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Topic: Theory (ies)

Showing 1 to 4 of 4.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-13 Philosophy: How much have you studied philosophy? Doesn't all of humankind follow philosophy?
2024-01-10 Comment-Physical Laws of Science: Caller shares the definition of "physical law" (of science) and the fact that it is not causal, but descriptive.
2023-02-13 Flat Earth: Do you believe in a flat earth?
Moon Landing: Do you think we went to the moon?
The "Firmament:" Can you explain the "firmament?"
2022-11-16 Michael Heizer & the Council of Gods: What do you think of Michael Heizer's position on the "council of the gods"? Do you think it possible? [Psalm 82, Genesis 6].
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