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Topic: Ghosts (Apparitions)

Showing 1 to 28 of 28.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-03 Lingering Souls After Death: Does someone's soul linger for several days after death? If so, how long? [2 Corinthians 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:23].
2024-02-22 Paranormal Activity: What do you think about these strange and possibly paranormal activities?
2024-02-22 Demons, Ghosts & Spirits: How could a spirit have power or control in the physical world?
2023-09-27 Visions of Mary & Mary in Church History: How important was Mary in the history of the church? What about the visions of Mary? [Acts 1].
2023-09-26 Seeing Visions & Appartitions: Do you think that people really see apparitions of saints and visions? [2 Corinthians 11:14, Luke 16:29-31].
2023-08-31 Samuel Appears from the Dead: Was it really Samuel who was called up from the dead and appeared in the witches' seance? [1 Samuel 28:1-20].
Saul & Sons in Heaven: Does this verse in Samuel say that Saul and his sons will be in heaven with Samuel? [1 Samuel 28:19].
2023-06-01 Atheist Caller "The Dead Intervening": Atheist caller shares his experience and asks, do you think the dead can intervene or interact with us in anyway? [Matthew 17:2, 1 Samuel 28:15].
2023-01-12 Apparitions & Visions of Mary: Has anything good come from apparitions and visions of Mary? [2 Thessalonians 2:9]
2022-12-15 Describing Demons & Monsters: How would you describe demons to a child? How do we recognize them? Recommended topical lecture; "Spiritual Warfare"-lecture; "Demom Possession." [1 Timothy 4:1, John 8:44].
2022-12-12 Visions of Mary: What do you think about all the reported apparitions of Mary all over the world?
2022-05-23 Alien Abduction & Demons: Having suffering lifelong demoni oppression, would you give me your opinion about alien abductions and demonic oppression?
2022-03-28 Intermediate State of Believers: What is the current state of those believers who have passed away? [2 Corinthians 5:8, I Thessalonians 4].
Transported to Heaven: Do you think that the transport to heaven is instantaeous or do they travel there? Could ghosts be the unbelievers that don't go instanteously?
The Television Show "The Chosen": What do you think of the show "The Chosen"?
2022-01-31 Immediately After Death: Do you go right to heaven when you die? What about those that go to hell? [John 5:28-29].
Spirits Remaining After Death: Is it possible that one's spirit could remain in a house after they die?
2021-12-10 Possible Angel Sighting: Would you respond to my experience with a floating spirit many years ago, whom I did not fear? Could it have been an angel? [2 Corinthians 11:14].
2021-08-12 Visions or Appartitions: Is there anything in the Protestant world that would parallel the Catholic world in the appearances and visions of Mary (Fatima, etc.)
Abandoning Mary's Catholic Sacred Position: At what point was the idea that Mary was so honored disappear from Protestantism?
2021-07-29 Can Those in Heaven See Us?: Can the departed see us? [Hebrews 12:1].
Ghosts: Are ghosts real? Or are they demons just masquerade as such?
Communication with the Dead: Can anyone communicate with the dead?
2019-11-11 Dark Figure Appears: My wife sees a dark figure periodically, which precedes a death,and she calls it a "death angel" - what do you think of this?
2019-08-14 Spirits: I saw an image that appeared translucent just like what you talked about last week.
2019-01-24 Marriage Supper of the Lamb: When is the marriage supper of the Lamb?
Ghosts & Goblins: What is your opinion about people seeing ghosts?
2018-09-05 Marian Apparitions: Can the apparitions of Mary be real that supposedly happened in Fatima?
2018-04-11 Marian Apparitions: Marian apparitions & other supernatural phenomenon [Deuteronomy 13:1-3]
2017-11-15 Dealing with Hauntings or Evil Spirits: I'm wondering what you think of hauntings or evil spirits? Caller shares a story.
2017-11-15 Ghost Hovering: A caller's daughter dating someone who appears to have a ghost hovering near them, do you think daughter is still in danger?
2017-02-14 Anti-Christ Darwin: Could Darwin be considered an anti-Christ?
Mary Apparitions: Is it possible these Marian Apparitions are true? [1 John 4:1]
2016-11-11 Witchcraft, Wiccan: Why does this seem so prevalent nowadays?
Noises in House: Caller hears noises inside & outside her house? Are they demons?
2014-09-05 Disembodied Souls: Caller shares a paranormal ghost type story.
Self-Defense: What if an invader entered your house, & wanted to do harm, would you try to stop them?
2013-10-14 Serpent or the Devil: When God gave the curse to the Serpent for deceiving Eve, saying that he'd be crawling on his belly, was He actually talking to the serpent or the Devil himself?
Devil Tempting Jesus: Where did the Devil get the wherewithal to tempt Jesus the way he did?
Visitation by Evil Spirit: Caller reminds Steve about his apparitions & talks about it again.
2013-04-12 Ghosts (Spirits): Why did Jesus never correct the disciples when they thought they were seeing a ghosts? [Matthew 14:26, Luke 24:37, I Samuel 11:28]
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