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Topic: Premillennialism (Historic, Chiliasm)

Showing 1 to 15 of 15.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-07 Historic Premillennial vs Historicist View:: Could you clarify the Historicist view of Revelation versus Historic Premillennialist view? [Revelation 13:5].
The Two Witnesses: Could the "Two Witnesses" be symbolic of the dying church? [Revelation 12].
2024-03-01 Two Premillennial Views: What is the difference between the Historical Premillennial and the Dispensational Premillennial Views? [Revelation 20:7, Psalm 2:9-11, 2 Samuel 7:12-13, Acts 2:29, Acts 2:36, Hebrews 10:10, Revelation 20:3].
2023-12-26 Premillennialism Positions: Could you explain the differences in the premillennial views (Dispensational vs Historic)?
Relationship between Israel & the Church: Could you comment on the relationship between Israel and the Church? [Romans 9:6, John 8:43-45, John 1:47].
2023-12-26 Premillennialism Positions: Could you explain the differences in the premillennial views (Dispensational vs Historic)?
Relationship between Israel & the Church: Could you comment on the relationship between Israel and the Church? [Romans 9:6, John 8:43-45, John 1:47].
2023-10-13 About Prayer: What is the context of the passage about prayer in 1 John 5? Why is this being addressed here? [1 John 5:14-21, Psalm 84:11, Revelation 2:10].
Dispensationalism's Popularity: Why do you think that so many people embrace John Nelson Darby's Dispensationalism when it arose so late (1830)?
Premillennial View (Eschatology): Is there a simple way to understand the different views surrounding Dispensationalism, the pre-trib rapture, and the millennium?
2023-10-10 Great White Throne: Is the "Great White Throne" for the Christians first in the judgment? Is there a separate judgment for Christians and non-Christians? [Revelation 20, Matthew 25:31-36, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 25:46, John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15, 1 Corinthians 11:32, 1 Peter 4:17, John 6, John 12:48].
2023-10-05 Premillennial View: Are you familiar with the book, "Theocratic Kingdom" by George Peters, and his view of the millennium?
Pre-Trib Rapture & Premillennialism: Can you premillennial and believe in the pre-trib rapture, but not be Dispensational?
2023-10-05 Premillennial View: Are you familiar with the book, "Theocratic Kingdom" by George Peters, and his view of the millennium?
Pre-Trib Rapture & Premillennialism: Can you premillennial and believe in the pre-trib rapture, but not be Dispensational?
2023-09-07 Bema Seat Judgment: Is the judgment of the "sheep and the goats" for everyone (believers and unbelievers alike) or just some? If for all, then what are the ramifications for the "Bema Seat Judgment?" [Matthew 25:31-33, 2 Timothy 4:1].
Zoom Meetings: Can we go back and see recorded files of your zoom meetings?
2023-04-04 Futurist, Non-Dispensational View: Are there any resources you could recommend that review the Futurist view of Matthew 24, that is not Dispensational (George Eldo Laden)? [Matthew 24].
New Covenant Theology: Are you familiar with New Covenant Theology?
2022-10-14 Premillennial Church Fathers: Were the early church father's premilliennial? Did they believe in the pre-trib rapture?
2013-08-15 Historic Premillennialism & Amillennialism & Resurrection: Dennis the Millennialist calls to discuss the differences between Historic Premillennialism & Amillennialism involving the Resurrection.
2013-08-13 Historic Pre-Millennialist: You seem to always talk against Dispensationalist but you never seem to give Prehistoric millennialist a fair shake.
2013-05-06 Premillennial View: Thank you for commenting that having a premillennial view of the return of Christ doesn't necessarily mean one is not aware of our calling.
Made in the Image of God: What is the proper view of being "made in the image of God" and the charge to become more like God, both in contrast to the danger of thinking ourselves like God (or gods), as in the New Age philosophy? [2 Peter 1:3-11, Genesis 3:5].
2012-01-10 View of the Rapture: Are you "Pre, Mid, or Post" Trib (tribulation)? [Matthew 24:21].
Jesus-End of Sacrifices: Wasn't Jesus the final sacrifice? How does Jesus' ministry fit into the 70 weeks of Daniel? [Daniel 9:24-27].
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