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Topic: Birth Control (Contraception, Vasectomy)

Showing 1 to 21 of 21.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-07-19 Loss of a Disabled Child & God's Character: How can we be assured of the salvation of a child with disabilities, who has died, and was not baptized as an adult? [Mark 10:14-16, Romans 1:18, John 3:19, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:23].
Vasectomy (Birth Control): Is there anything in scripture about the morality of a vasectomy, as I am troubled by having had one?
2023-07-17 In Vitro Fertilization What is your take on in vitro fertilization?
2023-07-06 Pornography & Masturbation: Is it wrong to look at pornography and masturbate? [Genesis 38:9, Matthew 5:28, 1 Thessalonians 4:4].
2022-09-13 Food Provision During the Exodus: Where would those wandering in the wilderness get the wine and flour during the Exodus? [Numbers 28].
Onan's Punishment: Regarding the story of Onan and his practising (spilling of his seed), does not Deuteronomy 25 talk about his penalty? [Deuteronomy 25:5-10].
2022-07-04 Contraception (Birth Control): If I don't think we need to practice contraception, but my wife is not on board. How do I handle that? Recommended topical lecture; "A Vision for Children."
2022-07-01 Contraception (Birth Control): Are you against contraception? [Psalms 127:4].
"Morning-After" Pill: Are you supportive of the "morning-after" pill?
2022-07-01 Contraception (Birth Control): Are you against contraception? [Psalms 127:4].
"Morning-After" Pill: Are you supportive of the "morning-after" pill?
2022-03-07 Masterbation, Withdrawal, Onan & Judah?: What is the verse about it is better to ejaculate in the belly of a whore than on to the ground? {Genesis 38:9].
2022-01-18 Birth Control for the Christian: How should a believer look at birth control?
2021-01-11 Birth Control for the Chrisitian: Could you talk about your view of birth control being less than desirable for the Christian? [Psalm 127:4, Romans 12:2].
2020-07-23 Abortion and the Beginning of Life: When do you think life begins? What do you think about abortion? [Leviticus 17:11].
2019-10-22 Vasectomy: As a new believer should I reverse a vasectomy as part of my repentance?
Book-Jesus is Calling: Do you think the book, "Jesus is Calling", is a good book to read as I start my Christian walk?
2019-07-31 Birth Control: What does the Bible says about birth control? [Malachi 2:15, Genesis 1:28, Psalm 127:3-5].
2018-02-26 Family Planning: Is it appropriate for believers who are married to put off having children?
2018-02-14 Pregnancy: Is it acceptable to ask God to become pregnant when your age is beyond child bearing years?
2017-12-19 Celebrating Halloween & other Pagan Holidays: What about Christians taking pagan holidays & turning them toward Christ, holidays such as Halloween & Christmas?
Good Teachers: Did you say we don't need Teachers?
Birth Control: A discussion about Birth Control ensues.
2015-11-02 Birth Control: Is there anywhere in the Bible that says we can't use birth control?
2013-12-18 Birth Control: Is it okay to use birth control?
2013-06-21 Catholic Church Speaks Out Against Immorality: How come Protestant Christians aren't more involved in speaking against abortion and injustice, like the Catholic church is?
Protestants & Social Issues: Is it just because Protestants just don't want to get involved in social issues?
Birth Control: What is your postion on Birth Control?
2013-06-05 Henry VIII First Divorce: Was Henry the VIII the first Christian to get a divorce & be remarried?
Birth Control: When was birth control first allowed in the church? Why do about 90% of Christians get divorces and use birth control?
Catholic Church Crimes & the Pope as Antichrist: Catholic caller disagrees with the way information was presented about Catholic history and the early church. [2 Thessalonians 2].
2013-01-03 Birth Control: Is it okay to use birth control to limit the amount of children in a family, especially if the father is not emotionally supportive in raising them?
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