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Topic: Harlot

Showing 1 to 18 of 18.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-26 Mystery Babylon: Who is Mystery Babylon? [Revelation 17:5].
2024-03-22 Mystery Babylon & Harlot: Who is "Mystery Babylon" and "Harlot" were the church, would she have daughters? [Revelation 17-19, Matthew 23:34, Revelation 11:8].
2022-08-05 "The Harlot" in Revelation: Who is "the harlot" in Revelation? [Matthew 23:35, Revelation 17].
2021-06-28 "Babylon the Great": Do you think that "Babylon the Great" is parallel to New York City or America? [Revelation 17:1-18, Isaiah 1:21].
2020-12-07 The Seven Mountains in Revelation: Regarding to the seven mountains, are they referring to Rome or around Jerusalem? [Revelation 17:9, Revelation 11:8, Revelation 14, Isaiah 1].
2020-07-14 The Harlot & Mystery Babylon: Could you talk about the Harlot and Mystery Babylon and what it means to "come out" of Babylon? [Revelation 18:3-4].
2020-07-09 Roger Williams: Do you know anything about Roger Williams who was the founder of the Baptists?
Woman (Harlot) in Revelation: What do you think of the woman (the Harlot) in Revelation 17 represents? [Revelation 17:18].
2020-06-26 Ezekiel's Parable of the Women: Caller comments on Ezekiel 16 about the parable of Israel an unfaithful women. [Ezekiel 16].
Creation: Do you think that plants were reproducing before the sun and the moon were created?
2020-04-06 Destruction of Catholicism: Could you clarify Revelation 17, and if it could be about the destruction of modern day Catholicism (the new Israel)? [Revelation 14, 17, 19:2, Matthew 23, Romans 13].
Modern Day Israel: Isn't it reasonable to assume that modern day Israel is a temporary custodian of the land?
2019-08-19 The Harlot of Revelation: Do you believe that the harlot in Revelation is Israel or Jerusalem? [Revelation 20, 18:20, 17:18, Acts 4:26, Isaiah 1:21, Jeremiah 2: 20, Hosea, Ezekiel].
Dating of Revelation: Does the possible earlier date of the birth of Jesus have an effect on the date of the writing of the book of Revelation?
2018-11-13 Rapture Questions: How close are we to the Rapture? How long will the people who stay after the Rapture be here? Who is the woman, the Harlot, in Revelation 17? [Revelation 17]
2018-10-30 David Hunt: is David Hunt a reliable Bible teacher?
Harlot in Revelation: Is the harlot the Catholic church? [Revelation 17]
2018-10-30 Harlot: So you don't believe the Harot of Revelation 17 is the Catholic Church, so who is she?
2017-10-26 Harlot of Revelation: Is the harlot describing the catholic church like a lot of people think it is? [Revelation 17]
2016-06-28 Mother of the Harlot: Who is the Mother of the Harlot? [Revelation 17-18]
2016-06-10 Whore of Babylon, Sitting on 7 Hills: Who is the whore of Babylon, the Lady sitting on 7 hills? [Revelation 17]
2015-10-13 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: A preacher told the caller that he can't remarry unless his ex-wife is dead. Is this true? [Caller shares his story.]
Porneia - Fornication: Pastor sent him an article that the greek word, "Porneia", is only talking about the betrothing period or of a harlot.
Street Preacher: The preacher telling the caller all this is actually railing on him because he had been in this situation himself.
2013-09-12 Scarlet Beast and the Harlot: Who is the Scarlet Beast and the Harlot? [Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Revelation 19]
Dating of the Book of Revelation: When was the book of Revelation written?
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