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Topic: Hagar

Episode Topic Audio

Hagar's Destination: Why does the angel ask where Hagar is going? [Genesis 16:8, Genesis 18:20-23, Genesis 3:9, Genesis 4:9].
Personal Testamonies: Should I mention my terrible past in my testimony when sharing about Christ? [1 Corinthians 7:20, Romans 6:21, Philippians 3:12-14].

Abraham-Not Always Faithful: Could you comment on the fact that Abraham wasn't always the "man of faith" he is presented as later in scripture? [Hebrews 11:8-16, James 2:21].

Arabs & Egyptians-Hagar, Ishmael & Islam: What is the evidence that Hagar traveled east, and the Arabs & Egyptians are descended from her? [Genesis 21].

Hagar, Mt. Sinai, Jersalem, Isaac: Could you clarify what Paul means when he draws parallels between Hagar, Mt. Sinai, and Jerusalem? [Galatians 4:24-30].

Steve's Book on Revelation-Comment: Just a word of appreciation for Steve's teaching and his Revelation book.
Uncleanness in Old vs New Testament: Can you clarify the difference between "uncleanness" in the Old Testament and its spiritual application in the New Testament? [2 Corinthians 6, 7:11]
Isaac & Ishmael: Can you help me to understand the significance of Isaac & Ishmael? [Galatians 4:21-31].

Book of Jasher & Hagar: Do we know when or where Abraham got Hagar from? Was she the daughter of the Pharaoh? The Book of Jasher says that she was. [Joshua 10:12-13]

Ishmael: What am I supposed to think of Ishmael? [Genesis 16:11-12]

Abraham, Hagar & Ishmael: Why was Abraham counted as faithful when he took Hagar and had Ishmael? [Genesis 15, Genesis 17:16, Genesis 18].
Solomon's Backsliding: Why is it never mentioned that Solomon might have gone to hell, because he was so disobedience? [Ecclesiates 12].

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