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Topic: Begotten

Showing 1 to 12 of 12.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-06-16 Jesus Not God: Could you help me counter the argument that Jesus is not God? Recommended Topical lecture; "Knowing God".
Jesus as the Begotten: Would not Jesus' birth be God "begetting" Him? [Philippians 2:6, Luke 1:35].
2021-01-06 The Pre-incarnate Christ: Could you comment on the pre-incarnate Son? [I Corinthians 13:12, John 3:16, Philippians 2, I John 1:,1, Isaiah 9:6, Acts 13:33, Psalm 2:7, Luke 1:34-35].
2020-05-22 Homeless Who Don't Want Help: Caller comments that he too has found that often homeless folks do not want to go to facilities, etc., in agreement with Steve's previous comments.
Begotten Son of God: Would you comment on the word used for "begotten" used for Jesus [Revelation 1, Colossians 1:18].
Jesus- The Eternal Son: Have you read the book by Gregory the Great on his view of Jesus as the Eternal Son?
2020-05-22 Homeless Who Don't Want Help: Caller comments that he too has found that often homeless folks do not want to go to facilities, etc., in agreement with Steve's previous comments.
Begotten Son of God: Would you comment on the word used for "begotten" used for Jesus [Revelation 1, Colossians 1:18].
Jesus- The Eternal Son: Have you read the book by Gregory the Great on his view of Jesus as the Eternal Son?
2020-02-07 Only Begotten Son & Name of Jesus: Would you explain what is meant by believing on "the name of Jesus" and the "only begotten son"? [John 1:12, 3:16-18, Acts 16:31, Ex 34:5f].
2019-08-14 Only Begotten: Would you talk about the word "begotten"? [John 3:16, Colossians 1:18].
2018-10-17 Trinity: Trinity, disagrees about the "One", wasn't Jesus begotten prior to the Incarnation?
2018-09-24 The 7 Spirits: The 7 spirits of God in Revelation paralleled to Isaiah 11:1-3. [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:5, Revelation 5:6, Isaiah 11:1-3]
Only Begotten: What does the "only begotten" of the Father mean? [John 3:16]
2018-04-26 Wife's affection for husband in the OT: It says a wife should have affection for her husband in the Old Testament. Where is that in the Bible? [Ezekiel 16 & 23]
"Only-Begotten" How come "only-begotten" is only in the KJV of the Bible & not any of the modern translations?
2017-06-02 First Begotten into the World: "First begotten into the world", angels worshipping Him, is it talking about the first coming or second coming or just Jesus being superior to angels? [Hebrews 1:6, Hebrews 1:9]
Anointing with Gladness: Anointing Thee with gladness, what does this mean? [Hebrews 1:9]
Even Thy God, What does that mean? God calling Jesus God?
2014-08-08 Begotten: The word "begotten", does that mean Jesus being begotten from the God the Father like it seems to say in some places of the Bible or is it when He was resurrected? [John 3:16]
Shane Willard: Do you know anything about a Shane Willard? He uses Rabbinical Orthodox Judaism to flush out the New Testament.
2013-06-25 Begotten: What does "Begotten" and "begotten, but not made" mean?
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