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Topic: Earth

Episode Topic Audio

Evolution (Old or New Earth): Do you think that God created a mature (aged) earth, as he did with creating a mature Adam and Eve?
Comment on Evolution: Caller shares thoughts on lack of evidence of evolution in the wild.

The Land of Israel & the Everlasting Covenant: About the land of Israel, could you comment particularly on the "everlasting covenant" in Isaiah 24? [Isaiah 24:5, Isaiah 24:3-6, Isaiah 24:10-12, Leviticus 18:28, Numbers 35:34, Genesis 9:6, Isaiah 27:12].

God Creating the World in Only Seven Days: How could we know what a "day" is to God, to allow Him to create the world in seven days? [Genesis 1].

Disagreement-Young vs Old Earth: Caller disagrees with Steve about "young earth" theology and presents his case. [Genesis 1:11, Genesis 2:23].

Flat Earth: Caller shares that the Hebrew word for "earth" refers to "round" or "sphere" and recommends "The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution" by A.E. Wilder-Smith, particularly for flat earthers. [Isaiah 40:22].

Debate with Atheist: Are you going to debate with an atheist soon?
Science, Creation & Age of Earth: If you are convinced of the science that says the earth is a globe (rather than flat), then why don't you accept the science that says that the earth is old? Why do you reject the Gnostic gospels based on the first line lying about the authorship, if the first lines in Genesis are a lie, but you accept it?
Globalist vs Nationalistic Views: Why do Christians seem to support more of a nationalist view rather than globalist?

Global Flood: Do you think that the flood was local or global? Because the Hebrew word for "land" and "earth" is the same, does that make it reasonable to assume it was just local? [Exodus 10:5, Genesis 7].

Earth's Shape (Flat Earth): Could you connect James 1:17 ("shadow of turning") to the question of the shape of the earth? [James 1:17, Isaiah 40:33, 1 John 1:5].

Round Earth: Is there anything in the Bible that would describe the shape of the earth? [Job 26:7, Luke 17:35, Matthew 24:41].

Age of Earth: What is your view of the age of the earth? [Genesis 2, Psalm 121:4, Hebrews 10:12-13, Psalm 33:6, Psalm 33:9, Exodus 20:8-11].
Hell for Eternity: Appreciation comment: It is good to know that there are alternate views of hell that do not see it as eternal torment.

Age of Earth: What are your thoughts on the age of the earth? [Genesis 1].

Old Earth vs New Earth: Caller comments on why the old earth theory seems impossible because of the dinosaur population and the timing of the introduction of death.

Earth Age Before This One (Gap Theory): What do you think about an earth age before this one, and one in the future? [Genesis 1:1, Exodus 20:8-11, Malachi 1:2-3].

Neanderthals & Cro Magnon: Do you believe there were Neanderthals and Cro Magnons?
Adam-Not a Caveman: Did Adam look like us now? If so, where did the Neanderthals (Apeman, Cro Magnon, etc.) come from?
Age of Earth: Do you think Earth is only 6,000 years old?

Creation Week (Light & Sun): There seems to be some question about the literalness of the creation timeline, especially relative to the age of earth and the contradiction of when the sun and light are created. Can you clarify?

The Space Program: What do you think about the idea that we should not be going into outer space because God has not destined that for us? [Psalm 115:16].

New vs Old Earth: Do you think that the Creation Story in Genesis was possibly more symbolic, rather than literal, in substantiating the age of the earth, and possibly to teach children?

Age of Earth & Science: Could you comment on the development of scientic technologies and the age of the earth?

Flat Earth: Do you believe in a flat earth?
Moon Landing: Do you think we went to the moon?
The "Firmament:" Can you explain the "firmament?"

Flat Earthers: Steve is corrected about saying that "Flat Earthers" think that one can't fly over the North Pole.
Flat Earther: It wouldn't make sense that Jesus was taken up on a high mountain to see the cities of the whole world because that couldn't happen if the earth was a globe. [Matthew 4:8}.

Flat Earther: "Flat Earther" shares his view and why he believes it.

Science, History & Creation: Regarding Science & History relative to creation, it is possible that God created past and present at the same time? [Genesis 1].

Earth's Continental Shift: Do you think that the scripture about "the earth divided' is about when there was continental shift that split the land mass? [Genesis 10:25].

Age of Earth & the Dinosaurs: How old do you think the earth is and when would the dinosaurs fit in? [Job 40:15-24, Genesis 1, Genesis 5, Judges 9].

Creation of Earth & Time: Since there was no time at creation, what is meant in scripture by the earth being "formless and void?" [Genesis 1].
God Outside of Time: When scripture says "a day to the Lord is like a thousand years", does that indicate that God outside of time? [2 Peter 3:8]

Destruction of the Earth: Are there canonical sources (particularly the Tanach), that support Peter's eschatology regarding the future destruction of the earth in fire? [2 Peter 3, Revelation 20, Romans 8, Colossians 1:26-29, Ephesians 3:5, Genesis 9:11].
Destruction of the Earth in the Flood: What do you say about those that say that Genesis indicates that the earth will not be destroyed again, yet 2 Peter does? [Genesis 8-9, 2 Peter 3, Genesis 9:11].

Land Covenant with Israel: Where do I go to see the clearest presentation of God's land convenant with Israel? [Deuteronomy 28:1-46, Genesis 12:1, Genesis 12:7, Genesis 15:18-21, Joshua 21:43, Leviticus 26].
The Promised Land: With Israel be restored all the land that they were promised in the future? [Romans 4:13, Galatians 3:16, Psalms 2:8, Matthew 5:5, Galatians 3:29, Luke 21:24].
Global Warming & the Bible: What does the Bible say about global warming and is it related to the verses that talk about the earth being destroyed by fire? [2 Peter 3:10-12, Revelation 20:11, 2 Thessalonians 2:8].

New Earth or Old Earth?: Were you not incorrect in your comment to the atheist caller when you indicated that not taking the early verses of Genesis literally would affect one's salvation? [I Corinthians 13:9-12].

Evidence for the Young Earth: Could you help me understand the evidence for the young earth? [Genesis 1, Genesis 5, Genesis 11].

"Call No One Father": Is there a contradiction in scripture when it says not to call anyone father, and yet it also says that Abraham is our father? [Romans 4:1, Matthew 23:9, I Corinthians 4:15, Matthew 3:9].
Creation of the Heavens & Earth: In relation to the creation chronology, isn't the sun and the moon part of the heavens and earth?

Amillennialism vs Postmillennialism: What verses keeps you from being a full post-millennialist? [Revelation 20:3].
New Heavens & Earth vs New Covenant: Do you see the "new heavens and earth" as coming in the future, or representative of the New Covenant? [Revelation 21:1-4, Revelation 21:11, Revelation 20:11, 2 Peter 3:10-13, Hebrews 6:5, Roman 8:21].
Compliment to Steve and The Narrow Path Website: Caller compliments Steve, and The Narrow Path website, for helping him to learn how to think about scripture after he came out of a cult.

Environmental Concerns of the Church: What do you think about a church who doesn't believe in evangelism, but environmentalism, instead?

Expanse of the Firmament: What do you think about the suggestion that the "expanse of the firmament" being related to the dome some claim existed? [Genesis 1].

Paul's Writing: Is Paul really writing his books, or is there another writer (scribe/ emanuensus/ amanuensus) helping to write more eloquently?
Jesus Rule Over Universe: Did Jesus have authority over only the earth and sky, or the whole universe? [Colossians 1, Matthew 28:18, Ephesians 1:20-23].

Every Knee Shall Bow: What is meant by all those "under the earth" in the verse about "every knee shall bow"? [Philippians 2:10-11, Isaiah 45:23, Matthew 28:18].

Suspension of Time & Gravity in Heaven & Hell: Do you think that there is some suspension of time and gravity in heaven and hell?
Restoration View of Hell: Does the "Restoration" (Universal Reconciliation) view of hell suggest that God will force everyone to eventually repent? [2 Peter 3:8-10, I John 3:2, Luke 15:15-32].

Population Growth on Earth: Is there anything in the Bible about the rate of increase of population growth on earth?
Judgment More Harsh for Current Culture: Do you think we will be judged more harshly because of us having the Holy Spirit and so much more information than that of cultures of the past? [Matthew 11:21-24].

"Earth"- Flood in Limited Area or Whole Earth: Do you think that Noah would've only thought the earth was the nearby area, rather than the whole earth? [Genesis 6-7:20].

Insignificance of Earth Compared to Universe: Please give and intelligent answer as to why God would create this immense universe and so extra stuff stuff in light of the insignificant size of earth? [Psalm 19:1].

Age of the Earth: Do you know for a fact that the earth is 6,000 years old and where that is in the Bible? [Genesis 5, Genesis 11].
The Two Witnesses: Could you talk about your understanding of the "two witnesses" as the church? [Revelation 11, 2 Corinthians 13:1].

Arminian vs Armenian: Caller confuses Arminian vs Armenian? Where does Arminianism come from?
Creation Just Taking it's Course: Did God create the sun and earth, and then just let it go functioning on its own?

Similarity of I Peter and Ephesians: Are I Peter and Ephesians very similar?
Angels Seeing God's Plan Revealed on Earth: What does it mean that the "angels long to see" In I Peter 1? [I Peter 1:12, I Corinthians 2:6-9, Ephesians 3:10].
God's Universal Plan: Is God's plan for the whole universe, not just the earth?

When Jesus Comes-What's Next for the Christians Who are Alive: Will we see heaven if we are alive when Jesus comes? Will we go to heaven and have the marriage supper there? [Revelation 21:9, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 17, Hebrews 12:22].
Earth Burns Up: Where will we, who are alive when Jesus comes, be when the earth burns up?
Pagan, Heathen, Gentile: What is the difference between, "pagan", "heathen" and "gentile"?

New or Old Earth and the Age of Stars: Could you talk about the discrepancy between the estimated age of creation, earth and stars in the literal view of Genesis, vs a more symbolic view, and in contrast to those in science? [Genesis 1-11].

Our Responsibility Over Earth by Prayer: Do you agree with the statement of Wesley's that God does nothing on earth except in response to prayer? [Matthew 6:10, Genesis 1:26-27].

Steve Gregg's Youth: Did you go to Montebello High?
Sending Armies from Uttermost Parts of the Earth: What would've a pastor been referring to, if he said that God would be sending His armies in the end times? [Matthew 22, Luke 2:1, Mark 13:27].

Binding & Loosing in Heaven & Earth: Could you help me sort out the scripture about people "binding and loosing" things in heaven and earth, and who He was talking to? [Matthew 18:18, I Corinthians 7].
Where Two or More are Gathered: What are the implications of "where two or more are gathered in my name"? [Matthew 18:20, Ephesians 2:20].

Jesus's Rule Over the Rest of the Universe: Is it possible that Jesus does not have preeminence over the rest of the universe, even if he does have control over the earth?

Mankind Destroying the Earth by Fire: Do you think that mankind can destroy the whole earth by burning it up?

Faith on the Earth: Will there be many of faith in the land when the son of man comes? [Luke 18:8. Luke 7:9, Matthew 8:10].

Caller compliments Steve: Caller compliments Steve on his stellar ministry noting him as the best contextual teacher.
Pro-Choice: What do you think of the slogan, "Pro-Choice is Pro-Death".
Age of the Earth & Evolution: Could you talk about your views of the age of the earth and evolution, etc.?

Who is in Charge on Earth?: Who is actually in charge on earth? [Proverbs 21:1, Psalms 34:7, Daniel 2:24, Romans 8:28].
The Earth Getting Worse Till the End: Do you think that the earth is going to get worse progressively before He returns? [Revelation 20:7-8].

Regional or Worldwide Flood of Noah: Do you think that the flood of Noah was worldwide or just regional, and were there any mountains then?
Regional Flood & People Groups from 60 Million Years Ago: Since science seems to indicate that the flood had to be regional because of evidence that people groups were present in some areas for 60 million years.

The Earth Was Divided: Does "the earth was divided" refer to the division of the people at Babel? [Genesis 10:15].
Value of a Man in Shekels: What does setting the value of a man with shekels mean in the last chapter of Leviticus? [Leviticus 27].

Old Testament Law-Resting the Land: Do you think that we still need to rest the land (according to Old Testament Law)? [Exodus 23:11, Leviticus 25:4].

Return to Earth: In the book "The Last Hour" by Amir Tsarfati, the author says we will return to earth, could you talk about that? [Genesis 3, Revelation 5:10, 2 Timothy 2, Psalm 2:8].

Earth's Age: How old is the earth according to the Bible? [Genesis 1].

Spacecraft at the Ascension: What was in the cloud that Jesus ascended in? Was it a spacecraft? [Daniel 7].
Planetary Takeover: When Jesus comes back, will it be a planetary take over?

The Earth-Beyond the Last Days: Could you help me understand the demise of the earth after Jesus returns? [2 Peter 3, Revelation 21-22, 21:5].
Annihilation View of Hell: Can you help me understand the various Biblical views of hell, especially the "annihilation view"?

Creation Story About Only our Planet Earth: Do you think that Genesis is not really about the beginning of all things, but really about just our planet? [Genesis 1:1, 16].

Few are Chosen: Could you clarify what is meant by "many are called, few are chosen?" [Matthew 13, 20:16, 22:14].
Earth's Age: Would you discuss the age of the earth ?

Age of the Earth: Do the geneaolgy records missing in the Bible have any relationship to the age of the earth and the arguments surrounding the debate? [Genesis 5, 11, Matthew 1].

Dispensationalists & AD 70: Why don't the dispensationalists believe Revelation is about AD 70?
Land or Earth: How does the word for land or earth apply in the book of Revelation?

The Firmament: The earth doesn't have a firmament, right?

Origin of God: How did God come into existence? When did He begin? Who created God? How is God outside of time? The creation relative to the Law of Thermodynamics.
Earth's age: How old is the planet earth?

Flat Earth: What does the Bible say about the shape and design of the earth? Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat and has a solid dome?

Authorship of Genesis: Do you think that Adam could have possibly written Genesis or part of it?
Young Earth: Do you believe in a young earth, that it is only about 5-6,000 yrs. old?

Apologetics: What does apologetics mean?
Dispensationalism: What does Dispensationalism mean?
Second Earth Age: What does Arnold Murray mean by the second earth age?

Flat Earth: Flat earth comment.
Clemency for the Jews: Do jews have some type of clemency?

Flat Earth: Caller believes the earth is stationary, & doesn't describe a round earth.

Flat Earth: Caller thinks there's evidence of a flat earth, what does think about that?

Creation of the Earth: Could not God have created an earth that was already aged (being in full maturity already)? Weren't Adam & Eve created as adults?

Young or Old Earth: I took an IQ test, & it had a question about the age of the earth & it gave me the choices of 6,000 years or 4.5 Billion years, & I picked the young age answer, & they said it was wrong, & as a result it gave me a lower IQ score for believing the Bible. So is it possible that it could be older than 6,000 years, since a form of the earth might've been here for a very long time before God actually started creating? [Genesis 1 & 2, Exodus 20:11]

Old Earth Creationism: What would old earth creationists say about animals not dying before the Fall?

Firmament in the sky: Was there a canopy of water above the earth also? [Genesis 1:7]

Age of the Earth: What is the age of the earth, young or old? How does science determine the date of things & interpret the data?

Destroying the Earth with Fire: God will destroy the earth w/ fire at Jesus' Second Coming, is that literal or symbolic?
Adam's Rib: Did God actually take Adam's rib to create Eve, or did He just use the DNA?

Human existence 6,000 years: How do we determine that from Adam & Eve that it's only been 6000 years?

Age of the Earth: Do you lean towards old earth or new earth theories? Do you think their are any gaps in the geneologies?

Flat Earth: What does the bible say about the shape of the earth?

The Size of God: How big is God & why does He care about something so small? Does moral character, moral laws apply to other worlds?

Flat Earth: What do you think about the "Flat Earth" theory? What does the Bible say about it?

Flat Earth Conspiracy: Flat earth conspiracy inquiry [Isaiah 40:22]

The Jesus Notes, Sarah Young Book: The book, "The Jesus Notes" (followup).
The Flat Earth: Discussion about the Flat Earth, & if the earth was flat, how would radio & television reception happen?

Flat Earth: Wants to talk more about the Flat earth, he being a Flat Earth advocate.

The Flat Earth: Caller thinks there's overwhelming evidence that the earth is flat!

Age of the Earth: What is the age of the earth, a young earth or an old earth?

Old Earth Biologist: Started realizing as I was out doing by job in biology that it wasn't what I had been taught, & converted to Christianity.

Age of the Earth: Is the earth old or new?

Age of the Earth: What direction does Steve lean about the age of the earth, & do we have to be dogmatic about it?

Light before the Sun during Creation: What was the light before the Sun was made, & what about the vegetation on the 3rd day? and the earth is flat, caller believes.

Jesus asking Peter 3 Times if he Loved Him: Why was Jesus making such a big deal of asking Peter 3 times if he loved Him?
Day-Age Theory: Is the day-age theory biblical?

Heaven to Earth: So we can literally bring Heaven to earth like it says in Ephesians? [Ephesians 2:6]

The Firmament: What is the "firmament" referred to in Genesis? [Genesis 1-2]
The 6th Day & Adam & Eve & Animals: When were the animals made in relation to when Adam & Eve were created? Were they all created on the 6th day?

Premillennialist view New Heaven & Earth: Caller comments on previous call about the earth burning on Jesus second arrival.
All Israel Shall be Saved: A remnant of Israel will be saved discussion, & caller feels Steve needs to mention the premillennialist view more often. [Romans 11]

A Physical Burning of the Earth: Regarding the New Heaven & Earth, literal physical burning? [2 Peter 3:10-13]

Flat Earth: Can you talk about the Flat earth theory? What about when the Sun stood for awhile? [Joshua 10:13]

Flat Earth: Followup about Christians who believe in the flat earth, & the earth is the center of the universe & KJV only believers.

Age of the Earth & Dinosaurs: How can we harmonize the view of the young earth position & the fact that dinosaurs lived?

Age of the Earth: What is the Age of the Earth? Is it young Earth (6,000 yrs old) or an old earth (millions years old)?

Blood Moons, Flat Earth, Earth Center of Universe: Is the earth the center of the Universe?

Lord's Prayer - ON earth vs IN earth: Caller thinks in the Lord's Prayer, the IN earth is way more important than the way they've been changing it to "on" earth.

New Heaven & New Earth: When Peter talks about a New Heaven & a New Earth in [2 Peter 3:13], is that literal in this case? "according to His promise we look for this", something in Isaiah?

World is in Turmoil: We are at the end because the world because there's so much chaos, the world is dying.

Creating a New Earth & Corrupted after the Tribulation: If Christ comes back, & it's all messed up, what's the point in coming here? & if He revises it, why a New Earth? (questions are a little convoluted)

Earth/Land Confusion: Not sure what he's asking. [Genesis 32:30]

Age of the Universe in Relation to Light: Did God create the Universe & the Earth in its full maturity?

Age of the Earth, Prehistoric Age: The Age of the Stars & other things don't seem to match up w/ the Creation Account, so how do we deal w/ that? [Genesis 1 & 2, Romans 1:19-20]

Earth Never Passing Away & No Hell: A co-worker who was talking to a Jehovah's Witness says the earth will never pass away & that they don't believe in Hell.

Day, Earth & Land: Why is "Day" capitalized in Luke? Is there a reason they chose the word "earth" instead of "land"? [Luke 21:34-36]

People after the Flood: Was Noah & his family the only people that made it after the Flood? If it IS the case, why so many primitive people?
Mosquitos & Plagues: Did God create things like Mosquitos, Flies & plagues/diseases?
6,000 years being enough time: It just doesn't seem like 6,000 years is enough time for everything to have happened that happened, millions & millions of people being killed & so on?

Jewish & Gentile Reckoning of the Age of the Earth: Why the gap or difference of 200 years of the age of the earth between what the Jews think the age is & what most other people think?

Sun going dark & moon turning to blood: In Revelation, what is your opinion of the Sun going dark & the sun turning to blood? [Revelation 6:9, Isaiah 13:9. Ezekiel 32:7]
Meteorology: So it has nothing to do w/ real Meteorology then?
Earth being Fired w/ a fervent heat: So is the earth literally going to be burned up or just restored? [2 peter 3:10]

Kingdom of God: What are some verses that the Kingdom of God is about Heaven as opposed to the Earth? [Daniel 2:44-45, 2 Peter 1:11]
Hell - Annihilationism: Caller leans towards annihilationism.

In My Father's House are Many Mansions: Where is God's House, Heaven, like many people think, or Earth? [John 14:1-4]

Casting Satan to Earth: Why did God cast Satan to planet Earth right where human beings were going to be?

Old Earth New Earth: Do you think it's possible that Moses just wrote Genesis 1 as a teaching device or that it's poetry, that it's not really to be taken literal, such as literal days:

Age of the Earth: What do you think the Age of the Earth is?

Age of the Earth, Dinosaurs & Man: If the earth is only 6,000 years old, & we supposedly lived alongside the Dinosaurs, how come they didn't devour us? When were they killed off, during the Flood?

Earth to Land: I've heard you say that the word "Earth" should be sometimes translated to "Land". Why?
Noah's Flood: What evidence supports your view that Noah's Flood was global?

Satan giving Jesus all the Kingdoms: How did Satan even have the power or ability to give Jesus all the Kingdoms during His temptation? How did he get them?

"Everlasting Covenant" in Isaiah: In this passage in Isaiah, God refers to the "Everlasting Covenant." It doesn't appear to be either the Old or the New, as it appears to be worldwide, so to what is this referring? Could it be at the end of the world? Is the city referred to, Babylon? [Isaiah 24:1-6, Luke 1].
Satan a Fallen Angel: Caller comments on his belief that Satan was Lucifer, who was originally an angel. [Job 1, Revelation 12]

Young Earth & Light before Sun: I have a theory about the Young Earth & light being before the Sun, & that is that God was so fast, has the speed of light, it's very possible that light could be available even before the sun, thus it still being a young earth. [Genesis 1:2]

Genealogy in Matthew 1: How come the genealogy of 42 generations, 14, 14, & 14 in Matthew is a different number of generations than is found in the Old Testament genealogy? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]
Genealogies & Age of the Earth: Do the Genealogies in Genesis help us determine the age of the earth?

Uniformitarianism: Uniformitarianists or Evolutionaists think that the passage in Scripture in 2 Peter denies creationism or the World wide Flood. What does Steve say? [vo2 peter 3:3-7]
Westboro Baptist Church: What does Steve think about the radical Westboro Baptist Church?

A day is as a 1000 Years: So is it possible that the earth or the history of Human race has only been in existence in light of 6,000 years in light of this verse in 2 Peter? [2 Peter 3:8-9]

Christians believing in UFOs: Atheist: Do Christians believe in UFOs?
Christianity beyond Earth: Atheist; Would Christianity still be necessary if a colony were started on another planet?

Young or Old Earth: Is the age of the earth young or old?

Noah & the Flood: Was Noah's Flood a world-wide flood or a localized one?
Young or Old Earth?: Does Steve believe in an Old Earth or a New Earth?

Dinosaurs: Where do you see dinosaurs in history? [Job 41:25-27]
The Serpent Satan: Do you think that the serpent was actually a snake that was Satan, but just had that spirit? Could a snake really speak? [Genesis 3:1]

Creation: Gap Theory: What do you think about the "Gap Theory"? [Genesis 1, Exodus 20:11].
Pre-Adamic Race: Regarding the Gap Theory, doesn't it mean that sin was in the world before Adam?
Older Earth & Evolution: Doesn't it seem like the earth is older than 6,000 years and evolution was used?

Man's Dominion on Earth: Is it true that God doesn't want us to go to other planets because we have been given dominion on earth? [Psalm 115:16].
Faked Moon Landing: Do you think that the moon landing was faked?

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