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Topic: Guidance

Showing 1 to 19 of 19.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-08 Spiritual Fathering: Could you elaborate on the passage about "spiritual fathering" and the responsibility for those we lead to Christ? [1 Corinthians 4:4-17, Matthew 23:9].
2022-10-28 Infertility: Is there anything in scripture that would suggest that we should not pursue infertility treatment, and I should instead, wait on the Lord? [Matthew 9:29].
2022-07-07 My Will vs God's Will: How do I find a balance between my own responsibilities, choices, and individual free will and what God's will is for me?
2022-07-04 Fleeces before God: Would you share your personal story of putting fleeces before God about about the girl who you would marry?
Demonic Forces at Work: What other forces, other than demonic forces, could have been at work in the experience of all your fleeces set before God?
2022-07-04 Fleeces before God: Would you share your personal story of putting fleeces before God about about the girl who you would marry?
Demonic Forces at Work: What other forces, other than demonic forces, could have been at work in the experience of all your fleeces set before God?
2022-06-30 God Speaking to Me: How do I know that God is trying to tell me something, and it is not just my conscience? [Ephesians 5:17].
Emailing Steve Gregg: Can I email questions instead of calling the radio program?
2022-06-22 Astrology & Divination: How can books about astrology be tied to Christianity? Recommended; "The Gospel in the Stars." [Genesis 1, Psalm 19:1].
2022-06-15 Atheist-Following Jesus & Hearing His Disciples: Atheist-Why are not the teaching of Jesus alone enough for us to follow Him, instead of all the writings of the disciples? [I Corinthians 7].
Atheist-Sermon on the Mount: Atheist-Would not the Sermon on the Mount alone be enough to follow Christ?
Atheist -God's Word: Atheist-Are you saying that the words of God are not sufficient?
2022-02-14 The Holy Spirit in Our Lives: What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives? Recommended lecture; "Charisma & Character". [Colossians 3:14, Philippians 1:21, Romans 8:14].
Leading of the Holy Spirit: How does one determine when it is your own thoughts versus the Holy Spirit leading you? [Acts 16].
2021-08-10 Prophetic Word & God Speaking: Are some of the prophetic words we think we hear from God, just our imaginations, or is it really God speaking? [1 Thessalonians 5:20, Acts 16].
Asking God to Prophetically Speak to Us Should we not ask God to prophetically speak to us? [John 5:46].
2021-03-30 Various Insights or Levels of Interest in God: Is what you wrote in your book about drawing near to God in various degrees a correlarry to the thoughts in Matthew 13 [Matthew 13:12].
2021-03-26 Walking in the Spirit: How does one achieve walking in the Spirit and living a holy life? Recommended Gregg's new books; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1 & 2) and Lecture series; Charisma & Character [Isaiah 11:2, Colossians 3:15, Luke 12:11, I Peter 4:11].
2020-05-11 Children Being Required to Fast: Do you think children should fast, or be required to fast, to overcome sinful behavior?
Train Up a Child: What does the verse in Proverbs mean, "train up a child in the way he should go..." [Proverbs 22:6].
Donations Through PayPal: Can people still donate through PayPal?
2020-03-13 Clarity from God for Guidance: Will scripture, or the Holy Spirit, always teach and lead you? Or are there times when it will be unclear? [Acts 16:6-7, Proverbs 3:6].
2019-01-07 Guidance from God: How do we seek and recognize guidance from God?
2018-09-17 The Voice of God: How do we discern the Voice of God?
2017-09-26 Mormonism: Mormonism, LDS discussion, the only way to convert a Mormon is on the spiritual level, but also trying to create doubt, & a true prophet would always be right, otherwise they are false prophets.
Figuring out God's Will every Decision: How do we determine what decisions to make as a Christian when it's not clear from the Bible?
2013-04-23 Buddhist; How One Should Live: Buddhist; How does one learn how to live correctly, especially if one's conscience is very weak? Isn't depending entirely on an external code or authority tenuous? [Hebrews 5:14, Jeremiah 17:9].
2013-03-22 Knowing God's Will: Can you know God's will without pushing on doors to open? [John 10:27-28, Psalm 37:5, Psalm 16:3, Proverbs 3:6, Colossian 3:15, Isaiah 55:12].
Signs from God: If you were going to school part time, and got your work hours cut, would you take that as a sign from God?
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