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Topic: Hanegraaff (Hank)

Showing 1 to 28 of 28.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-01 Steve Gregg's Bible: Have you considered ever putting out your own study Bible, like a chain reference Bible? Rec:
2023-07-25 Other Radio Q&A Shows: What was the name of the other radio show where the answers are real short? Rec:
2023-03-20 Symbolism of the Beasts in Daniel: What do you think of Hank Hanegrasffe's view of the symbolism of the four beasts (Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome) in Daniel, which he separates Media and Persia? Rec: verse-by-verse Daniel. [Daniel 5:28, Daniel 7, Daniel 2].
2023-02-27 Counterfeit Revivals: Are you familiar with Hank Hanegraaff's book "Counterfeit Revival?"
Lonnie Frisbee: Did you know Lonnie Frisbee and about his struggle with homosexuality?
2023-01-16 Hank Hanegraaff: Are you familiar with Hank Hanegraaff, the "Bible Answer Man"?
Appointing & Electing Leaders: Could you clarify the context of appointing leaders as compared to now, including elections. [1 Peter 2:14, Hosea 8:4]].
2022-10-17 "Shortly Come to Pass": Could you address the inquiry that arose about "will shortly come to pass" in the debate that Hank Hanegraaff and Mark Hitchcock had about the date of writing of the book of Revelation? [Revelation 1:1-3, Revelation 22:6-7, Revelation 22:20, Matthew 16:28-29].
2022-06-27 Any Other "Steve Greggs"?: Is there anyone else like you out there?
Steve Gregg's Church Attendance: Do you go attend a local church?
Guns: Should Christians own guns?
2020-04-13 Hank Hanegraaff & Eastern Orthodoxy: Do you know why Hank Hanegraaff switched to Eastern Orthodoxy?
2019-10-14 Hank Hanegraaff: Do you and Hanegraaff disagree about some things?
God Appearing: Would you tell us more about your personal experience with God appearing to you?
2019-05-29 Ascension into Heaven: Why do people always talk about ascending into heaven, when the Bible seems to indicate that no one has? [John 3, Acts 2:34, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
Hank Hanegraaff: What happened to Hank Hanegraaff?
2018-11-14 Hank Hanegraaff & Eastern Orthodox: Hank Hanegraaff, he recently converted to Eastern Orthodoxy, & to do so, you has to give up a lot of his formally held beliefs, like for example, Sola Scriptura.
2018-07-16 Hank Hanegraaff: What do you know about the Eastern Orthodox church? My family & I have started attending one, & Hank Hanegraafff switching over has influenced our decision.
2018-03-14 Knowing Koine Greek: Just because you understand New Testament Greek does not mean that you know all the truth, error-free.
Eastern Orthodox Church: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff switching over to eastern orthodox church? How can he possibly still be a legitimate host of The Bible Answer Man?
2017-10-26 Eastern Orthodoxy: What can you tell me about the Eastern Orthodox church as I've been hearing a lot about it since Hank Hanegraaff moved over to it?
2017-09-15 Hank Hanegraff & the Eucharist & EO Church: Hank Hanegraaff converting to Eastern Orthodox was mostly because of the real presence of Jesus' body in the bread and wine? Have you ever heard of the book, "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist" by a
2017-08-25 Eastern Orthodox Church & Hanegraaff: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff switching over to EO & what do you know about them?
2017-08-02 Steve Gregg Joining the EO Church: What is so special about the Eastern Orthodox church as to why you switched over to it?
2017-05-11 Hank Hangraaf Switching over to Eastern Orthodoxy: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff switching over to Eastern Orthodoxy?
2017-04-24 Hanegraaff Converting over to Eastern Orthodoxy: wondering about eastern orthodox church in light of Hank hanegraaff switching over
2017-04-24 Studying Eastern Orthodoxy as a Result of Hanegraff's Switch: Caller has been studying eastern orthodoxy as result of Hank Hanegraaff's conversion to it, & he's disturbed by some of the things he's learned, such as communicating w/ dead saints & related issues.
2017-01-30 Hitchcock/Hanegraaff Dating of the Book of Revelation Debate: Caller thinks Steve should really listen to Mark Hitchcock during the Debate he had with Hank Hanegraaff about Dating of the Book of Revelation. (I'm guessing because he had an internet issue because he now has a bit of a delay in hearing the caller.)
2016-06-10 Steve Gregg & Hank Hanegraaff: Do you & hank hanegraaff see eye to eye on most biblical issues/interpretation? Have you two ever played a round of golf?
2015-11-05 Jack Hibbs Video: No fellowshipping in the Calgary Chapel if you don't agree w/ Dispensationalism. What is a hyper-dispensationalist compared to a garden variety Dispensationalist, & what would be the danger of going that direction?
Hanegraaff - Hitchcock Debate: They discuss the debate Hank Hanegraaff & Mark Hitchcock had about the dating of the book of Revelation, or actually, Dispensationalism verses Preterism.
Chuck Smith: What about Chuck Smith, would he have ever debated preterists?
2015-09-25 The Jack Hibbs video on Replacement Theology: Comment on Jack Hibbs response about partial Preterism & replacement theology.
Mark Hitchcock gloating over Debate Victory: At the end of the Hibbs replacement video, Mark Hitchcock gloated about the victory he had over Hank Hanegraaff on the debate about the Date of the Book of Revelation.
2013-12-30 Events in Revelation appearing Futuristic: How would you explain all these events that seem to still need to happen if you think that it was all fulfilled in 70 AD?
1000 years in Revelation: Can Steve please explain how preterists or parital preterists or amillenialists explain the 1000 years in Revelation if it was all fulfilled? [Revelation 20]
2013-12-18 Hank Hanagraaff: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff? Is he a reliable teacher?
Steve Gregg a Reliable Teacher: Is Steve Gregg a reliable teacher? Caller used to disagree with a lot of what Steve said, but what to go see if what he says was true, & found out that it was! [Acts 17:11]
2013-12-02 Lord's Prayer-"As It Is In Heaven": What does the phrase, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" mean? How so we know what heaven's will is? [Matthew 6:10].
Hank Hanegraaff's New Book: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff's book, "The Complete Bible Answer Book" that just came out?
2013-06-28 "Counterfeit Revival": What do you think about Hank Hanegraaff's book, "Counterfeit Revival"?
Dispensationalism: What exactly is Dispensationalism?
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