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Topic: Messenger(s)

Showing 1 to 16 of 16.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-01-23 Angels, Cherubim, & Seraphim: What is the difference between an angel and a seraphim? [Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 1, Ezekiel 10, Revelation 4-5].
The Appearance of Angels: Since Mary was told to "not be afraid," is it possible that angels are scary-looking? [Luke 1:30-33].
2023-12-07 Jehovah's Witnesses & Michael Archangel: Caller shares his view that the Jehovah's Witness belief that Jesus is Michael is heresy. [Malachi 3:1, Joshua 5:15]
2023-10-04 God as an Angel: Is God an angel? Or can He be an angel? [Acts 7:30, Exodus 3-4].
2022-09-16 Judging Angels: What angels will we be judging and what will we be judging them upon? [I Corinthians 6:3, I Corinthians 14:29, Revelation 3:9, I Corinthians 15:29, 2 Thessalonians 2:5, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6].
2022-08-05 Authority on a Woman's Head: Could you talk about the angels (authority) on my head? [I Corinthians 11:10, I Corinthians 11:3-16, Genesis 6].
Women's Hair & Head Coverings: Is a women's hair also a covering? [I Corinthians 11:10, I Corinthians 11:16, Acts 18:18].
2022-06-07 God Speaking Today: Does God speak to people today in ways other than the Bible?
The Messenger (Angel) of Revelation: Who is the messenger (angel) to the churches in Revelation? [Revelation 2:1].
2021-10-15 "Angel of the Lord": Is the angel of the Lord, Jesus, in Genesis? [Genesis 16:10].
Ismael: Who is Ishmael? [Genesis 16].
2021-08-03 Jacob Wrestling with the Angel: What was the purpose of Jacob wrestling with the angel, and what did God think of that? [Genesis 32:22-32, Hosea 12:3-4].
2020-12-16 Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24) & A.D.70: Could you help me understand how some of the verses in Matthew 24 fit into the A.D. 70 scenario instead of end times? [Matthew 24:29-34, Matthew 24:3, Isaiah 19:1].
2020-07-08 Counsel of the Gods & Michael Heiser: What do you think of Michael Heiser's ideas, especially the "counsel of the gods"? [Psalm 82].
2016-06-03 Women Submission & Angels: Can you please talk about women submission of covering their heads & the angels? [1 Corinthians 11]
Learning How to Pray: How do you teach someone to pray? [Luke 11]
2016-03-30 Angel meaning Messenger: The Greek word for angel is "messenger", but in Hebrew did they use the same word?
Sin in Hebrew: What about the word "sin: in greek, is it the same as Hebrew?
Ahijah the Prophet: Caller wants to know if all of the names of "Ahijah" are the same person. [1 Kings 12:15, 1 Kings 14:2]
2016-03-25 The Angel of the Lord=The Holy Spirit: Is it referring to the Holy Spirit when it says, "THE" Angel of the Lord as opposed to an Angel of the Lord, which just means messenger?
2013-12-06 Sons of God: Could you talk about what the "Sons of God" is talking about, the phrase referring to both messengers & men? [Genesis 6, Job 1:6, Job 38]
Cherubim & Seraphim: Could you talk about the Cherubim & Seraphim?
2013-05-29 Virgin Given in Marriage: Is 1 Corinthians 7 referring to a father or a betrothed regarding the giving a women in marriage? [1 Corinthians 7:36-38].
Headcoverings: Where do you stand on "headcoverings" for woman? Recommended article; "Should a Woman be Veiled: [1 Corinthians 11:10].
2012-01-06 Bipolar: Caller shares his diagnosis of "bipolar" and the sensation of a chemical rush.
Michael the Archangel: Why do the Jehovah Witnesses think that Michael the Archangel is Jesus? [Jude 1:9, Hebrews 1:4-5, Malachi 3:1, Daniel 10:13, Joshua 5:13-15].
Jehovah Witnesses: What about the Jehovah Witness belief that Christians believe in a pagan mythology of the trinity?
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