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Topic: Lazarus

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-12-22 Hell (Lazarus & the Rich Man): Could you expand on the idea that "Lazarus and the Rich Man" may be a parable rather than a depiction of an actual event? [Luke 16:19-31]
Hell (Eternal Torment): Would you expound on the scripture saying those who take the mark will be tormented forever? [Revelation 14:6-11, Revelation 9:17, Isaiah 34:9-10, Revelation 19:3, Genesis 19:28]. Rec: "Three Views of Hell" by Steve Gregg or topical lectures.
2023-12-13 "Lazarus & the Rich Man:" What is the meaning of the parable of "Lazarus & the Rich Man?"
2023-10-11 Repentance After Death (from Hell): How could someone repent after death? [Luke 16:19ff, Hebrews 9:27].
2023-07-21 The Number "12": What is the significance of the reoccurring number "12" in scripture? [Genesis 1:18].
Lazarus & the Rich Man: Would you be open to changing your view that the story of Lazarus & the Rich Man is a parable?
2023-07-20 Recognizing Others in Hades, the Lake of Fire, or Heaven: Will we recognize one another in Heaven and the other place? [Luke 16:19-31, 1 Corinthians 13:10].
2023-05-31 Judgment-Directly to Hell: How can we justify unbelievers going directly to hell based on the story of "Lazarus & the Rich Man?" [Hebrews 9:27-28, John 5:28-29, Matthew 25].
2023-05-08 Repentance from Hell: Could you deal with the scripture in Hebrews and the uncrossable chasm described in hell in the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man, that appear to contradict the possibility of someone possibly repenting in Hell? [Hebrews 9:27, Luke 16:19f, Revelation 20:14].
2023-02-17 Disciple Whom Jesus Loved: Have you heard of the book "The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved" that suggests Lazarus as being the "the one Jesus loved" rather than John? [John 11:3-5, John 13:23, John 13:1, John 21:7, John 21:23-25].
2022-11-22 Sheol-Two Compartments (Paradise & Hell): Are the people in "Paradise" or "Abraham's Bosom" actually adjacent to those in hell? [Luke 16:19-31].
2022-09-23 View of Activity on Earth from Heaven: Does the story of "Lazarus & the Rich Man" indicate that we will be able to see and know what is going on earth from heaven? [Hebrews 12:1].
2022-08-16 One or two Lazarus': Is the Lazarus that Jesus raised from the dead the same Lazarus that Jesus talked about in the parable about the Rich Man & Lazarus? [Luke 16:19-31, John 11:38-44]
2022-08-03 Lazarus Story in the Talmud: Did you ever find the story of "Lazarus and the RIch Man" in the Talmud?
2022-07-18 Lazarus' Bound in Grave Cloths: How could Lazarus walk out of the tomb, if he was bound in grave cloths? [John 11:44].
"Don't Cling to Me": What did Jesus mean when He said, "Don't cling to me?" [John 20:17].
2022-06-23 Lazarus & the Rich Man: Was the parable of "Lazarus & the Rich Man" possibly prophetic, since a real Lazarus is raised by Jesus, and people do not believe? [Luke 15:19-31, John 11:1-21].
2022-05-30 Dispute Over the Body of Moses: Why is there a dispute over the body of Moses? Did it really happen? [Jude 1:9, Deuteronomy 34:5-7, Zechariah 3:2].
Moses: Where did Moses go when he died?
Lazarus & the Rich Man: Was Lazarus & the Rich Man a true story? Is that telling us about where Moses went? [Luke 16:19-31].
2021-12-14 Hades, Hell, Lake of Fire & the Grave: What is Jesus saying when He says, "It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell", if it really is just the grave? [Matthew 5:30, Matthew 5:22, Revelation 20:14].
2021-08-20 The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved: Caller attempts to make the case that the "disciple whom Jesus loved" was someone other than John the Apostle (Caller thinks it's Lazarus.) [John 21:7, John 21:20, Acts 4:13, John 11:5].
2021-02-01 Miracles-Lazarus' Resurrection: What do you make of the fact that the raising of Lazarus from the dead only appears in only one of the gospels? [Matthew 10, Luke 10, John 21:25].
2020-08-12 Resurrection Not Enough to Convince Some: Does the story of "Lazarus & the Rich Man" indicate that the resurrection would not be enough to convince anyone? [Luke 16:19-31, John 12:10-11, John 5:45-47]
2020-07-14 Lazarus and the Rich Man: Does the story of "Lazarus and The Rich Man" tell us what hell is going to be like? [Revelation 20, Luke 16:19-31].
2020-06-16 Heaven or Hell Upon Death: What happens in the intermediate state? Do we go directly to heaven or hell when we die? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Luke 16:19-31, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:14-15, John 3:16, Ecclesiastes 9:5].
2020-06-02 Lazarus & the Rich Man: Why do people think that the story of "Lazarus and the Rich Man" is not a real story of real, named, people, and going to hell? [Luke 16].
Watering Down Hell: Do you think that people think that the story of Lazarus & the Rich Man isn't about real people in order to water down the concept of hell?
2020-06-02 Lazarus & the Rich Man: Why do people think that the story of "Lazarus and the Rich Man" is not a real story of real, named, people, and going to hell? [Luke 16].
Watering Down Hell: Do you think that people think that the story of Lazarus & the Rich Man isn't about real people in order to water down the concept of hell?
2020-05-28 Jesus Speaking in Parables: Did Jesus ever speak without parables, like in Lazarus & the Rich Man? [Matthew 13:34-35, Luke 16:19-31].
2020-04-14 Lazarus & the Rich Man: What happened in the story of Lazarus and the rich man? [Luke 16:19-31, John 5].
2020-03-23 Journey to Heaven or Hell: Where does scripture teach us that we take a journey to some place after we die, like heaven or hell? [Isaiah 14, Luke 16:19-31, Philippians 1, 2 Corinthians 5:6].
2020-02-03 Lazarus & the Rich Man: Does the parable of Lazarus & the Rich Man relate to caller asking about people going to heaven?
2019-12-02 Lazarus & The Rich Man: Have you been able to verify that Jesus borrowed the motif for the story of Lazarus & The Rich Man from Rabbinic teachings?
2019-07-29 Lazarus: If the story of Lazarus and the rich man is only a parable, then does it follow that only Jesus could have been the one to tell it? [Luke 16:19f].
2019-05-17 Martha's Awareness of Resurrection: What scripture would have informed Martha about the idea of resurrection in John 11:24? [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 26, John 6, John 11:24].
2018-11-08 Rich Man & Lazarus: Discussion about the Rich man & Lazarus parable. (2 calls in a row of not being able to clarify what the question is)
2018-11-06 Rich Man & Lazarus Parable: Isn't the story of the Rich Man & Lazarus literal since it has real names in it?
Jonah going to Hell: The Jonah & Whale story, doesn't it say that Jonah's soul went to hell?
2018-04-12 Rich Man & Lazarus: So the Rich Man & Lazarus, you said that might've been a Jewish fable written down somewhere. Did they ever find the story in Jewish literature?
Supernatural DNA for Jesus: Where did the other half of the DNA come from for Jesus?
2018-03-08 Abraham's Bosom: Does abraham's bosom still exist? Did all the people who were resurrected during Jesus' resurrection come from Abraham's Bosom?
2017-12-27 The Rich Man & Lazarus Parable: So the Parable about the Rich Man & Lazarus is not really talking about Hell but Hades & Death & people's intermediate state? [Luke 16:19-31]
2017-09-06 The Soul after Death: Where do the souls go after you die? [Luke 16:14-31] (the answer is very garbled)
2017-08-23 Lazarus During His Death: Lazarus was raised so where did he go when he died, heaven? What happens when we die? [John 11]
2017-08-14 Using Rabbinical Literature in Jesus' Time; The rich man & lazarus, rabbinical literature, Jesus used familiar literature for His audience.
2017-08-08 The Rich Man & Lazarus: Is Lazarus & the rich man a real story or parable? At the time of your lectures you said you didn't know if there was related rabbincal stories. Is there a literal lake of fire?
2016-10-24 The Gospel of John Authorship: Did Lazarus write the gospel of John? Was he one of the disciples?
2016-10-19 Never Die: Can Steve explain this passage of Scripture in John about never dying? [John 11:25-26]?
2016-04-07 Rich Man & Lazarus: Why does the Rich Man go to hell & the other to heaven (Abraham's Bosom)?
Speaking in Tongues: What is your view about speaking in tongues?
2016-03-28 Abraham's Bosom: Can you please explain Abraham's Bosom? [Luke 16:18-31]
2015-12-03 Appointed once to die: It says in the Bible that it appointed for us to die ONCE, so what about all these people who were resurrected? They weren't really dead? [Hebrews 9:27-28]
Experiences from being dead: Did the people who were resurrected such as Lazarus talk about going to heaven (or hell) like people do nowadays?
Near Death Experiences: Do you think people really have had experiences of being in heaven when they come back from a near death or death experience? [Hebrews 9:27-28]
2015-11-10 Healing: Why didn't God heal a baby? Not enough Faith? It's true that Jesus didn't heal everyone on the planet while He was here, but didn't He heal everyone who came to Him?
2015-11-10 Lazarus & Abraham's Bosom: Where were they when they were dead? [Luke 16:19-31]
Transfiguration, Moses & Elijah: Where did Moses & Elijah come back from? How did the disciples recognize them?
2015-10-09 The Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus: Is the parable about the Rich Man & Lazarus really about the after life? [Luke 16:19-31]
2015-08-06 Gospel of John: Who wrote the Gospel of John?
Lazarus: Did Lazarus possibly write the book? Was he an apostle?
2015-07-30 Lazarus: Wouldn't that have been cruel of Jesus to bring Lazarus out of Paradise to come back to this cold, cruel world?
Suffering: Why does God allow so much suffering in the world? Jesus suffered more than anyone will suffer, the caller told his friend. Was he right in saying what he said & could have Jesus turned off His nerve endings, & would that have unqualified Him from suffering for us?
2014-12-05 Jesus Wept: Why did Jesus weep? Because Lazarus was dead? It shouldn't have been because of that because He knew He was going to raise him from the dead. Was it because of their unbelief? [John 11:33-36]
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