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Topic: Ceremony (Ceremonial)

Showing 1 to 46 of 46.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-08-08 Marriage Ceremony Officiants: Can any Christian perform an appropriate marriage ceremony?
Metaphors in the Book of John: Could you clarify to whom you were referring, Jesus or John, when you said they were speaking in metaphors in the Book of John?
2023-06-14 Marriage/Wedding Ceremonies: Are there biblical directives regarding conducting wedding ceremonies? what about the legal aspects? [Malachi 2:14].
Perscription Drugs: Are there directives regarding prescription drugs? [Proverbs 31:6-7].
2023-04-04 Prescriptions in the Old Testament: Are the prescriptions of the Old Testament applicable to us (such as "The Ten Commandments")?
2023-03-09 Various Kinds of Law in Scripture: Could you clarify the differences betwee civil law, ritual or ceremonial law and moral law? [Leviticus 18, Leviticus 20, Matthew 23:23].
2023-03-02 Marriage License & Ceremony: Do we have to be married by a preacher or a judge, or can we just say our vows to each other before family and friends?
2022-12-23 Marriage Ceremonies: Can a unordained brother in Christ perform marriages, even though there would be no certificate?
2022-05-19 Jesus Broke the Law of Moses: Is it possible that Jesus did not keep all the laws of Moses, namely, the ceremonial laws?
Breaking the Sabbath: Wasn't breaking the Sabbath punishable by death? [John 5:17-18].
2022-05-03 David Eating the Showbread: Could you explain the passage about David eating the showbread (ceremonial or consecrated bread)? [Mark 2:26, Matthew 12:4, Matthew 23:23, John 7:22-23].
Steve Gregg's Memory: Do you have a photographic memory?
2022-01-24 Paying the Tithe: Was paying a tithe under the ceremonial or moral law?
Tithing Not for the Church Today: Where and when did we start wrongly teaching about the tithe for the church today?
2021-09-07 Sabbath Keeping: Caller comments on the Sabbath and that believers are all Israel, therefore one should now keep Sabbath. [Matthew 12].
2021-07-27 Evangelizing Muslims: What do we say to evangelize Muslims, and get past their objections about God not having a wife and therefore not a son?
Evangelizing Homosexuality: How do we evangelize homosexuals? [Matthew 19:1-12].
Tattoos Today: What do you say about all the tattoos people are getting today? [Leviticus 19:28].
2021-07-05 Jesus Broke the Sabbath: How would you respond to someone that says that if Jesus did not break the Sabbath, because that would mean He was not sinless? [Matthew 12:5-8, John 5:16-18].
2021-05-26 Old Covenant vs New Covenant: If I see the "Law of God" not as the Old Covenant, but as more of a model of for what should reflect our behavior toward God? [Genesis 9].
2020-10-22 Method of Baptism: Is there only a certain way Baptism should be done?
Abraham's Sons: How was able to have more sons after Isaac if it was such a miracle to have Isaac?
2017-11-21 Living in Sin: Confronting people who are living in sin.
Performing a Wedding you have Doubts about: What about performing weddings if you have some hesitancy about the union?
2017-11-17 Marriage by Church or State for Financial Reasons: So what about getting married by the church or official state sanctioned marriage, for financial considerations.
2017-11-09 Church Leadership: Church leader performed the ceremony of his daughter who was guilty of an adulterous relationship & got divorced. He remarried her without Biblical grounds.
2017-11-01 Moral law over Ceremonial Law: I'm confused about God summarizing loving God with your whole heart mind & soul, & love your neighbor as yourself & the moral law seems to be divided to those 2 commandments. We still need to keep the moral law, don't we? (Very convoluted question.)
2017-09-29 Jewish Rituals & Festivals: Christians celebrating Jewish rituals & festivals, are we to adhere to them?
2017-08-04 Types & Shadows: Can you talk about any type of "type & shadow", foreshadow & so forth?
2017-06-08 Jesus Attending a Gay Wedding: If Jesus had a brother who was gay, would He attend their wedding? should caller attend his brother's wedding?
2017-06-07 Rituals in Old Testament down to the Minute Detail: All these small tiny rituals that had to be done that seem so petty, why were they necessary so exact? [Exodus & Leviticus]
2017-05-23 Water Veith (Adventist Minister): Have you ever heard of Walter Veith, who is an Adventist minister?
Adventists, Sabbath Keeping & other Rituals: Can you discuss Sabbath keeping & the New Covenant & Rituals?
2017-05-11 Married in Church or Court: Where are we supposed to get married, in the church or the courts?
Not Having Grounds for Divorce: What if you don't have grounds for divorce?
2017-04-11 Attending Gay Wedding: I think it IS acceptable to attend a gay marriage ceremony. [Matthew 5:13-15] (follow-up from 1/30/17)
2017-04-11 Attending Wedding of Divorced People: You just said we shouldn't attend a gay marriage/wedding, what about attending one of people who've been divorced?
2017-04-06 10 Commandments & the Ceremonial Law: Trying to distinguishing between the moral law (10 commandments) the ceremonial law, can/should we?
2017-03-24 Living Together Before Marriage: What's wrong w/ people living together before they get married? Why do they have to do it publicly? [1 Thessalonians 5:22]
2017-03-16 Cremation: Is there something wrong with getting cremated over buried?
Tattoos: Are Tattoos okay?
2017-02-10 Wedding Vows: A caller from Denmark caller asking about wedding vows.
2017-01-30 Attending a Gay Wedding: Caller has a relative that is having a gay wedding & wondering if he should attend it or not.
2016-01-27 The Sabbath: Caller wants to rebutt some of the thigns Steve said about the Sabbath: God rested on it, the command was to all people, not just Jews, Jesus replaced ceremonial law only & the reason it's not mentioned in the New Testament is because it was just a given.
2015-10-27 Calvinism: God provided the red heifer & the ashes to get ceremonial clean, but THEY had to actually do something to get clean. Isn't that the right way to think of our salvation, that God does provide everything for us to be able to receive Him, but it's ultimately up to us? [Numbers 19:9,13,10,21; 31:23]
Two or three gathered together: Is this passage of Scripture taken out of context, most thnking that where 2 or 3 people are gathered together, Jesus is there, but isn't this actually talking about church discipline? [Matthew 18:20]
2015-07-20 Marriage: Fiancé got his fiancée pregnant, so got married at a court, but is wondering if they should get married in a traditional wedding at a church in front of a whole bunch of people.
2015-05-29 Marriage & Consummation: Are we allowed to consummate the marriage the night of ceremonial wedding or not until the civic one?
2015-04-22 A Christian Marriage: What constitutes a Christian marriage?
2015-03-31 Passover & the 10 commandments: Are we supposed to still keep the Passover & the 10 Commandments?
2015-03-17 The Ceremonial Law & Love Relationship: One time Steve was differentiating between the ceremonial law & a relationship w/ Jesus & others, but what about Matthew 5:17-19? [Matthew 5:17-19]
2015-03-17 Law being Fulfilled: Caller wanted to chime in about the law being fulfilled in [Matthew 5:17-19]
2015-03-05 Sabbath: Since the Sabbath is mentioned in the 10 commandments, doesn't that make it above the ceremonial sabbaths? [Exodus 20:8-11]
2015-01-14 Fasting - Negative connotation: God didn't want fasting or it wasn't always effective, is that what He was saying in Isaiah? [Isaiah 58]
2013-11-26 Ceremonial Sabbath & the "Moral" Sabbath: Isn't there a difference between the moral Sabbath of the 10 commandments verses the ceremonial sabbaths, especially since it wasn't by God's own finger? [Colossians 2:14-17, Romans 14:5-6, Galatians 4:8-11]
2013-08-26 Woman going Back to former Husband: In light of what it says in 1 Corinthians does a woman who gets a divorce, can she legally & morally go back to her husband without getting remarried? Does she have to get another marriage license? What if the husband is not a believer & doesn't want to get another one? [1 Corinthians 7:10-11]
2013-08-20 Attending a Gay Marriage: Should I attend a gay marriage even though I don't approve of it?
2013-08-14 Attending a Gay Wedding: Should I attend a gay wedding?
2013-02-08 Obeying the 10 Commandments, Pride & Reading OT: What do we take from the Old Testament to the New Testament? The 10 Commandments? [Romans 6]
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