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Topic: Joseph (Husband of Mary)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-08 Jesus' Genealogy: Why do we say that Jesus came from David's line? Was it because he was Joseph's adopted son? [Luke 3:23, Matthew 1:1-17].
2024-01-11 Gift of Tongues Caller recommends Justin Peter's YouTube lecture "Clouds without Water."
Son of David-Joseph & Jesus' Genealogy: How do we reconcile Jesus still being the "Son of David," if he is not genealogically linked to David through Joseph? [Matthew 1:2-16, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31-32].
2023-12-13 Twelve Tribes: Why are there different tribes named in the Old Testament vs the New Testament? [Revelation 7].
Bethlehem Relatives: Why couldn't Mary and Joseph find relatives to stay with when they went to Bethlehem?
2023-05-02 Jesus' Genealogy: Why are we given both Joseph and Mary's genealogies, and how does the line of Jospeh relate to Jesus'? [Luke 3, Matthew 1, Jeremiah 22:28-30].
2022-12-23 Chronology of Jesus' Birth Story: Can you help me sort the chronology of the story of the birth of Jesus and the Wise Men? [Luke 2:39].
Zacharias & Elisabeth: DId Zacharias & Elisabeth live in Jerusalem? [Luke 1:39].
2022-12-14 Mary & Joseph to Bethlehem: Why did just Mary and Joseph have to go to Bethlehem for the census, and not their parents also?
2022-06-30 Joseph (Jesus' Human Father): What happened to Joseph, Jesus' father? [Luke 2, John 2].
2022-06-23 Jesus' Genealogy: Could you explain Jesus' genealogy and how it seems like it would be through Mary? [Matthew 1: 1-20, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31].
2022-06-09 Jesus' Earthly Father, Joseph: Why didn't Jesus talk about his earthly father, Joseph? [Luke 2, John 5:19].
2021-12-15 Jesus While in the Womb: Where was Jesus when He was in the womb, having left Heaven and before He was born? [Luke 2:52].
Mary & Joseph's Knowledge of Jesus' as God: Did Mary & Joseph know that Jesus was God? [John 14:9, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:7].
2021-10-29 Mary Had Original Sin: Would not Mary have original sin attached to her?
Joseph as Jesus' Miraculous Father: If God did no pass sin on to Jesus through Mary, then could He have not created Jesus with Joseph as the father, also?
2021-10-18 Joseph-Biological Father of Jesus: Have you considered the possibility that Joseph was the biological father of Jesus?
Bible Contradictions: What about unbelievers who think that the Bible is full of contradictions?
Trinitarian Verses That Don't Belong in Scripture: Didn't you say that these Trinitarian verses didn't belong in scripture? [I John 5:7].
2021-09-03 Discrempencies in Jesus' Genealogies: Can you please help me with these discrempencies of the genealogies of Jesus? [Matthew 1. Luke 3]
2021-01-22 Jesus' Earthly Father, Joseph: How did Joseph, Jesus' father, die?
Pontius Pilate: Is the Pilate in Luke 13, the same one that helped to crucify Jesus? [Luke 13].
Pontius Pilate: Was Pilate a really bad guy, and did he commit suicide a few years after the death of Jesus?
2020-12-21 Mary & Joseph Married or Not: Could you help me sort out if Mary & Joseph were married or espoused (betrothed)? [Matthew 1, Luke 2].
2020-12-16 Joseph's Kingly Line: Was Joseph of the kingly line, and therefore would have been king? [Matthew 1, Matthew 2:2].
2020-07-02 Geneaology of Jesus: Could you help me understand the geneaology of Jesus that seems to be traced through Joseph? [Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38].
2020-06-22 Joseph & Potiphar: Could you help me understand the title of "captain of the guard" in the Joseph & Potiphar story, and if there are two people with the same title? [Genesis 39].
2020-05-20 Where was Joseph?: Where was Joseph, in light of Jesus directing her care to John? [John 2, John 19:26-27].
2019-01-08 Joseph, a Widower: Was Joseph a widower with children? Where do they get that idea from?
2019-01-08 Mary & Joseph's Other Children: Would you toak about Joseph & Mary's other children. Had Joseph been married before?
2018-09-20 The Life of Joseph: Did joseph become fully an egyptian? Did he try to evangelize?
2018-07-05 Genealogy of Jesus & Joseph: Why is Jesus' step-dad Joseph's genealogy so important in Matthew 1 when he wasn't even blood related to Jesus? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]
2017-11-30 Joseph who was a slave in Egypt & Joseph, Mary's Husband: Is the joseph who was sold into slavery the same as the husband as Mary in the Bible?
2017-09-25 Mary's Genealogy: 2 different father's for Joseph, one saying that Jacob is Joseph's father & another one saying Heli is his father. [Matthew 1:16, Luke 3:23]
2017-09-11 Genealogies of Joseph & Mary: Caller wants to give insight of Mary's when talking about the genealogies of Joseph & Mary, that you don't have to go by the term "son". [Luke 3:23]
2017-09-08 Mary's Genealogy: Where does the line of Mary go back to since Joseph is not related Jesus. [Luke 3:23-38, Matthew 1]
2017-06-05 Christ's Genealogy through Joseph: Why include Joseph's genealogy when he's not even blood related to Jesus? [Matthew 1]
2017-01-03 Joseph being the Father of Jesus: If Joseph is the father of Jesus, why isn't Joseph God?
2015-12-30 Residence of Mary, Joseph & Jesus after His Birth: How long did Joseph & Mary live in Bethlehem after Jesus' birth?
2015-04-24 Joseph's Genealogy: Why did Matthew spend 17 verses talking about Joseph when he wasn't even related to Jesus? [Matthew 1]
2014-02-20 Jesus & the seed of David: What does it mean, Jesus being "seed of David", & then give Joseph's genealogy in Matthew but since He wasn't even related to Joseph, how does that make sense? [2 Samuel 7:12, Romans 1:3, Matthew 1, Luke 3]
2014-01-06 Jesus' Genealogy: Why is the genealogy in Matthew important if Joseph is not even Jesus' biological father? [Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38]
2013-11-27 God's Timing of Mary's Pregnancy: Why did God choose to have Mary pregnant during her betrothal to her husband Joseph? [Luke 1, Luke 2]
2013-01-02 Mary & Joseph: Were Mary & Joseph blood-related, half-brother & sister?
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