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Topic: Bondage

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-04 Scrupulosity (Over-active Scruples): What do you think about those with over-active scruples? [1 Corinthians 8-10, 1 Corinthians 8:9, Romans 14:1-6].
2024-03-21 Demons: How do I talk to teens about demons as discussed in the Bible? Rec: Topical lectures, "Spiritual Warfare, Bondage and Deliverance 1-3." [2 Corinthians 2:11, Ephesians 4:27]
2024-01-26 The "Vain Thing": What is the "vain thing" that the nations are attempting to accomplish in Psalm 2? [Psalm 2:1-6, Acts 4:23-31].
2023-10-11 Abraham's Seed Never Under Bondage: How could they (Abraham's seed) say that they had never been in bondage? [John 8:31-33, 2 Timothy 2:10, Matthew 12:22-30, John 7:51].
The Jews That Believed: Are these the same Jews that continue to kick at Him ... the same ones He says believe in Him? [John 8:31, John 8:44].
2023-07-17 Succumbing to Alcohol: What can I do if I continue to struggle with alcohol? I am losing faith. Rec: Topical lecture; "Biblical Counsel for a Change" and Free audio book, "Empire of the Risen Son (Vol 1 & 2).
2023-04-12 Committed Believers: Caller comments on the need for leaving behind bondages, asking others for help, commitment and fellowship, and leading a committed life following Christ.
2023-03-29 The 430 Years of Bongage: Could you clarify the various calculations surrounding the 430 years of bondage?
2023-02-02 Pornography: How do I combat pornography? [Matthew 5:29-32].
2023-01-25 Fear of Death: Would you explain this verse about the fear of death? [Hebrews 2:14-15, Matthew 16:24-26].
Bondage of Egypt: Do you think the Hebrews 2:15 has any correlation to the Israelites when they desired to go back into bondage in Egypt? [Hebrews 2:15].
2023-01-25 Fear of Death: Would you explain this verse about the fear of death? [Hebrews 2:14-15, Matthew 16:24-26].
Bondage of Egypt: Do you think the Hebrews 2:15 has any correlation to the Israelites when they desired to go back into bondage in Egypt? [Hebrews 2:15].
2022-12-21 Marriage to an Alcoholic: What does one do if they are married to a hopeless alcoholic? Is that just the life they must lead?
2022-11-01 Free From Sin: After we become believers, are we free from sin or are we just hopelessly bound to sin? [Romans 6:16-18, I Corinthians 6:20, Galatians 5:16, I Peter 1:18-19, Romans 8:12, Romans 8:4, Romans 13:14, 2 Corinthians 10:3, Matthew 1:21, I John 2:1, Romans 6:1].
2022-08-29 Why God Forgot the Jewish People: Why did God forget the Jewish People for 400 years?
2022-05-13 The Narrow Path Website: Caller talks about "The Narrow Path" & the "Matthew713" websites.
Repeating the Same Sins & Salvation: Is there a chance that people who keep falling into the same sins (say once a month), are not really saved? [Galatians 5:17, James 3:2, John 8:31-32, Mtathew 7:21-26, I John 3:9].
2021-08-16 Old Testament Application to Marriage: How do you look at things in the Old Testament regarding marriage? [Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5].
Unbeliever Departing, Not Under Bondage: How do you view the verse in the New Testament about the unbeliever departing and not being under bondage? [I Corinthians 7:13].
2021-08-16 Old Testament Application to Marriage: How do you look at things in the Old Testament regarding marriage? [Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5].
Unbeliever Departing, Not Under Bondage: How do you view the verse in the New Testament about the unbeliever departing and not being under bondage? [I Corinthians 7:13].
2021-07-16 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Is not marriage permanent? Does God expect two believers to reconcile? Isn't it an assumption to assume that one can remarry? [Matthew 19:9, I Corinthians 7:10-12, Mark 10:9].
2021-07-15 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Caller thanks for Steve's article on the subject of marriage, divorce, and remarriage and describes circumstances of his own marriage, then asks; " Am I free from my marital obligations"? [I Corinthians 7:15].
2021-07-06 Marriage-No Longer Under Bondage: Could you talk about the exception clause regarding marriage and when ones is no longer being under bondage? [I Corinthians 7, Matthew 19].
2021-06-11 Pride: Is pride really the root of all sin? [Isaiah 14:12-14].
Bondage vs Sinful Behavior: How does one distinguish being in bondage versus just falling to sin? [John 8:31-36].
2021-06-11 Pride: Is pride really the root of all sin? [Isaiah 14:12-14].
Bondage vs Sinful Behavior: How does one distinguish being in bondage versus just falling to sin? [John 8:31-36].
2021-02-09 Alcohol & Addiction (Twelve Steps Programs): Do you think that drunkeness is an addiction, as they say in 12-step programs, or it that an inappropriate term? [Galatians 5, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2020-12-07 God's People Put in Bondage: Why did God allow His people to be in bondage for 430 years? [Genesis 15].
2020-11-20 Addiction, Physical or Psychological: Are people just of addictive nature from birth, or is it more developed by abuse and other outside influences and events? [ John 6:36, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 7, Romans 8:2-4].
2020-11-13 Deliverance Ministries: Can you comment on some of the deliverance ministries who indicate that every negative thing in one's life is a demon?
2020-10-05 Drugs, Occult, & Old Testament Prohibition: Where would I find Old Testament Law about prohibiting drugs and occult potions? [Galatians 5:20, Deuteronomy18:10, Hosea 4:11, Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 15:18].
Meanings of Words in Old Testament Opposed to Modern Meanings (Pharmacia/ Pharmacy): Do you agree with D.A. Carson, in his book, "Exegetical Fallacies", that there is misinterpretation of some words as they are used in the Old Testament and how they are used today?
2020-09-09 Cigarettes and Jesus: Am I wrong to be smoking a cigarette while I am holding up a sign for Jesus? Am I denying the power of Christ in my life? [2 Timothy 3:5].
2020-06-12 Legalism: Would you comment on Galatians 5:1? Isn't it saying that Christians should not be caught up in legalism? [Galatians 5:1].
2013-03-01 "Free Will" & "Total Depravity" (Calvinism): Do people who believe in "free will", necessarily not believe in "Total Depravity"?
Paul's Struggle with Sin: How do you resolve the conflict described in Paul's struggle with sin? [Romans 7:15-25, John 8:31-34].
Can the Unregenerated See Sin?: Can unregenerated people see their sin and inability to resist sin?
2013-01-10 Freedom From Sin: What it is that frees people, especially the Christian, from the bondage of sin?
The Kingdom of God "in" Us: Doesn't the Bible say that the "Kingdom of God" is within us? [Luke 17:21]
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