-05-08 Jesus' Death: Where did Jesus go after He died? Did He go to heaven?
Baptism by the Spirit: (question addressed after break) How do I get baptized/filled with the Holy Spirit?
2018-03-13 Paradise & life after Death: What & where is paradise? Where do we go as soon as we die?
2017-12-18 Righteous in Eternity: Where do the righteous go after the judgment, to heaven & come back again to the New Earth? When is the judgment day? What is the judgment for?
Hades & Paradise: Can you explain what you were saying about Hades & Paradise?
2017-09-25 Jesus & Thief's Location upon Death: Where did Jesus & the thief go when they died, Hades, hell, paradise?
2017-09-06 The Soul after Death: Where do the souls go after you die? [Luke 16:14-31] (the answer is very garbled)
2017-06-09 You Will be with Me in Paradise: Jesus told the thief on the cross, "I'm telling you TODAY, you will be w/ Me in paradise", as Adventists like to point out, Jesus was just telling him TODAY that he would eventually be with Him in Paradise.
2017-06-08 Jesus didn't Himself Ascend to Heaven until 40 days later: Jesus told the thief on the cross that he'd be w/ Him in paradise, but Jesus Himself didn't go until 40 days later, so how was this true?
2017-03-13 Thief on the Cross: Did Jesus & the thief on the cross go to heaven the very day they died?
Jesus' Reconciliation with God: Was Jesus reconciled w/ God at His death or at the resurrection? [Romans 4:23-25, Galatians 3:14-15]
2016-12-21 "Today thou shalt be with Me in Paradise": Did Jesus really go to Paradise as He told the thief since He told Mary 3 days later He hadn't ascended yet? [luke 23:43, John 20:17]
2016-03-14 Early Church Beliefs: Did early Christians believe in life after death & did they believe we went to paradise instead of heaven. (Audio of caller is very weak.)
Tips for Teaching: Does Steve have any tips for beginner Teachers who are about to try to lead Bible studies?
2015-12-04 This day you will be w/ Me in Paradise: What place was Jesus talking about when He told the thief that he would be with Him in Paradise, Heaven? [Luke 23:43]
2015-10-07 Thief on the Cross & Soul Sleep: An evangelist said that there is no way the thief on the cross could've gone w/ Christ to paradise THAT day because there is no conscious existence after death & Jesus didn't even go to Paradise that day. [Luke 23:40-43, John 20:14-17, Matthew 28:9]
2015-08-21 The 3 Heaven: What is Paul talking about when he's talking about the 3rd Heaven? [2 Corinthians 12:2-4]
2015-04-06 "Today thou shalt be w/ me in Paradise": What does Jesus mean that the thief would be with Him in Paradise THAT day in relation to what He says in other places, saying He went to hell? [Luke 23:43, Revelation 1:18, 1 Peter 3:19]
2014-12-16 Judgment Day & the Christian: As a Christian, do we need to have any fear of the judgment on Judgment Day even though we were washed in the Blood of Christ? [1 Peter 1:2, 17-19]
Death: What happens to us as soon we die? Do we go immediately to Heaven?
2014-09-25 Early Church & Breaking Bread: How often the early church is supposed to breaks bread has come up. We need sacrifice to the Lord, not a bloody sacrifice, but a sacrifice. [Malachi 1:11]
Paradise or Heaven: Jesus didn't really go to paradise on the same day He promised the thief that he'd be Him in Paradise? [Luke 23:43]
Baptism: Have you said that Baptism isn't necessary based on the Thief on the cross?
2014-05-23 The Thief & Jesus in Heaven: Did Jesus & the thief on the cross go to Heaven the day they died? [Luke 23:43]
2013-12-18 Faith & Works Inseparable: Catholic caller is glad to hear Steve say that faith & works are inseparable. Even the thief on the cross was able to perform some good works while he was dying on the cross with Jesus. [James 2:14-26, Romans 2:6]
Original Sin: What can you tell me about original sin? Isn't that why infants need baptisms? [Romans 5:12-21]
2013-08-22 Afterlife: What happens after we die? [1 Thessalonians 4:14, Luke 23:43, Revelation 5:8]
2013-05-07 Paradise, Hades, Hell, Sheol: Could you comment on the use of the word "paradise" as some commentators said, "sheol" another said "hell" ... and if "sheol" is where all people go?
2013-04-01 Afterlife & Soul Sleep: What happens after death? Do we go to sleep, or do we go to heaven? [I Corinthians 15:51, I Corinthians 15:18, I Thessalonians 13-18].
Thief to Paradise: Is the misplacing of the comma in the passage about the thief going to paradise significant? [Luke 23:43].
2013-04-01 Afterlife & Soul Sleep: What happens after death? Do we go to sleep, or do we go to heaven? [I Corinthians 15:51, I Corinthians 15:18, I Thessalonians 13-18].
Thief to Paradise: Is the misplacing of the comma in the passage about the thief going to paradise significant? [Luke 23:43].
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