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Topic: Fundraising (Sales in Church)

Showing 1 to 13 of 13.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-21 Dispensationalism & Jewish Support: Is pursuing "Dispensationalism" and fundraising for "fellowships" of Jews a waste of money and distraction from our task, since many Jews are anti or against Christ. [1 John 2:22, 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, Ephesians 2:15, Galatians 3:28, Galatians 6:10].
2023-01-18 Ministries Selling Books: What do you think about ministries that put ephasis on selling books?
2022-05-17 Fundraising & Living by Faith: Could you talk about "fundraising" and "living by faith"? [Matthew 6:33].
Living by Faith: Did your choice to live by faith cause any problems with your wife in your marriage?
2022-05-17 Fundraising & Living by Faith: Could you talk about "fundraising" and "living by faith"? [Matthew 6:33].
Living by Faith: Did your choice to live by faith cause any problems with your wife in your marriage?
2022-01-18 "Word of Faith" Wealthy Preachers: Could you comment on some of these wealthy "Word of Faith" preachers and if you think they will be found in sin and will be judged? [Philippians 4:12, I Timothy 6:9].
2020-12-15 Charity Financial Responsibility: Caller suggests a site called "Charity Navigator" for checking organization's finances? (Compassion International, World Vision, Open Doors USA, Mercy Ships, etc.).
2020-03-02 Alcoholic Beverages for a Church Fundraiser: Our church is considering getting a alcoholic beverages license for a fundraising event, what scripture would you use to discourage it?
2019-07-05 Fundraising & Sales in Church: How should we view fundraising, sales, and such things taking place in the church building or Christian organizations? [John 2:16].
2019-01-22 Pursuing Funding for Christian Ministry: What is the best way to raise funds for Christian ministry?
2015-09-15 Church Buildings & Organization: Caller has just read, "Pagan Christianity" & was wondering about Church buildings & organizations, & fundraising for it. What does Steve think about that?
2015-05-27 Church Building Project Followup: What do you think about the new building project her church wants to do when people are being told they are not following the Spirit of God for not pledging to help? [Acts 2:46]
2015-02-06 Expanding Church Building Project: Our church is thinking about expanding the physical church by purchasing more property, but wondering if that's a good idea since are many needy people.
2012-01-09 Preacher Telling Me to Give a Financial Amount: Could you comment on a preacher telling me about two of my prayers and that I need to give a certain amount of money? [Matthew 5:42, Acts 8:20].
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