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Topic: Sports

Showing 1 to 7 of 7.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-07-01 Praying on the Football Field: Since we are to pray in our closets, was it correct for the coach to pray in the middle of the football field? Could you also comment on the lawsuit over it. [Matthew 6:3-6, Matthew 5:42, Luke 6:30, John 17:20-23].
2022-04-01 Repentance: What does it really mean to "repent"? [Mark 1:15, Luke 13:3-5].
Worldliness & Entertainment: Does "not loving the world" allow for enjoying various entertainments, like sports? [I John 2:15-17, I Timothy 6:17].
2020-10-23 Our Glorified Bodies: What will we be doing in our glorified bodies? [I Corinthians 13:11, I John 3:2, Psalm 16:11].
2019-10-01 Men Watching Professional Sports: What is your opinion about men needing to repent of watching professional sports?
2017-08-07 Paul not Holding Anything Back: What did it mean when Paul said he didn't hold back anything, shared everything from the Council? [Acts 20, 1 Crinthians 9:16]
Not Preaching the Gospel: What did he mean, woe is me if I don't preach the gospel? [1 Corinthians 9:16]
Paul Running the Race: What did Paul mean by "run the race"? [Acts 20:4]
2016-04-11 Praying in Sports: Are we allowed to pray for anything & every that concerns us, including things like sports?
2016-04-07 God Determining Outcome of Football Games: Does Jesus help football teams win games?
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