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Topic: Reincarnation

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-28 Reincarnation: What do you think about reports of previous lives from Lee Strobel's book "Case for Heaven?"
2023-03-02 "Spirit in the Sky": Are you familiar with the song from the 70s, "The Spirit in the Sky"?
Movie "Jesus Revolution": Is the movie "Jesus Revolution" a re-release or is it a new one?
Resurrection & Reincarnation: Was resurrection and reincarnation considered at the church council's about whether to keep it as foundational doctrine? [2 Corinthians 5:10, Hebrews 9:27].
2022-09-19 John the Baptist as Elijah: Is John the Baptist a reincarnation of Elijah? [Matthew 17:12, Matthew 11:12, Malachi 4:5-6, John 1:21].
2022-08-17 Rebirth & Reincarnation: If one is born again, should our name be changed? Could I be a reincarnation of King Asa from Jesus' genealogy? [John 3:1-21].
2020-11-12 Am I Really Saved: Since I still believe some eastern traditions, like reincarnation, and hell not being what some claim, etc., am I really saved? [John 5:28].
2020-11-12 Is an Embryo Alive: Where does it say in the Bible that the embryo is living? [Luke 1:41, Leviticus 17:11].
Baby Dies in Womb, Where Does it Go: If a baby dies in the womb, does it go into another body for another chance to live?
2018-11-30 Loving your enemies: It concerns the caller that God would send people to hell because He Himself said to love your enemies, that reincarnation seems like a better option.
2018-08-20 Jesus in India as Youth: Did Jesus go to India in His youth?
Lot Offering Daughters: Why did Lot offer his daughters to the men at the door? [Genesis 19]
2018-07-11 Spiritual Suicide in College: Caller thinks Steve was right on when he said you are basically sending your children to a spiritual death when you send them to secular colleges.
Reincarnation: Is reincarnation is in the bible?
2017-10-06 Reincarnation: Is Reincarnation real? Does the Bible say anything about it?
2017-08-11 Buddhism & Reincarnation: Is not the resurrection a form of reincarnation?
2017-06-27 Jesus & Reincarnation: Didn't Jesus seem to teach re-incarnation? [Galatians 6:7-8]
Book of Enoch: How are the other books any different? Caller doesn't think it should've been taken out, & it's a good source to prove that Reincarnation & Karma is taught in the Bible.
Gnostic Gospels, Gospel of Thomas or Magdalene: What about all these other Gnostic gospels such as the Gospel of Thomas & Mary Magdalene?
2016-12-05 Reincarnation: Caller's sister believes she can prove reincarnation from the Bible. Caller wants to be able to show her from a Christian perspective it's not true.
2016-12-01 Reincarnation & Resurrection: The difference between reincarnation in contrast to a judgment & a resurrection.
2016-09-07 Parallels of Calvinism & Reincarnation: Caller (Michael the Buddhist) thinks Calvinism, God saving some & not saving others, is very similar to reincarnation, better conditions sometimes for the people born again.
2015-10-22 The Golden Rule: What is the origin of the Golden Rule? Did Jesus actually say that? Did He say it on the Sermon on the Mount? [Matthew 7:12]
Reincarnation: If reincarnation isn't real, why is there such disparity in humans, even among family members? We don't really know why from a Bibilical perspective? [Matthew 25:14-30]
2015-09-09 Past Life Regression: The caller's father SORT'VE believes the Bible, but he's also heard about people in their past lives where they are pretty accurate w/ stuff that happened to them, can describe stuff that really happened in history.
Judaism: Judaism believes in reincarnation also, the caller's father believes.
Reincarnation: Is there a place where the caller can find more Christian resources on the reincarnation?
2015-09-09 Past Life Regression: The caller's father SORT'VE believes the Bible, but he's also heard about people in their past lives where they are pretty accurate w/ stuff that happened to them, can describe stuff that really happened in history.
Judaism: Judaism believes in reincarnation also, the caller's father believes.
Reincarnation: Is there a place where the caller can find more Christian resources on the reincarnation?
2015-01-19 A couple of jokes are exchanged: Michael the Buddhist shares a joke & Steve shares one.
Karma: What does Steve think of Karma just being the hand of God?
2013-05-03 Buddhist Caller; Something Greater: Isn't it natural to want to trust in something greater than ourselves, especially when we are aging and facing decay and death, which is what we often call God? [1 John 2:1-2, Ecclesiastes 7:2].
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