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Topic: Bible Reliability

Showing 1 to 50 of 275.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-24 Not Adding to Scripture: Why were there more books added to the Bible after the Deuteronomy says not to? [Deuteronmy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6, Revelation 22:18-19].
2024-06-06 Authorship of Genesis: Who wrote Genesis? How would Moses know how God created everything, etc.?
2024-06-05 Scripture's Reliabilty: How do we know that the Bible (Scriptures) are reliable? Rec: Topical lecture series "Authority of Scripture."
2024-04-18 The Manuscripts (of the Bible): Could you help me better understand the various manuscripts for the Bible?
2024-04-16 Inspiration of Scripture: How has your understanding of "inspiration of scripture" grown? [2 Timothy 3:16-17].
Apostles Paraphrasing: Is it possible that the apostles paraphrased what was said?
2024-04-16 Inspiration of Scripture: How has your understanding of "inspiration of scripture" grown? [2 Timothy 3:16-17].
Apostles Paraphrasing: Is it possible that the apostles paraphrased what was said?
2024-02-27 Questioning Authorship of BIble Books: If it were proven that an author of one of the books of the Bible was not accurate and not an apostle, how would it affect your faith?
2024-01-05 Atheist's Skepticism about the Veracity of the Bible & Miracles: Atheist: Regarding the flood, research says that the heat produced by mountains moving would cause so much heat that everything would melt. He reports that the evidence about the miracles in the Bible moved him away Christian faith.
Atheist-Creation Story Untrue: If Genesis's story about the creation isn't true then would not the whole need for a Messiah be unnecessary?
2024-01-02 Differing Directions to the Disciples about Taking Provisions" What do you make of the differences in the instructions given the disciples where they have been told to take provisions and also told not to take provisions in Mark and Matthew? [Matthew 10:9, Luke 22:36, Luke 6:26, Mark 6:8, Matthew 6:33].
Differences in Gospel Accounts: How do we rule out collusion in the accounts of the gospels?
2023-12-26 Bible Inerrancy: As someone who was once into the inerrancy of the Bible, I am seeing more that I question in it now. Could Noah's Ark story be a fable?
2023-12-14 Best Accurate Translation: What is the best and most accurate translation of the Bible? (NASB-New American Standard Bibe, NKJ-New King James, ESV-English Standard, CSV-Christian Standard, Interlinears).
Pre, Mid, or Post Tribulation Rapture: What is your position on pre, mid, or post tribulation rapture and why? [1 Corinthians 15:51f, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Psalm 2:8, John 6:39].
2023-11-27 The Cepher Bible & the Book of Enoch: Have you heard of the Cepher Bible? What do you know about the Book of Enoch?
2023-11-02 Why Trust the Bible?: How should we defend the question "Why the Bible, instead of other religions holy books?" Isn't circular reasoning to use 2 Timothy 3? [2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 John 4:1-4, Deuteronomy 18:22, Deuteronomy 13:1-5, John 13:20, 2 Corinthians 12:12].
2023-10-24 BIble-Truth or Fiction: Is the Bible true or fiction? Where would it be in the library? Is it mostly spiritual?
2023-09-25 Do Not Add to Scripture: How do you reconcile the "do not add" phrases in both Deuteronomy and Revelation? [Deuteronomy 4:2, Revelation 22:18, Proverbs 30:5-6].
2023-08-25 Atheist Caller: Why Jesus? Why Christianity?: An atheist caller asks: Why Jesus? Why Christianity? What is the methodology that you use to support or verify your faith as true?
Witnesses to Christ & His Life: Why do you think the New Testament writers and His disciples are reliable witnesses?
2023-06-20 Buddhism vs Christianity Buddhist caller discusses basic differences between the two faiths (Buddhist & Christianity) in the way truth is established (epistemology). Rec: Video; [Hebrews 11:6].
2022-11-17 "The Five Solas": What do you think of "The Five "Solas"?
2022-10-05 Choosing the Books in the Bible: How were the books chosen for the Bible and what standards were used? [John 13:20].
Bible Books Selection-Accurate?: How do we know with certainy that the books we have in the Bible are the correct ones? [2 Corinthians 12:12]. Recommended topical lecture; "Authority of Scripture."
2022-08-08 Manela Effect: Could you talk about the "Mandela Effect?" [Isaiah 11:6-9, Isaiah 21:1-4, Isaiah 65:25].
2022-07-20 All Religions-Same God & "Judge Not": How would you respond to someone that claims all religions refer to the same power and the Bible is simply written by men, therefore we are not to judge others? [Matthew 7:1-2, I Corinthians 2:15,John 7:24, I Corinthians 5:3, I Corinthians 10:15, I Corinthians 14:29].
2022-07-14 Bible Books: How did we get to what we accept as authentic Bible books, in contrast to the books that the early church accepted?
Book of Wisdom: Is "the Book of Wisdom" actually the same as Solomon? Ref: The Book of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus.
2022-07-04 Laying a Fleece: Caller shares her story of "laying a fleece."
Hyperbole in Scripture: How does one know when something is hyperbole in scripture? [Genesis 22:17].
2022-05-20 Atheist: God Has More than One Son: Atheist caller; How is it that God has more than one son? [John 3:16, Genesis 6:2, John 1:12, I John 3:2].
Atheist; Nephilm: Atheist: Who were the "Nephilim"? [Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33].
Atheist: Ancient Languages Atheist; Should we not be learning ancient Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic?
2022-05-10 Psalms Direct Obedience: Are these verses about wanting to live a holy and hiding the word in one's heart, prescriptive, or only descriptive? [Psalm 119:9-11].
Memorizing Scripture: Should we not be memorizing scripture to help us ovecome disobedience and sin? [John 8:31, Psalm 119:9-11].
2022-05-09 NIV (New International Version) Translation: What do you think of the NIV (New International Version) translation of the Bible?
Eternal Security: Do you think that we can walk away from the Lord if we choose to do so?
2022-04-14 Atheist Caller-Grounds for Rejection of the Bible: Atheist responds to the claim that atheists hold the Bible to a higher standard than other historical records.
Atheist-The Bible as Myth: Athesist Caller; Why not call the Bible stories as myths?
Atheist-Different Conclusions about God: Atheist; Do you think that two intelligent people can look at the same evidence and conclude differently.
2022-04-06 Records of Converstations in the Bible: How did they record the specific words of Jesus in scripture, like in the conversation of the woman at the well, and Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane?
Souls That Preceded the Coming of Jesus: What happened to the souls that preceded the coming of Jesus? [Genesis 15:6, Psalms 32:2, Hebrews 11].
2022-04-06 One or Two Demon Possessed Men?: Can you explain why the other gospels don't say that there were two demon possessed men, but only mention one. [Matthew 8:28-34 ].
Unconditional Love: Can you explain "unconditional love" and what that specifically means? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:13-14, Luke 19:44, Matthew 23:37].
2022-04-06 Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is True?: Why should we believe that the Bible is true? [Isaiah 41:21-23].
Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is God's Word: Atheist: Why should we believe that the Bible is the Word of God?
Atheist: Why "love" the Bible?: Atheist: Why should we love the Bible?
2022-04-06 Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is True?: Why should we believe that the Bible is true? [Isaiah 41:21-23].
Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is God's Word: Atheist: Why should we believe that the Bible is the Word of God?
Atheist: Why "love" the Bible?: Atheist: Why should we love the Bible?
2022-04-04 Atheist Caller-How Can You Act Like This is Not Big Deal?: Atheist caller: How can you just let these discussions take place, acting like it is a small matter?
Atheist Caller: Go to a Museum instead of the Bible: Atheist; Should people not go to museums instead of look to the Bible for their view of God?
Atheist Caller: Hell: Atheist: Don't you just give people no choice when you tell them they are going to hell? Isn't it all just a silly story?
2022-04-04 Atheist Caller-How Can You Act Like This is Not Big Deal?: Atheist caller: How can you just let these discussions take place, acting like it is a small matter?
Atheist Caller: Go to a Museum instead of the Bible: Atheist; Should people not go to museums instead of look to the Bible for their view of God?
Atheist Caller: Hell: Atheist: Don't you just give people no choice when you tell them they are going to hell? Isn't it all just a silly story?
2022-03-30 Translation Variation: Why would part of the verse, specifically, "Dumb" be omitted in some translations? [Exodus 4:11].
Original Manuscripts of the Bible: Where do we get "the orginals" of the Bible texts from which translations are made?
2022-03-22 Atheist Questions Theological Investigation: From atheist caller: What tools of investigation do you have in theology and what has been the advancements?
Atheist Challenge About Biblical Reliability: Atheist caller suggests that Steve is misleading his audience because of the limitation of sources outside of the Bible.
2022-03-22 Atheist Questions Theological Investigation: From atheist caller: What tools of investigation do you have in theology and what has been the advancements?
Atheist Challenge About Biblical Reliability: Atheist caller suggests that Steve is misleading his audience because of the limitation of sources outside of the Bible.
2022-03-11 Atheists Calling into the Show: Steve Gregg loves atheists or agnostics calling into the show, but when they call in, he'd love for them to have a specific point on why they don't believe there is a God rather than just generalizations.
2022-02-22 God's Invisible Attributes: What are the invisible attributes of God? [Romans 1:20].
Best Bible Translation: What is the best Bible translation? New American Standard and New King James are among those mentioned.
2022-02-10 Eastern Orthodoxy vs Protestantism and Church Fathers: Are Protestants inconsistent to say they only go by the Bible when church tradition is what gave them the canon of scripture?
Trusting the Church Fathers for the Books & the Doctrines: Is it inconsistent to accept the church father's view of authorship of the books, while rejecting the church father's theological interpretations and doctrines such as, transubstantiation, etc.?
2022-02-10 Eastern Orthodoxy vs Protestantism and Church Fathers: Are Protestants inconsistent to say they only go by the Bible when church tradition is what gave them the canon of scripture?
Trusting the Church Fathers for the Books & the Doctrines: Is it inconsistent to accept the church father's view of authorship of the books, while rejecting the church father's theological interpretations and doctrines such as, transubstantiation, etc.?
2022-01-12 Proof of God from an Atheist View: Atheist Caller in dialogue about the proof of God.
Atheist Doubting the Gospel Books: Atheist presents the collection of the canon (books for the Bible) being questionable. [Mark 16:8].
2022-01-12 Proof of God from an Atheist View: Atheist Caller in dialogue about the proof of God.
Atheist Doubting the Gospel Books: Atheist presents the collection of the canon (books for the Bible) being questionable. [Mark 16:8].
2022-01-12 Shorter Version of the Book of Mark: Didn't Jesus predict His resurrection earlier in the book of Mark, regardless of the missing later chapters in some manuscripts?
Bible Manuscripts: Isn't it possible for writers of Bible manuscripts to make spelling errors, etc.
Infallibility of the Bible & the Quran: Isn't some of the arguments for the Quran (Koran) by Islam, very similar to the arguments for the Christian Bible's infallibility?
2022-01-12 Shorter Version of the Book of Mark: Didn't Jesus predict His resurrection earlier in the book of Mark, regardless of the missing later chapters in some manuscripts?
Bible Manuscripts: Isn't it possible for writers of Bible manuscripts to make spelling errors, etc.
Infallibility of the Bible & the Quran: Isn't some of the arguments for the Quran (Koran) by Islam, very similar to the arguments for the Christian Bible's infallibility?
2022-01-12 Shorter Version of the Book of Mark: Didn't Jesus predict His resurrection earlier in the book of Mark, regardless of the missing later chapters in some manuscripts?
Bible Manuscripts: Isn't it possible for writers of Bible manuscripts to make spelling errors, etc.
Infallibility of the Bible & the Quran: Isn't some of the arguments for the Quran (Koran) by Islam, very similar to the arguments for the Christian Bible's infallibility?
2022-01-10 Bible Reliability: How do we know the construction of the Bible is to be trusted and was not manipulated for social or political agendas?
2022-01-10 Infallibility of the Bible: If the words of scripture in the Bible are true, but not infallible, is the Bible not in danger of becoming untrue?
Preservation of His Word: Do you believe that God has preserved His Word? [I Corinthians 7:25, I Corinthians 7:40, Galatians 2:11].
2022-01-10 Infallibility of the Bible: If the words of scripture in the Bible are true, but not infallible, is the Bible not in danger of becoming untrue?
Preservation of His Word: Do you believe that God has preserved His Word? [I Corinthians 7:25, I Corinthians 7:40, Galatians 2:11].
2022-01-07 Satan Released: If the devil is released from the pit, could unbelief be what he has perpetrated? [Revelation].
Revelation Written by a Mad Man: Could the book of Revelation be the ravings of a mad man?
2021-12-28 Inspiration of Scripture: Can you clarify your position on the "inspiration of scripture"? [2 Timothy 3:16].
Automatic Writing from God: Do you think that the Old Testament was written with automatic writing from God?
Moses' Source of Information: Do you think that Moses got his information from God about Genesis, etc.?
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