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Topic: Judea (Land of Judah)

Showing 1 to 7 of 7.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-06 Jews Buying Property in Israel: Did a lot of Jews buy property in Israel before WW1? Rec: "What are We to Make of Israel?"
2023-11-10 Jesus Not a Jew: Was Jesus a Jew?
"Jew" or "Jewish" (Term Origin): Where did the name "Jew" come from?
2023-03-27 Jews Sought to Kill Him: Why does it say that it was the Jews that sought to kill Jesus, since He and His disciples were also Jews? [John 11:8].
2022-12-05 Gap Theory: Could you comment on my view of why the "Gap Theory" is justified? [Genesis 1:1-2, Jeremiah 4:23-29, Exodus 20:11].
2022-03-23 Jews Called the Israelites: Why are the Jews called the "Israelites" rather than stemming from the names Abraham or Isaac?
2022-02-02 Hebrew People Before They were Called Jews: What race were the people of Abraham before they were called Jews, and what were they called? [Genesis 14, Romans 2:28-29].
2020-08-24 The Names of the Land Called Israel: Why are there different names for the real estate called Israel?
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