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Topic: Immigrants

Showing 1 to 21 of 21.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-11-06 Christian Biden Supporter: I just don't see how any Christian can support Donald Trump as president?
Jesus is Not God: Are you familiar with Victor Paul Wierwille (The Way International), who does not believe that Jesus is God?
2020-02-24 Prejudicial Behavior: Could you help me understand more about what the Bible says about holding various prejudices? [James 2, Leviticus 34].
2019-10-07 illegal Immigration: What is the Biblical response to illegal immigration? [John 18:36, Romans 13:1-7, I Peter 2:13-14].
2019-01-21 Immigrants & Walls: Would you share any Biblical insight you have that would be applicable to the recent immigration issue and the building of the wall?
2018-11-01 Freezing Debt: Is it ok to freeze the growing debt owed to someone to avoid bankruptcy?
Housing Illegal Immigrants: We need to open our home to sojourners, does this apply to the immigration issue?
2018-10-23 Illegal Immigration: What is our duty regarding the insurgence of illegal immigrants from Honduras?
2018-01-15 Immigration: What does the Bible say about how to treat foreigners or illegal immigrants?
2017-09-22 Sanctuary Cities: Caller doesn't think sanctuary cities are illegal, illegal immigration, government's biblical role.
2017-09-21 Sanctuary Cities: What does the Bible say about obeying the laws of the land, what is the government role?
2017-09-01 Illegal Immigration: Should we have compassion on Illegal Immigrants?
2017-08-15 Hiding & Financing Illegal Immigrants: What do you think about churches hiding & financing illegal aliens?
2017-03-08 Unable to Answer a Cult's Questions: What should I say when I don't an answer to a cult's question?
Illegal Immigration: If we don't take illegal immigrants in we are accused of not being Christ-like
2017-02-07 Sanctuary/Refugee Cities: People comparing sanctuary cities to cities of refuge from the Bible. (follow-up)
2017-02-06 Sanctuary Cities: I disagree about your view about sanctuary cities, I think they are good, the American way; being in military; protests
2017-02-06 Illegal Immigration: Even though I have a Mexican immigrant as a wife, they need to obey the laws of the land
2017-02-02 Sanctuary Cities & Cities of Refuge: Is there any correlation to these supposed "sanctuary cities" compared to the cities of refuge that we read about in the Bible? [Joshua 20]
2017-01-30 Refugee Situation: How would deal with the Refugee situation that is happening?
2017-01-30 Refugee Situation: Steve Gregg continues his answer about the refugee situation after he looses internet connection.
2016-07-01 Marriage & Divorce & Remarriage: Another marriage question with a lot of factors.
2015-11-18 Immigration - Refugee: How should we as Christians view the Syrian Refugee?
2014-02-05 Illegal Immigration: What are your thoughts on Illegal Immigration, undocumented workers?
Open Borders: Should be have Open Borders?
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