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Topic: Astronomy

Showing 1 to 11 of 11.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-09-20 Atheist; Creation: Atheist caller: Is there not a contradiction in the chronology of the stars in the creation story in Genesis. [Genesis 1:16].
Atheist; God Deceives Us: Atheist; Why does God decieve us with His creation story and scripture has to be explained?
Atheist; Consistency in Naturalism & Science: Atheist; Does not naturalism and science prove more consistency and supports naturalism over the supernatural? [Luke 9:54].
2019-04-12 The Gospel in the Stars: Is there astrology in the Bible? What do the constellations mean in the Bible? Does the Bible attribute some special powers relative to the stars or constellations?
2019-04-10 Gospel in the Stars: Is there anything related to the subjects of the constellations and Zodiac at the website [topical lectures; Psalm 19]?
Jesus' Arrest: John MacArthur said that 600 people came to arrest Jesus, is there anything to substantiate that?
2018-01-12 Tabernacle for the Sun & the Zodiac: Tabernacle for the Son, the Zodiac & the connection to Christianity? Stars and their guidance in the Bible [Psalms 19]
2017-12-13 The 3 Wise men-Magi: How did the Magi even know to look for a star that was connected w/ the Messiah?
2016-06-13 Parellels Between the Sun & Light of God: light of the sun & the light of God, sun & mooning going dark, & God leaving Jerusalem, His light leaving them.
Tree of Life for Immortality: So if the only way to have immortality is to eat from the tree of life, doesn't that automatically do away with the notion of Eternal Torment in Hell?
2016-05-25 Young Earth Creationist Problems: How do people who believe in young earth creationism deal with the age of the stars, dinosaurs, carbon dating?
2015-04-02 Tetrad Blood Moons: All these Blood Moons that everyone is talking about, they aren't even visible in Israel this year, so why the hysteria!
2013-07-15 Christians believing in UFOs: Atheist: Do Christians believe in UFOs?
Christianity beyond Earth: Atheist; Would Christianity still be necessary if a colony were started on another planet?
2013-04-15 Stars & Constellations: Could you talk about the constellations (the stars) and that they tell the story of redemption? [Genesis 1:14, Genesis 15:5, Romans 10:18, Psalm 19:4, Job 38:31-32].
2013-01-22 Apocalyptic Language: Can you explain the apocalyptic language of the sun & moon going dark & so on?
Satan Falling like Lightning: What was meant when Jesus said "I saw Satan falling like lightning from Heaven?" [Luke 10:18]
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