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Topic: Free Will (Choice)

Showing 1 to 50 of 224.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-10 Jesus' Free Will: Did Jesus have free will?
2024-05-14 "Free Will" vs "Determinism" & Reformed Theology: Could you shed some light on the term "predestination" in contrast to "free will" in Acts 4? [Acts 4:28, Acts 2:23, Revelation 13:8, Luke 22:42, John 6:70].
2024-05-06 Compatibilism (Foreordained vs Free Will): Is John Calvin's Calvinism synonymous with "Compatibilism?"
Inspiration of Scripture & Compatiblism: Isn't the inspiration of scripture an example of "Compatibilism" since the writers had free will in how they wrote the scriptures, but were also inspired?
2024-04-22 MacArthur/Calvin Theology: What should I do if I have just discovered that the church I am attending strongly supports MacArthur and is Calvinist?
"Meticulous Providence" & "Predestination" (Calvinism): If the Calvinist theology of "meticulous providence" were true, then why would one bother? Wouldn't there be no point? Isn't the idea of "predestination" dangerous?
2024-04-22 DNA & the Shroud of Turin: Shouldn't we be able to do a DNA test on the Shroud of Turin to determine the contributors?
God's Responsibility for Evil: Doesn't God bear responsibility for evil, since He created the devil? [Revelation 21:1-4].
2024-04-22 Doomed, Not Elect: Am I doomed? Is my failure in the Christian faith and all the bad things happening to me because I am not elect? [Ephesians 1:3-4, 2 Peter 3:9, 2 Chronicles 7:14-16, Galatians 3:28-29, Luke 6:13, John 15:16, Matthew 19:21-24, Ezekiel 33:11].
2024-04-17 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): How do you address some of the objections and verses, "like no one an snatch us out of His hand," used to support the idea that we cannot fall away (apostatize)? [Isaiah 53:6, John 10:27-30, John 3:36].
Eternal Security & Calvinism: Isn't Calvinism largely responsible for the "eternal security (once saved, always saved)" theology?
Calvinism's & Free Will: If there is no free will, then what is the point? Rec: Got to for topical Q&A.
2024-04-17 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): How do you address some of the objections and verses, "like no one an snatch us out of His hand," used to support the idea that we cannot fall away (apostatize)? [Isaiah 53:6, John 10:27-30, John 3:36].
Eternal Security & Calvinism: Isn't Calvinism largely responsible for the "eternal security (once saved, always saved)" theology?
Calvinism's & Free Will: If there is no free will, then what is the point? Rec: Got to for topical Q&A.
2024-03-25 Faith Given by God (Debating a Calvinist): Don't you think that these verses prove that faith is given by God? [John 6:27ff, Revelation 3:18-20].
2024-03-15 Free Will: When was mankind given free will?
Thinking Capacity for Mankind: Were we intended to think when we were created?
Generational Curse: Were the Israelites under a generational curse while wandering in the wilderness?
2024-03-12 Free Will: Caller disagrees with Steve about free will positing that God and man cannot both have free will. [1 Peter 1:5, Romans 8:16-19, Matthew 10:33, Ephesians 2:8, 1 Peter 2:17, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Peter 2:22, Galatians 5:22-23, Luke 8:13].
2024-03-11 Faith & Regeneration (Defending Calvinism): Caller attempts to defend Calvinistic ideas about regeneration. [2 Thessalonians 3:2, Hebrews 11:6, Ephesians 3:12, Philippians 1:29, Acts 16:30-31, Luke 18:13-14, John 16:8, John 3:14].
2024-03-06 Free Will & Sin in Heaven: Do you think that we will still have free will and be able to sin in heaven? [Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 36:25-26, Galatians 5:17].
2024-02-29 Building Collapse in Scripture Demonstrates Personal Responsibility & Free Will: Doesn't the story of the building collapsing in scripture suggest that people are responsible for choosing repentance and following Christ, unlike the Calvinist presupposition? [Luke 13:14-15].
2024-02-06 Election by God or Free Will for Salvation: How can you say that specific people were not chosen to be saved by God? [Matthew 28:16, Acts 13:46-48, 1 Corinthians 16:15, Acts 17:11, Acts 2:37, Acts 16:14].
2024-01-31 Calvinist View of Election: What are your thoughts on the Calvinist view of "once saved, always saved" and "election" (we don't choose God, He chooses us)? [Romans 11:22, John 15:6-7].
2024-01-11 Two Groups-His Sheep & Not His Sheep (Predestination): Are there two limited and distinctive groups of people, the "elect and non-elect," the "wheat and the tares," "sheep and the goats?" [John 10:10-13, John 8:43-44, Matthew 13:24-30, John 10:27, John 6:45, John 17:6, Matthew 25:40].
2023-12-22 Synopsis of Calvinism & Contending with Doctrinal Differences: If my synopsis of the views of both Calvinists' and non-Calvinists' journey to faith, doesn't it then seem that neither side is taking credit for their faith? [John 3:14, Numbers 21:4-9, James 1:17-18, Matthew 5:45, John 16:8].
2023-12-21 Difficulties with Calvinism: Wouldn't God's grief disprove Calvinism ... as would taking away of our free will would make us not made "in the image of God" unless He doesn't have free will? [Genesis 6:5-6, 1 Timothy 6:16, Genesis 1:26-27].
2023-11-20 Progress After Death: Do you think that we (our souls) continue to progress toward holiness after death? [1 Corinthians 15:20-22, 1 Corinthians 6:20].
Free Will After Death: Will we have free will in heaven?
2023-11-14 Free Will Ceasing: Is there a verse that says that we will always have "free will?" [Genesis 1:26].
Judas' Salvation: Do you think that Judas was saved before He betrayed Jesus?
2023-10-25 The Struggle with the Will: In describing the struggle with his own will, is Paul referring to total failure or just the need to walk in the Spirit to avoid the weakness of the flesh? [Romans 7-8, Romans 8:1-4, Galatians 5:16-17].
2023-09-27 Paul's Conversion & Calvinism: Do Calvinists use Paul's unique conversion to support their denial of free will? [Acts 26:19, Acts, 9, Ephesians 1:4-5, Luke 19:41-43, 1 Timothy 1:12, Galatians 1:15-17].
2023-09-14 God's Foreknowledge & Free Will: Does God know everything I am going to do? If so, then how can I have free will?
2023-09-12 The Giving of the Holy Spirit: Why couldn't the Holy Spirit be given before Jesus was glorified? [John 7:39, John 3:34, John 2:19].
2023-08-21 God Knew Us Each Personally Before the Foundation of the World: Does God know each of us personally before the foundation of the earth? [Jeremiah 1:5, Galatians 1:15, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 20:15, Matthew 10:29-31].
God's Partiality: If God chose one person before the foundation of the earth, but did not choose another, doesn't that show God with partiality? [Acts 10:34-35, James 4:6-7].
2023-08-21 God Knew Us Each Personally Before the Foundation of the World: Does God know each of us personally before the foundation of the earth? [Jeremiah 1:5, Galatians 1:15, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 20:15, Matthew 10:29-31].
God's Partiality: If God chose one person before the foundation of the earth, but did not choose another, doesn't that show God with partiality? [Acts 10:34-35, James 4:6-7].
2023-08-17 Drawn by God: Though all are drawn by God, isn't salvation open for everyone? [John 6:44, Romans 10:17, John 16:8, Romans 2:4, John 12:32, Hosea 11:4, Matthew 23:37].
2023-06-23 Denominations, Free Will & Christianity: Caller shares concern over the labels of denominations and terms for theology and doctrinal differences. [Genesis 4: Deuteronomy 30:197].
2023-06-05 Sinlessness in the New Earth: Why would I not sin in the New Earth? Will I still have free will? What will keep me from sinning in there?
2023-05-01 Loving God with No Free Will in Heaven: If we have no free will in heaven, then is it really love, since we have no real choice about it? [Galatians 5:17].
2023-03-07 Free choice (Will): Do we surrender our free choice if we give ourselves as "a living sacrifice?" [Romans 12:1, Romans 6:13].
2023-01-27 Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Isn't it good for people to know the difference between good & evil?
Adam & Eve's Free Will: Did Adam & Eve have free will? [Genesis 1:26-27].
2023-01-27 Calvinism vs Non-Calvinism: Can you give me your take on the difference between the non-Calvinist evangelical teachers (Billy Graham, Greg Laurie) and the Calvinist preachers (John MacArthur) and the freedom for all to come to Christ?
Theist Evolution: Am I being too critical if I am concerned about our new Calvinist pastor who believes in "Theist Evolution?" Can you be a Christian if you believe that?
2023-01-16 Molinism & Thomism: Are you familiar with Molinism and Thomism?
Free Will: Doesn't it seem like it has to be either sovereign free-will or we are just pawns? [Proverbs 16:1, Proverbs 16:9, 1 Corinthians 4:5].
2022-12-20 Faith: How do we get "faith"? [2 Thessalonians 2:11, John 7:17].
2022-11-21 "Sin Nature": If Adam & Eve were created without a "sin nature", but yet they still sinned, then what is the difference to be with or without it? [Romans 7:23, John 8:34].
2022-11-18 "The Holy Spirit Said": In Acts 13, there is a phrase "the Holy Spirit said", in what manner did the Holy Spirit speak? [Acts 13:1-3].
Christian Liberty: If someone goes against their own conscience, and yet they are within general Christian liberty and it is not defined in scripture as a sin, is it a still sin to them?
2022-11-04 Free Will vs "Once Saved, Always Saved": Have you ever thought that if "Once Saved, Always Saved" is true, then it ultimately is taking away our free will? [I Timothy 4:1, 2 Peter 2:19, Revelations 12:11, 2 Timothy 2:26].
2022-11-01 Free From Sin: After we become believers, are we free from sin or are we just hopelessly bound to sin? [Romans 6:16-18, I Corinthians 6:20, Galatians 5:16, I Peter 1:18-19, Romans 8:12, Romans 8:4, Romans 13:14, 2 Corinthians 10:3, Matthew 1:21, I John 2:1, Romans 6:1].
2022-10-21 Evangelism-Our Responsibility for Future Converts: Do you think that we, as believers, have a direct impact on the number of people that will be ulimately be saved? [Ezekiel 33:17, Romans 12:8, Matthew 28:16-20].
2022-09-26 Free Will & Sinlessness: Does humankind actually have free-will and the ability not to sin? since Adam & Eve, It seems not to be so.
2022-08-24 Open Theism: What is "Open Theism"? Is it heresy?
2022-08-01 Buddhist: Free-will vs Election: Buddhist: How can "election" and "free-will" both be true? [John 6:65, John 12:32, Luke 13:34, Ezekiel 18:23, Ezekiel 33:11].
Martin Luther, John Calvin & Augustine: Was Martin Luther a Calvinist?
Predestination-Equal Ultimacy: What do you call the theology that describes double predestination?
2022-07-08 Damned from the Beginning: Are some people made wicked and destined to damnation? [Proverbs 16:4, Isaiah 66:3-4,k 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 ].
2022-07-07 My Will vs God's Will: How do I find a balance between my own responsibilities, choices, and individual free will and what God's will is for me?
2022-06-14 Cannabis: Is every kind of use of cannabis a sin? [Proverbs 31:6].
Why Did God Allow for Sin?: Why would God allow for sin, if He wants a deep relationship with Him?
2022-06-07 Why God Chose Israel for His People: Does the Bible indicate why God chose the ancient Israelites to be His special people? [Genesis 22:18, Genesis 28:14].
Gentile Salvation in the Old Testament: How could the gentiles be justified before God and saved in the Old Testament? [Avts 17:27, Acts 10:31].
2022-06-06 God's Sovereignty & Free Will: How does one reconcile our "free will" relative to "God's sovereignty" and "predestination"?
Total Depravity: What about those that say that they have nothing good enough in them to want God? [Romans 7:18, Jeremiah 13:23, Jeremiah 17:9].
2022-05-20 Free Will in the Afterlife: Do you believe that we will have free will in the afterlife, and if so, what would keep us from sinning?
Slavery: Did God allow people to take slaves after they conquered other nations?
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