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Topic: Home Church

Showing 1 to 25 of 25.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-09-27 Home Church: What qualifies as a "home church?" Is just my wife and I enough for a home church? [Mathew 18:19-20].
2022-06-28 Others Resurrected When Jesus Did: Did other people literally resurrect from the dead when Jesus did? [Matthew 27:52-53].
Steve's Reason for Attending Home Church: How did you make the decision to go to a home church instead of a traditional church?
2022-06-02 Finding Alternate Fellowship-Other than the Mega-Church: What does one do if they really find the mega-church experience (entertainment) is leaving one wanting? How do you find fellowship in a good church?
Professional Clergy & Institutional Church: Is the structure in the modern church model, with paid clergy, really what it should be? Recommended topical lecture; "Some Assembly Required."
2022-01-07 Symbolism of the book of Revelation: Is all of the book of Revelation symbolic, or just some of it? [Revelation].
"Jezebel Spirit": Is it correct to say that a woman has a "Jezebel spirit"? [Revelation 2:20].
Steve Gregg's Church Attendance: Are you part of a church group that meets regularly?
2020-09-11 Leaving Dispensationalism & Finding Fellowship: Can you offer some direction for fellowship for those of us who were only presented with Dispensationalism, and have since moved away from it?
Church at Home with Steve Gregg: Is my wife and I listening to your lectures at home the same as "church"?
2019-10-25 Feminism at Church: Should I speak to the elders about the way feminism has infiltrated our church?
Home Churches: How do you find a home church?
2018-11-20 Steve's Church: Where does Steve go to church?
2018-07-24 Home Church Network in California State: Is there a network on a Website you can go to find home churches in California?
2018-07-09 Home Church: What does your home church consist of? What are some of the problems you have had with it? [1 Corinthians 14:26]
2017-08-29 Institutional Church: Caller would like to weigh in on why Christians are leaving the Institutional churches in droves lately.
2017-08-15 Setting up a Legitimate Home Church: What are the requirements to starting a home church & how should we be doing church?
2017-08-02 Prideful in Church Attendance: Being prideful in church attendance, is it okay to have that kind of pride? [Matthew 7:1-2, Hebrews 10:25]
2017-02-08 Recommendation for a Local Home Church: How do I find a good home church in Eugene, Oregon?
Women Keeping Silent in Church: Women not having authority over men, what do you think about that? [1 Timothy 2, 1 Corinthians 14]
2016-12-16 Home church growing too big: Home church is growing too much, caller is hoping it doesn't lose its effectiveness. [Acts 20]
2016-08-12 Home Church: Who's interpreting the Bible in a home church setting, & caller thinks steve is using circular reasoning. He also answers a question a caller asked this caller on the previous show specifically for him, about what is the role of Holy Ghost. (Lengthy Discussion; kept seeming like it was going to end, but then continued.)
2016-08-11 Home Church: What do you do if you have disagreements? [2 Peter 1:12, 2 Timothy 2:1,
2016-05-30 Home Church in Vegas: Looking for contacts in the Vegas area for home church oriented people.
2016-03-16 Overwhelming Presence of the Holy Spirit (about Michael the Buddhist): Caller thinks Michael the Buddhist needs to release his grip on Buddhism & firmly grip Christianity so he can really feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, which he had called & talked about in a previous show.
The Early Church in Jerusalem: In following God’s will & serving Him, what did the church in Jerusalem look like? Were they zealous for the law? Was it an underground church? [Acts 21:18]
Home Church Requirements: Are overseers or pastors required in a home church? Do you have to have apostolic leaders & titles?
2016-03-07 2 Models of Church: Caller is torn between 2 models of a way church should be run. Does Steve have any thoughts?
2015-11-03 The Institutionalized Church: What would it mean to speak of a church being institutionalized & what would a non-institutionalized church mean?
The "office" of a Bishop: What about the verse of someone desiring the office of a bishop, that they are desiring a good thing? [1 Timothy 3:1]
2015-08-31 New Home Church: Look for a New Home Church & wondering about Calvary Chapel, but there seems to be some lack of Church Discipline, &, there's a Moses Model church hierarchy there, where ONE person is in charge, & can't be held accountable by anyone else.
2013-12-16 Large Churches: Caller called back to clarity what he meant when he called the other day about, is Steve saying large churches should disband & start home churches? How about just putting good pastors in the bigger churches?
2013-12-12 Healing if Faith is Strong Enough: Won't Jesus/God heal anyone & everyone if we have enough faith & no unbelief? [Matthew 13:58, James 5:13-18]
Home Church: How can you have home church where there's a lot of people in churches like Mega churches?
2013-10-22 Steve's Followers: Has Steve ever encountered people who believe exactly like him in all things?
Steve Leaving the Church in Idaho: Why did Steve leave the church he loved so much in Idaho?
2013-08-26 Institutional Church: So should we leave the "institutional church"?
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