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Topic: Righteous (Righteousness)

Showing 1 to 50 of 108.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-09 The Goodness of the Law: When Paul said the law was not for the righteous, what did he mean? [1 Timothy 1:8-9, Romans 2:14-23, Galatians 5:22].
2024-03-29 Jesus' Baptism: Why was Jesus baptized and in what way did it "fulfill all righteousness?" [Matthew 3:15, Mark 1:4-8, Matthew 3:6].
2024-03-18 "Righteous" Appropriated (Calvinism): Caller attempts to support his Calvinist views with scripture. [Romans 3:21-22, 1 Thessalonians 3:2, Romans 10:17, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13:15, Isaiah 64:6, Isaiah 29:13, Ezekiel 33:31, Jeremiah 17:9-10, Genesis 6:5].
2024-03-12 Trusting the Government or in Christ: Should we criticize the government or should we preach Christ alone? [Luke 3:19].
2024-02-13 "Light Shines Brighter 'til Dawn": How do you understand the application of the Proverb "the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until the full day?" [Proverbs 4:18, 2 Peter 1:19, Isaiah 60:1, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Mark 4:26-33].
2023-09-06 Good vs. Evil & "None Good But God": How do you reconcile the idea that not everyone is all good or all evil, and Jesus said "There is none good but God?" [Romans 3:9-19, Mark 10:18-21, Romans 2:17, Romans 3:1, Psalms 14:4].
2023-04-13 Righteousness Before God: If I have a righteous status in Jesus, but I deviate from righteousness, then am I still righteous before God?
Declared Righteous: If we are "declared righeous" as in a court of law, am I not then free to go? How can I be assured of my salvation and not work at it all the time? Rec: Topical lecture; "How Can I know that I am really Saved?"
Abiding in Christ: What does it mean to "abide" in Christ?
2023-04-13 Righteousness Before God: If I have a righteous status in Jesus, but I deviate from righteousness, then am I still righteous before God?
Declared Righteous: If we are "declared righeous" as in a court of law, am I not then free to go? How can I be assured of my salvation and not work at it all the time? Rec: Topical lecture; "How Can I know that I am really Saved?"
Abiding in Christ: What does it mean to "abide" in Christ?
2023-04-05 "Righteousness" in the Old vs New Testaments: Is the "righteousness" in the Old Testament different than the kind of "righteousness" we experience in the New Testament? [Ezekiel 18:21-24, Job 31:1, Deuteronomy 10:16, 1 John 2:4, 1 John 3:7].
2023-02-20 Unrighteous Mammon: What are we to learn from this verse about "unmammon of unrighteousness?" [Luke 16:9].
2023-02-08 His "Righteousness:" When we are told to "seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness", what is being referred to in "His righteousness?" Rec: Steve's books; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1 & 2). [Matthew 6:33, 1 John 3:7-9].
2022-12-29 Faith-Living the Christian Life: Where do you live your faith-between being a theologian and living with a child-like faith? [2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:13].
2022-11-18 Total Depravity: How should we be looking at verses that sound like "total depravity", as with "in flesh there dwells no good thing" and our works are "filthy rags"? [Isaiah 64:6, Romans 7:18-19, Philippians 3:6, Romans 7:23, Philemon 1:6].
2022-11-14 Sparing the Righteous: How does the verse about God sparing the righteous from being put to death in Genesis 18 jibe with the plagues in Revelation? [Genesis 18:23-25, Revelation 7, Revelation 9:4].
2022-11-08 Righteousness & "Means of Grace": How do we engage in "righteous" acts and apply the "means of grace'? [I John 3:7, John 1:14-16, Luke 4:22, Ephesians 4:29, I Corinthians 15:10, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:2, 2 Corinthians 12:9].
2022-11-01 Free From Sin: After we become believers, are we free from sin or are we just hopelessly bound to sin? [Romans 6:16-18, I Corinthians 6:20, Galatians 5:16, I Peter 1:18-19, Romans 8:12, Romans 8:4, Romans 13:14, 2 Corinthians 10:3, Matthew 1:21, I John 2:1, Romans 6:1].
2022-07-28 Falling to Sin and Assurance of Salvation: Can you help me sort the assurance of salvation one may have even if they continually fall to sin? [I John 3:10, James 3:2].
Baptism-When Still in Sin: Should someone be baptized even if they are still falling repeatedly into sin?
Becoming Perfected: How does one become less repetitively sinful toward more perfection and sinlessness? [Romans 8:16].
2022-04-05 Atheist Caller: Death Penalty Due to Seven Deadly Sins: Atheist: Would you talk about the "seven deadly sins" and the penalty of death due to sin?
Atheist Caller: Righteousness Required for Heaven: Atheist: If we are not as righteous as God, then doesn't the Bible say we cannot inherit the Kingdom of God? No one can be righteous, so doyou know anyone who will be in heaven.
2022-02-23 Satan Challenges God: Do you think that God had to prove His righteousness because of Satan's challenge in Job? [Job 2:4, Romans 3:24-26].
2022-02-18 Righteousness in Man: Could you explain the apparent contradiction of the righteousness in man, and yet there is none righteous? [Romans 5:7-8, Romans 3:10, Psalm 14:1, Psalm 1:5, Romans 2:13, Romans 3:1, Romans 3:19].
2022-01-14 God's Plan: What is God up to? What is His overall plan? [Genesis 1:26, Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11].
Purpose of "The Law": What is the point of "The Law"? [Galatians 3:24-26].
2022-01-04 When Your Life Doesn't Reflect Christ's Standards: Should one leave a church that promotes the idea that your life doesn't have to reflect God's standards?
2021-11-24 Righteousness Encouraged or Not: What does this passage mean in Ecclesiastes that seems to suggest to not be overly righteous? [Ecclesiastes 7:15-18, Ecclesiastes 9:5, Hebrews 6:1].
2021-11-10 "Kingdom or God" or "Kingdom of Heaven": Can you clarify the difference between the "Kingdom of God" and the "Kingdom of Heaven"? [Matthew 19:23-24].
Kingdom of God Defined: What is meant by scripture describing of what the Kingdom of God consists-"righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit"? [Romans 14:17].
Old & New Covenants: How do the two covenants overlap? Recommended topical lecture; "Torah Observance."
2021-11-02 The Bible & Politics: What does the Bible say about our political involvement and when we should speak up? [Matthew 28:20, I John 3:15, Isaiah 42, Matthew 12, Galatians 6:10, Matthew 22:20-22].
2021-07-15 Justification and Forgivenss: What is the difference between justification and forgiveness?
Imputed Righteousness of Christ: What do you think about the "imputed righteousness of Christ"? [Acts 2:38, Genesis 15:6, I John 3:7]
2021-06-17 Justification, Salvation & Sanctification: Do not justification, salvation and sanctification happen at different times, therefore disproving "eternal security"? [I Corinthians 6:11, Romans 4:19-22, Romans 5:5, Genesis 15:6, I John 3:27].
2021-05-03 Resurrection of Both Righteous & Wicked (Just or Unjust): In the verse about the resurrection of the "both the righteous and the wicked" (Just & Unjust), how should I understand that? [Acts 24:13-15, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:13].
2021-04-06 Sanctified Hearts: How do we sanctify our hearts? [I Peter 3:15, I Peter 1:15-16].
Brethren as Sinners: Why do so many brethren still identify as sinners? [Galatians 5:17, Romans 7:20-23, Ephesians 2:8-9, James 4:7, I Thessalonians 5:16-18].
2021-02-17 Historic Premillennial View of the Resurrection In light of the Historic Premillennial view of the resurrection, how do you see them "coming back to life again" in Revelation 20? [Revelation 20:4, John 5: 28-29, I Corinthians 15:51-52, I Thessalonians 4:16-17].
Righteous & Unrighteous Resurrected Together: Is there any place in scripture where the righteous and unrighteous are specifically raised together, in contrast to there being two resurrections? [John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15].
Two Deaths & Two Resurrections: What do you think about the fact that there seems to be two deaths and two resurrections in scripture? [Revelation 20:5-6, Revelation 20:15].
2021-02-12 Imputed Righteousness Availing Much in Prayer: Will our prayers be effective and avail much because of God's imputed righteousness? [James 5:16, I John 3:7].
2021-01-19 Bearing Fruit: When scripture indicates that we are to "bear fruit", is it really talking about justice, righteousness and mercy? [Isaiah 5:7, Genesis 1:28, Matthew 7:19, Galatians].
2021-01-12 Doing Good of God: What does it mean that those that are "doing good" to be "of God"? [3 John 1:11, I John 2:29 ].
2020-12-10 Giving Up Our Rights to Speak Against Evil: What do you think about a pastor who says we should be willing to give up our own right to speak against some of the evil things that are happening in our culture? [Luke 3, Micah 6:8, Acts 1:7, Isaiah 42:1-4, Matthew 12:18-21, Luke 19:1-13, Matthew 13:24-30].
2020-10-15 Righteousness as Filthy Rags: Should we be using the verse about our "righteousness is filthy rags" when evangelism? [Isaiah 64:6, Acts 10:4, Isaiah 29:13, Isaiah 1:14, Proverbs, Jeremiah 13:23, Jeremiah 17:9, Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 21:27].
2020-10-09 Judging Others & Judging Righteously: Is it accurate to not judge, as I just heard a pastor teach? [John 7:1-3, John 7:24, I Corinthians 6:5, John 3:19, I Corinthians 2:15, Matthew 7:2, John 8:26, John 3:18]
2020-07-31 Bearing Fruit: What do you mean by "bearing fruit" because in the church, it can often mean bigger buildings, etc.? [John 15:8, Isaiah 5, Matthew 21:43].
2020-06-30 Social Justice & the Christian church: What is "social justice" and how involved should the church be in it? [Matthew 12:17-21, Isaiah 42:1-4, Ezekiel 18:20].
2020-06-19 Righteous Man Escaping Capital Punishment: Is Ezekiel 18 referring to the righteous man escaping the capital punishment in the Jewish Law? [Ezekiel 18:21, Jeremiah 31:29].
2020-06-11 What Change is Needed in Society Today?: What kind of change do you think we need in our society and government?
Do we need Spiritual Revival: Do we need Spiritual Revival in order to save our culture?
Three Things to Do in Secret: What are the three things we are told to do in secret? [Matthew 6:4].
2020-05-21 Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation: If the seven churches in Revelation are in Asia Minor, then why would John be writing to them instead of the believers in Jerusalem? [Matthew 24].
Blessing Promised to Churches in Revelation: Would the blessing promised to the seven churches in Revelation be primarily because they would witness prophecy being fulfilled? [Revelation 2:10, Revelation 3:10].
Laws Written on our Hearts-Absolute Right & Wrong? Are the laws of God really written on our hearts, so that we know absolute right and wrong? Particularly since so many right things are contingent on the circumstances and situation? ?
2020-05-11 Suffering in the World: Why does God permit evil, specifically, suffering in the world? [Philippians 4, I Peter 5, Matthew 6, Matthew 8:26].
2020-05-06 Penal Substitution, Required Payment, Parable of Unjust Servant: Would you comment on Penal Substitution-the idea of God requiring payment for the forgiving of sins and its relationship to the parable of the unjust servant? Why could He have just not forgiven without requiring payment? [2 Corinthians 5:19, Luke 16:1-13, Titus 1:2, Romans 3:25f].
2020-04-08 Lot-Unrighteous Man: Could you explain why Peter calls Lot a righteous man, when he was so dishonorable in his choices? {2 Peter 2:7, Genesis 19].
2019-12-18 Good to Bad & Bad to Good: Is Solomon an example of a man who begins righteous and turns wicked, and Nebachadnezzar the opposite. What is meant by "the soul shall die"? [Ezekiel 18].
2019-07-24 Holy Spirit Convicting of Righteousness: I don't understand this passage about the Holy Spirit and how He will convict the world of righteousness and judgment? [John 16:8-11, Acts 24:25].
2019-03-07 Righteousness & Justification: Is this verse, Psalms 106:31, talking about the same concept as when it says Abraham was justified by faith [Psalms 106:31, Romans 4, Galatians 5:6, James 2:24].
2019-02-21 Imputed Righteousness: What are steve's thoughts on imputed righteousness & double imputation? What about future sins?
2019-02-18 Works of the Flesh: List of carnal things that will keep you from inheriting the kingdom of God. Does this include Christians who do some of those things? [Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10]
2019-02-15 Deathbed conversion as opposed to long-term Christians losing their faith: What about a good person who was a Christian most of their life who ends up going to hell & a person who was evil most of their life who repents and becomes saved?
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