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Topic: Revival

Showing 1 to 50 of 61.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-15 End Times Revival: Would you elaborate on the idea of an "end times revival" has to come before Jesus returns? [Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:17].
Four Horseman: Could you talk about the symbolism of the "Four Horseman" in Revelation and the possible correlation of the Pale Horse to the rise of Islam?
2024-03-07 Plagiarism of Steve's Teaching: How far do I go in quoting you before I am plagiarizing you?
Marjoe (A Preacher): Could you talk about Marjoe (Gortner, the traveling tent preacher)
2023-11-21 A Great Revival in End Times: Am I missing something because I can't find anything in scripture about the often predicted "Great Revival" that is supposed to come before Christ's return? [Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:16-21].
End Times Upon Us: Do you think we are near the end and Jesus' Second Coming? [Acts 1:6, Matthew 24:46].
2023-11-13 Healing & Slain in the Spirit (Pentecostalism): In Pentecostal circles, what is meant if one says if you aren't falling over in the Spirit or healed, then you are not in the revival? [1 Timothy 5:23, 2 Timothy 4:20, 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, Galatians 4:13].
2023-06-16 Signs of a Coming Revival: Looking at the Dispensational predictions of the imminent return of Christ and the parallels in the 1940s with the Millerites, and the 70s Jesus Revolution, etc., don't you think we may be due another revival?
Great Awakening & Eternal Security: Do you think that Jonathan Edwards's success in the "Great Awakening" would necessitate that they did not teach "Eternal Security" (Once Saved, Always Saved)?
2023-03-07 Behavior & Criticism Among Brethren: Are we to remain silent if we see something lacking about some fellow Christians involved in this current revival, because we should try to be more unified? [Acts 15, Acts 17:11, 1 Corinthians 14:29].
2023-03-02 True Revival & Jesus Movement: Caller shares that her experience of the "Jesus Movement" just seemed to be adding "Jesus" into lives of those who continued to do drugs, etc.
2023-02-27 Jesus Revolution Movie: What did you think of the "Jesus Revelation" movie?
Walter Martin: Did you know Walter Martin? Was he part of the Jesus Movement?
2023-02-27 Revivals: It seems like many Calvinist churches are skeptical of the current revival. How do I address my concern about their denial?
2023-02-27 Counterfeit Revivals: Are you familiar with Hank Hanegraaff's book "Counterfeit Revival?"
Lonnie Frisbee: Did you know Lonnie Frisbee and about his struggle with homosexuality?
2023-02-08 Bringing On Revival: Caller suggests two scriptures that help to bring revival. [John 6:44, James 5:16].
2023-02-07 Revival: Could you talk about "revival"? What causes revival and what kills it? [Acts 2].
2022-12-08 Revival-After 3 Days of Darkness: As some are prophesying, do you think we will have revival after "3 days of darkness?"
"Major", "Minor" & "False" Prophets: Would you clarify "major", "minor" & "false" prophets? [I Kings 22, Jeremiah 23:16].
2022-09-02 Bereans: What is a Berean? [Acts 17:11].
Chuck Smith: Did you know Chuck Smith? Where was the first Calvary Chapel? What did he do before? When did you start attending?
Eastern Religions & Jesus Movement: Did Chuck Smith specifically gear his ministry toward the young people and an alternative to the eastern religion's influence during that time?
2022-07-21 The Jesus Movement: Did the "Jesus Movement" happen in the south, too?
Steve Gregg-Radio Host: Did you ever sit in as a host on "To Every Man and Answer"?"
2022-07-21 Jesus Movement Group-"Forever Family:" Do you know a 1970s group called "Forever Family?"
2022-07-05 Coming Worldwide Revival: Do you expect a worldwide revival before the coming of the Lord? [Joel 2].
Economic Wealth Given to Believers: Does the Bible actually teach that God will transfer economic wealth from the unrighteous to the righteous in the end times? [Proverbs 28:8].
2022-05-23 Azusa Street Revival: What do you know about the "Azusa Street Revival"?
Revivals: Could you talk about revivals-how they begin and why they eventually fizzle out? [1 John 5:3].
2022-05-23 Azusa Street Revival: What do you know about the "Azusa Street Revival"?
Revivals: Could you talk about revivals-how they begin and why they eventually fizzle out? [1 John 5:3].
2022-05-06 All Saved at the End in a Massive Conversion: If there was a massive conversion at some point in our culture, would that ultimately influence the rest of the unbelievers to believe? [Jeremiah 31:31-34, I Corinthians 5:6, I John 2:7, Galatians 5:9].
2022-03-14 Guest; Paul Clark (Musician from 1970s): Paul Clark and Steve discuss the Jesus movement in the 1970s. Contact info:
2022-01-03 Praise for Steve Gregg's Ministry: Caller very enthusiastically shares his gratitude for Steve's ministry on The Narrow Path radio program and website:
More God-fearing Christians in the Past: Were people more God-fearing throughout the 1800s than they are now?
2021-11-11 Joel & Last Days Revival: Is Joel speaking of a last days revival when he speaks of a "former and later reign" in Joel 2? [Joel 2:25-32].
The Holy Spirit's Role in One's Faith: Is the Holy Spirit the one who initiates one's faith in God, or do people initiate it themselves?
2021-08-23 Political Activism vs Revival: How involved in politics do I become in order to change the direction of the country, when I know that the only thing that work is a revival? [Revelation 11:15, Psalm 2:1-3, Luke 12:48].
2021-05-05 God's Foreknowledge: Shouldn't have God known in advance that Adam would need a helpmate, and that mankind would fail and He would need to send the flood?
Chuck Girard & Alisa Childers: Are you familiar with Alisa Childers, Chuck Girard's (Love Song) daughter?
2021-01-15 Jesus Movement: Could you talk about the Jesus Movement of the late 60s and early 70s?
2020-12-29 Welsh Revival Love Song: Are you familiar with the love song, "Here is Love, Vast as an Ocean", of the Welsh Revival?
Jewish View of the Virgin Birth: Did the Jewish people understand and believe the virgin birth? [Matthew 1].
Herod's Slaughter of the Innocents: Why did Herod seek to kill the infants?
2020-08-11 Prayer for Restoration and Revival: Caller encourages prayer for restoration and revival.
2020-07-13 Damage from Dispensationalism Culture: Do you think that some of the fall-out from the Jesus movement and Dispensationalism did some damage to the reputation of the church which is evidencing itself today?
2020-06-11 What Change is Needed in Society Today?: What kind of change do you think we need in our society and government?
Do we need Spiritual Revival: Do we need Spiritual Revival in order to save our culture?
Three Things to Do in Secret: What are the three things we are told to do in secret? [Matthew 6:4].
2020-05-06 Steve Gregg & His Leaving Baptist Denomination: What caused you to switch from being a Baptist? And what denomination did you shift to afterward?
Path of Maturing in the Lord: As you grow and mature in your walk with God and knowledge of the Bible, does the path naturally take you to different denominations and fellowships? [Matthew 11:29-30].
Fig Tree Illustration & Meaning in Scripture: What does the story mean about the fig tree that is cursed to never produce fruit again? [Luke 13, Mark 11:12-14].
2020-03-26 Church after the Book of Acts: What happened to the church after the book of Acts? [Matthew 20:26].
2019-06-18 Kathryn Kuhlman & Lonnie Frisbee: Could you give me your assessment of Kathryn Kuhlman and Lonnie Frisbee?
2019-03-13 Weak Christianity in America: Caller position is that many mainstream preachers don’t teach very solid material, and that American Christians need to speak out about some of the about the church's objectionable political changes.
2018-08-23 Jesus Movement: Was the Jesus Movement a genuine revival or more of a cultural phenomenon?
Witness Lee Movement: Witness Lee Movement considered a cult?
2018-07-23 Mark Taylor Prophesies: Mark Taylor prophesies Trump will stimulate a revival?
End of Prophecy: Are there still prophets & prophecies today based on Hebrews 1:1? [Hebrews 1:1]
2018-05-03 Unity Among Christian Brethren: Andy Stanley, Charles Stanley's son, says that unity is more important than doctrine. Nicolaus Zinzendorf came up with the Menorah Rules, & they also came up with the Moravian Covenant for Christian Living. How can Christians create this type of unity like he seemed to, & just agree to disagree on things we aren't going to agree on?
2018-02-28 Jesus Movement: Was the Jesus Movement the 3rd great awakening?
2018-01-11 Drawing Closer to God: Believer who wonders if his relationship is more one-sided, He doesn't feel as though God responds or speaks to him; how do you improve your relationship with God?
2018-01-05 Greatest Revival: Do you think we are about to have one of the greatest revivals that has ever taken place?
Numerology in the Bible: Don't we have to believe in Numerology?
Jesus' Innocence: Wouldn't Jesus having had sex compromised His innocence?
2017-10-19 Swedish Baptist: What can you tell me about the Swedish Baptist?
Bible Camp Meetings: What do you think about Bible Camps? Have you ever heard anything negative about them?
2017-08-23 Bad Religion by Ross Douthat: Have you heard of a book by the name of "Bad Religion" by a Ross Doulthat?
Church Flourishing: From after World War 2 to 1960, was the church flourishing?
2017-08-16 Success in Evangelizing: I would love to evangelize, but it doesn't seem as effective anymore as it was in the earlier centuries.
2017-08-16 Trump Having a Revival: Conspiracy of Trump having a revival.
2017-05-05 Awesome Radio Show: Your view is out of the box! I've never heard someone like you on the radio!
Philip: Was Philip one of the original 12 apostles? Why couldn't the Holy Spirit come as a result of Philip's work? Why did he have to call on some of the original 12 apostles in order for the Holy Spirit to move? [Acts 8]
2016-10-12 Revivals: What is a revival?
2016-09-19 Promise Keepers Men's Movement: There was a men's movement that just seemed to disappear, what it was called? (Promise Keepers)
2016-08-18 T.V. Evangelists Preaching Against Abortion & Homosexuality: Don't you think if all the T.V. evangelists & all the Mega churches were to preach against abortion & homosexuality that it would revolutionize America, a spiritual revival?
2015-12-02 Modern Nation of Israel: Should I support Israel & leave what they are doing, right or wrong, in God's hand?
Modern Israel: Is Israel there because God worked it out?
Israel Coming back to God: How are we supposed to know when Israel is supposed to be brought together?
2015-01-15 "Greater Works": What greater works was Jesus talking about that we would do? [John 14:12]
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