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Topic: Superstition

Showing 1 to 22 of 22.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-08 Curses on Christians: Can Christians be cursed? [Galatians 3:13, Galatians 1:8, 1 Corinthians 16:22, Proverbs 26:2, Malachi 3:8-10, Deuteronomy 28:15ff].
Generational Curses: Is it unbiblical to claim that someone is suffering because of something their ancestors did (generational curses)? [Ezekiel 18:20, Ezekiel 18:2, Jeremiah 31:29-33].
2024-04-17 The Narrow Path App: Do you have a The Narrow Path phone app? Do not go to the app store, but directly to ""
The number "666": Is there anything significantly bad about the number "666" and do we need to worry about it - like in our phone number or such? Will there be significance to it in the future? [Revelation 13:18] (Actual time of the start of the second question): 29:30)
2024-01-03 Raising Hands in Prayer or Worship: The raising of hands in prayer and worship isn't biblical, is it?
2023-06-14 Protesting Leftist Issues: Can you advise me about participation in protests against some of the outrageous events, like "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgences," especially, in light of how the Catholic Church is dealing with the protest with superstitions and relics?
2023-03-09 "Pleading of the Blood": What is the application of "pleading the blood" for a believer today? [Revelation 12:11, Ephesians 1:7, 1 John 1:7].
2022-06-02 Eucharist (Transubstantiation) is Superstitious: Catholic caller disagrees with Steve about Steve suggesting that the Eucharist (transubstantiation) was superstitious. [Galatians 1:6, Luke 22:19, I Corinthians 11:24-25, Mark 14:22-25].
2021-12-16 Catholic Veneration of Mary, Mother of Jesus: Is the veneration of Mary in the Catholic church possible the "great deception?"
"Abomination of Desolation": Caller questions the events surrounding the rapture and the "Abomination of Desolation"? [Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20, Mark 13].
2021-10-15 Salvation without Repentance: Could you explain what is meant by "the gift of God is without repentance"? [Romans 11:29, John 3:5].
King James Bible Version Only: What do you think about a church who thinks that the King James Bible is the only acceptable Bible to use? Recommended book; "The King James Only Debate" by James White
2021-10-05 Catholicism: What is the best argument against Catholicism? (Ref: Debate with Jimmy Aiken). [I Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 20:25, Luke 22:25].
2021-09-03 Pool of Bethesda & Parlytic Man: Did an angel really come to the Pool of Bethesda & stir the waters so the first person who entered it could be healed? [John 5:4]
Resources on Suicide: Caller wants to know if Steve has anything on suicide at his website. [Steve recommends going to the topic index of the website, & looking under, "Suicide".]
2021-08-12 Inanimate Objects with Demons: Do you actually believe that an inanimate object can have a demon? [Acts 19:19].
2021-08-10 Attaching Evil to Inanimate Objects: Can someone attach evil, or curses, to an inanimate object, such as a Bible? [James 4:7].
2021-05-27 Wearing Crosses: Do you think that those who wear crosses are caught up in idolatry?
2020-10-29 Halloween: Could you comment on Ephesians 5:11, particularly in light of Halloween? [Ephesians 5:11, Galatians 4:10].
2020-02-27 Praying for the Dead: I told my daughter to not pray for my dead sister. Can you help me support that decision with scripture? [I John 5:16].
Lighting Candles: Is the practice of lighting candles for spiritual reasons toying with witchcraft?
2017-09-12 Halloween: What is your view of Halloween?
2016-07-06 KJV Only People: The King James Version only people, why do they even think that, how does it even happen & why is it incorrect to believe?
2016-06-17 Irregular Colored Animals: Jacob taking the irregular colored animals, stiped, spots or speckles, is this some type of superstition prenatal influence? [Genesis 30:7]
2016-05-02 Gold Dust: Do you have any response as to what I should say to my nephew about Jewels & Gold Dust having nothing to do with anything that Jesus would do?
2015-12-28 Soul - Spirit: Is the soul or spirit a separate entity from our body? [2 Corinthians 4, 2 Corinthians 5, Philippians 1:21-23, 2 Corinthians 12, Luke 24:39]
Being Superstitious: What if people just say that people were superstitious back then? Is there any extra biblical or experiential evidence that we have soul/spirit?
2014-08-13 Comments about naming some Ishmael: Caller makes a comment about naming her son Ishmael.
Saying "God Bless you!": Someone suggested that we shouldn't say, "God bless you" to people. What does you think? [2 John 1:10]
2013-11-15 Relying on Feelings to Follow God: I think it was great that my call came after the previous one because it's sort've about the same thing, that you can't rely on your feelings to follow God. I was reading about a pastor who committed suicide & think that even though I disagree with most of "Strange Fire" by John MacArthur, that the spiritual gifts are not for today's church, that he made a few good points in his book.
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