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Topic: Palestine (Palestinians)

Showing 1 to 21 of 21.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-28 Edomites & Palestinians: Are the Palestinians actually the last of the Edomites and now, according to prophecy, they are being wiped out?
2024-06-11 Obadiah and the End Times: How does one respond to someone who thinks that the book of Obadiah has relevance to eschatology?
Palestine & the Philistines: Is there a link between the Palestinians and the Philistines?
2024-02-07 Why Stand with Israel?: How can Christians stand with Israel when there is so much about Israel that they should not support? [Genesis 12:3, Deuteronomy 28, Leviticus 26, Hosea 1:9].
2024-01-12 Book on Forgiveness, Steve Gregg & A.W. Tozer: Caller recommends Tim Keller's book on Forgiveness "Forgive-Why Should I? How Can I?" He also compliments Steve on his submission in service to God, drawing on a passage from Tozer's writings.
Modern Israel's History & Terrorism: Would you comment on the historical progression of the current state of Israel? Did the Arab nations encourage the Palestinians to flee or did they just take it?
Organization-Bible Study Fellowship: Caller recommends that Bible Study Fellowship is an excellent fellowship and a good alternative to institutional church.
2023-11-08 Palestinians Against Israel: How does one respond to those who think the actions of Hamas against Israel are not unlike the direction of God in the Old Testament against the Canaanites?
2023-10-26 The notation of B.C. (Before Christ): How did the system develop for the use of B.C. (before Christ) come about?
Palestine: Where did the word "Palestine" come from? Rec: Topical lectures, "What are We to Make of Israel?"
Palestine & Britian: How did the British end up having control of the area of Palestine?
2023-10-26 The notation of B.C. (Before Christ): How did the system develop for the use of B.C. (before Christ) come about?
Palestine: Where did the word "Palestine" come from? Rec: Topical lectures, "What are We to Make of Israel?"
Palestine & Britian: How did the British end up having control of the area of Palestine?
2023-10-11 Suffering of the Enemy: Do you think that we will see the enemy suffering from heaven? [Isaiah 66:24, Revelation 19:1-3, Revelation 14:11].
Hatred for Jews (Antisemitism): Why do people hate the Jews?
2023-10-09 Israel & Current Military Events: Atheist Caller: From the Christian view, what role does Israel's current military situation play?
Zionism and the Wailing Wall: Atheist caller: What is "Zionism?" Are you a Zionist? What about the Wailing Wall? [Deuteronomy 28, Leviticus 26, Zechariah 14:1ff, Luke 19:41-44, Matthew 24:1-2].
Christian Interest in Israel: Athesist caller: Why do so many of your callers talk about Israel so much? Rec: Topical lecture series "What are We to Make of Israel?"
2023-09-08 Defining Who is a "Jew"?: Who or what is a "Jew" today? [Galatians 3:28, Exodus 12:48].
Christian Zionism: How do you handle "Christians Zionists and the intolerance of those that hold alternate views?" Rec topical lectures: "What are We to Make of Israel?"
Dispensationalism: Would there even be Dispensationalism or the State of Israel without the Zionist movement? Rec topical lectures: "What are We to Make of Israel?"
2021-05-19 Palestine: Could you clarify what is being referred to when we talk about Palestine and the Palestinians? (Audio of caller is very, very poor.)
2020-10-01 Palestine & Israel Conflict: What do you say to Palestinians who hate Israel because they took their land?
Other Religions Who Have Jesus in Their Faith: What is God gonna do about the religions and cults who have Jesus in their religions, but ignorantly don't have the same theology as we do? [Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 16:17, 2 Peter 3:18].
2020-08-24 The Names of the Land Called Israel: Why are there different names for the real estate called Israel?
2020-08-18 The Crusades: Was what happened in "the Crusades" actually justified as self-defense due to Christians being persecuted and killed?
2019-04-26 Palestine: Was Jesus a Palestinian? Are the modern Palestinians ancestors of Jesus?
2019-01-31 Palestinians: What is your view of the Palestinians in regard to Israel?
Church Fathers: You like to cite the church father a lot, except when it comes to the Eucharist. Why is that?
2018-11-29 Land of Israel: Israel back in the land Israel, prophecy fulfillment, but what about the Palestines?
2018-08-02 Nation of Israel: Is the nation of Israel legitimately a fulfilled prophecy? Was it founded by the will of God?
2018-03-02 Pre-Trib Rapture: (asked tongue & cheek) Who going to help Israel when the church is raptured up, Palestine?
2016-08-30 Palestines: Where did the Palestinians come from & when did they get their land?
2013-10-08 Palestine: When did the term "Palestine" start being used?
Spiritual Circumcision: What is Paul talking about being "circumcised without hands"? [Colossians 2:11-13, Philippians 3, Romans 2:28-29]
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