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Topic: Flat Earth

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-20 Believing Genesis' Flat Earth: Why don't you believe Genesis instead of NASA (referring to flat earth)? [Luke 16:19-31, Numbers 12:7-8, Luke 17:34-37].
2024-02-21 Flat Earth: Caller shares that the Hebrew word for "earth" refers to "round" or "sphere" and recommends "The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution" by A.E. Wilder-Smith, particularly for flat earthers. [Isaiah 40:22].
2024-02-02 Debate with Atheist: Are you going to debate with an atheist soon?
Science, Creation & Age of Earth: If you are convinced of the science that says the earth is a globe (rather than flat), then why don't you accept the science that says that the earth is old? Why do you reject the Gnostic gospels based on the first line lying about the authorship, if the first lines in Genesis are a lie, but you accept it?
Globalist vs Nationalistic Views: Why do Christians seem to support more of a nationalist view rather than globalist?
2024-01-18 Flat Earth Proponent: Flat Earther; “How can we justify what science tells us when both scripture and our own perceptions tell us the earth is a flat, fixed plane?” [Matthew 24:41]
2023-12-15 Earth's Shape (Flat Earth): Could you connect James 1:17 ("shadow of turning") to the question of the shape of the earth? [James 1:17, Isaiah 40:33, 1 John 1:5].
2023-12-14 Round Earth: Is there anything in the Bible that would describe the shape of the earth? [Job 26:7, Luke 17:35, Matthew 24:41].
2023-10-06 Flat Earth (Defense): Can I share three points as to why knowing that the earth is flat is important to my faith?
2023-10-06 Flat Earth (Conspiracy): Regarding "flat earth," isn't reasonable to present extra-biblical material to argue against extra-biblical claims? Caller comments against "flat earth."
2023-08-16 Flat Earth & Creation: Caller comments on why Genesis didn't say the second day of creation was good, as it does about all the other days.
2023-08-09 Flat Earth & the "Little Season" (Satan Loosed): What do you think about someone who claims that we are already in the "little season" (Satan loosed) and that everything has already happened that precedes that? [Revelation 20:9, Acts 1:7, Matthew 24:36].
2023-03-23 1000-Year Reign: Has the 1000-year reign already happened?
2023-01-09 Flat Earther: "Flat Earther" shares his view and why he believes it.
2023-01-09 Flat Earthers: Steve is corrected about saying that "Flat Earthers" think that one can't fly over the North Pole.
Flat Earther: It wouldn't make sense that Jesus was taken up on a high mountain to see the cities of the whole world because that couldn't happen if the earth was a globe. [Matthew 4:8}.
2023-01-09 Flat Earthers: Steve is corrected about saying that "Flat Earthers" think that one can't fly over the North Pole.
Flat Earther: It wouldn't make sense that Jesus was taken up on a high mountain to see the cities of the whole world because that couldn't happen if the earth was a globe. [Matthew 4:8}.
2019-04-11 Flat Earth: What does the Bible say about the shape and design of the earth? Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat and has a solid dome?
2019-03-04 Flat Earth: Does the Bible teach a flat, or disc-shaped earth [Genesis 1]?
2018-11-19 Flat Earth: Flat earth comment.
Clemency for the Jews: Do jews have some type of clemency?
2018-11-16 Flat Earth: Caller can't believe people actually believe in a flat earth!
2018-11-15 Flat Earth: Caller thinks there's evidence of a flat earth, what does think about that?
2018-11-15 Flat Earth: Caller believes the earth is stationary, & doesn't describe a round earth.
2018-01-02 Flat Earth: What does the bible say about the shape of the earth?
2017-09-07 Flat Earth: What do you think about the "Flat Earth" theory? What does the Bible say about it?
2017-07-31 Flat Earth Conspiracy: Flat earth conspiracy inquiry [Isaiah 40:22]
2017-06-02 The Jesus Notes, Sarah Young Book: The book, "The Jesus Notes" (followup).
The Flat Earth: Discussion about the Flat Earth, & if the earth was flat, how would radio & television reception happen?
2017-05-11 Flat Earth: Wants to talk more about the Flat earth, he being a Flat Earth advocate.
2017-05-09 The Flat Earth: Caller thinks there's overwhelming evidence that the earth is flat!
2017-03-29 Flat Earth: Flat Earthers.
Eastern Orthodoxy & Rituals: Caller talks about the Eastern Orthodox Church & so much Ritualism.
2017-03-24 Bible Writers being in a Trance & an Flat Earth: Were the Bible authors (paul) in a trance-like state? flat earth inquiry
2017-03-23 Flat Earth: Four corners of the earth, people think Christians are funny for believing the Bible which supposedly teaches a flat earth. [Isaiah 11:12]
Trinity: Talking to Mormons about the Trinity.
2016-08-19 Flat Earth: What is your opinion about the Flat Earth?
2016-07-22 Light before the Sun during Creation: What was the light before the Sun was made, & what about the vegetation on the 3rd day? and the earth is flat, caller believes.
2016-07-13 Flat Earth Advocate: Caller wanted to call to balance comment about a Flat Earth, advocating a Flat Earth, saying that Steve needs to listen to Eric Dubay & all his proofs.
2016-07-05 Flat Earth Christian Believers: Even Christians believing the Earth is Flat. [Amos 9:6]
2016-01-15 Flat Earth: Can you talk about the Flat earth theory? What about when the Sun stood for awhile? [Joshua 10:13]
2015-12-23 Flat Earth: Is the Earth flat? Can the roundness of the earth be demonstrated by the Bible?
2015-12-23 Flat Earth: Followup about Christians who believe in the flat earth, & the earth is the center of the universe & KJV only believers.
2015-09-28 Blood Moons, Flat Earth, Earth Center of Universe: Is the earth the center of the Universe?
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