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Topic: Gehenna

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-08 Universal Reconciliation, Gehenna & Hell: Concerning the "Universal Reconciliation" view of hell, how can other scriptures trump what Jesus said about the eternal fire in Mark 9? Rec: Steve Gregg's book "Why Hell?." [Mark 9:44-48, James 3:6, Jeremiah 19:12, Isaiah 66:24].
2023-07-25 Sins Brought Up at the Judgment: Will our sins be brought up again at the judgment, even if we have repented? Would we be in danger of the "Lake of Fire?"[Psalm 103:12, Matthew 6:15, Matthew 18:34].
144,000 (Twelve Tribes): Are the 144,000 of the twelve tribes, or only of the two Jewish ones?
2023-05-18 The Ambiguity of an Eternal Hell: Should we be leaving the concept of whether hell is eternal ambiguous? [Matthew 23:15, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21].
2022-12-23 Eternal Punishment in Hell: Caller shares thoughts from a book called "Truth about Hell" and wonders if Steve knows about the various view of hell. Recommended, Steve's book; "Three Views of Hell."
2022-05-31 Hell-Eternal Torment: Does not Isaiah indicate that hell will be eternal torment? [Isaiah 66:22-24, Revelation 21:1, Mark 9:43-48].
2022-03-30 Hell-Valley of Hinnom & Moloch: Could you respond to an objection about defining the Valley of Hinom and "passing through the fires" referring to Moloch? [Jeremiah 19:2, Jeremiah 2:6, Jeremiah 7:31].
2021-12-14 Hades, Hell, Lake of Fire & the Grave: What is Jesus saying when He says, "It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell", if it really is just the grave? [Matthew 5:30, Matthew 5:22, Revelation 20:14].
2021-12-06 Afterlife & Hell Not Found in Old Testament: Is it correct that the afterlife and hell is not really mentioned in the Old Testament?
Hell in the New Testament, Why Not Old Testament: Why wouldn't the Old Testament talk more about hell when it is so important in the New Testament? [2 Peters 2:4, Isaiah 14:9-20].
2021-11-15 Hell, Hades & the Lake of Fire: Can you help me understand Hades (or hell) better, if hell is thrown into the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 20:14-15, 2 Peter 2:4, Revelation 6:7-8].
2021-03-25 Copies of Matthew: Caller shares how many copies of Matthews are available.
Considering Hell: Caller comments on Hell, and some of his disagreements with Steve on the topic, about parables, everlasting, etc. [Mark 4, Matthew 14, Isaiah 66:24, Luke 10:31, Luke 16:19-31].
2021-03-18 Does Hell Exist?: Is hell an actual place, or a state of mind, and how would you help someone that doesn't believe in hell, change their mind? [Matthew 13:42, 2 Peter 2:4-5, Revelation 20:15, James 3:6, Matthew 16:24, Ephesians 4, Luke 16:22, I Peter 3:20-21].
2021-02-17 Various Views of Hell: How does one deal with the verse about "the worm does not die" in regard to the various views of hell? [Mark 9:48, Isaiah 66:24].
Hell & the Devil: Does accepting one of the alternate views of hell get the devil off the hook? [Revelation 20:10].
2021-01-05 The Tongue on Fire by Gehenna: How is the tongue set on fire by Gehenna? [James 3:6, Matthew 5:22].
Book Recommendations: Caller recommeds Steve's books on "The Kingdom of Go"; Bk 1, "There is Another King" & Bk 2 "All the Kings Men" and "Live Not by Lies", Rod Dreher. [Acts 17:36, Matthew 24:14].
2020-12-10 Valley of Hinnom, Gehenna & Hell: If Valley of Hinnom and Gehenna mean hell, then what Jesus meant when he used the term Gehenna in Matthew 10:28? [Matthew 10:27-28, Jeremiah 19:2, Jeremiah 31:40, Isaiah 10:18].
2020-11-20 Bible That Doesn't Translate all the Greek Words for Hell: Is there a Bible translation that actually uses the proper Greek words, like Tartarus and Gehenna, instead of "hell" for all them?
Image of Fire & Torture in Hell: Whenever we hear the word hell, we all envision torture in a fire, why is that? [Revelation 20:15, Revelation 10, Matthew 25:41]
God Didn't Translate His Word Very Well: Is there a case to be made that God didn't do a very good job of translating His word and getting His message across to us? [Psalm 92:15].
2020-09-29 Is Hell Eternal Torment?: Do you think that Hell is eternal torment? [Matthew 5:22].
2020-07-30 Heaven & Hell in the Bible: Could you help me sort out all the various references and meanings of the biblical use of the words "heaven" and "hell"? [2 Corinthians 12:2, Revelation 4, 2 Peter 2:4, James 3:6, Isaiah 30:33].
2020-03-25 Why No Hell in the Old Testament: Do you think the reason that "hell" is not mentioned more in the Old Testament is because God wanted His people to chose Him for Himself? [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 66;24].
2019-06-20 Hell, Hades, Gehenna, Tartarus, Sheol & The Lake of Fire: What is the difference between all the words used for hell? [Tartarus, Hades, Sheol, Gehenna, etc.) [2 Peter 2, Revelation 20:10].
2016-10-21 Gehenna, Hell, Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth: Can Steve explain what's being said these verses about hell? [Matthew 10:28, 22:13]
2016-09-21 Baptism: A friend of the caller has become a Christian after having been baptized as an infant, but doesn't believe baptism is necessary for salvation.
Glorifying God: You didn't become a Christian to save yourself but to glorify God.
Streets preachers: Aren't Street Preachers shouting to repent or receive hell fire hurting their own cause in sharing the gospel?
2016-05-12 Gehenna: What did Jesus mean by Gehenna if it doesn't mean hell?
2013-05-07 Paradise, Hades, Hell, Sheol: Could you comment on the use of the word "paradise" as some commentators said, "sheol" another said "hell" ... and if "sheol" is where all people go?
2013-04-17 "Salt" & Avoiding "Gehenna" (Hell): Could you comment on the last verses in Mark about "salt" and avoiding "Gehenna"? [Mark 9:49-50, Matthew 5:13, Leviticus 2:13, I Peter 1:7, Job 23:10].
2013-03-21 Hell-Eternal Torment: Did I hear you correctly when you said that hell is not necessarily forever? [Romans 6:23, Matthew 10:28, 2Thessalonians 1:9, Ephesians 1:9-10, Colossians 1:19-20, Philippians 2:9-10].
Universal Reconcilation: Can people repent after they die?
2013-03-07 Leviticus: Salt of the Covenant What is the "salt of the covenant" in Leviticus? [Mark 9:49-50, Leviticus 2:13].
2013-02-25 Universal Reconcilation View of Hell: Are you open to the Universalist (Universal Reconciliation) idea of hell-that people may still be able to be saved after death? [Matthew 25, Luke 16, Revelation 14:11, Isaiah 66:24, Mark 9:48, Revelation 19:3].
2013-02-25 Hell: What difference does it make how God uses hell and which view of hell is correct?
The Incentive of "Eternal Torment": Are we losing the incentive of "eternal torment" if we consider the possible other views of hell? [Proverbs 28:5]. Steve's book; "Hell-Three Views"
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