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Topic: Name(s)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-11 Penciled in Names-the Book of Life: What about the verse in Luke that says our names in the Book of Life are not written in pencil? Is this "Once saved, always saved?" [Luke 10:20, Revelation 3:5, 1 Peter 2:11].
2023-09-21 Hindu Triune God: Callers states that the Hindu god is also triune, as with Christianity.
God's Name: What is Christianity's triune God's name?
2023-08-10 Types of the Church (Rapture & 144,000): Do you think there are types of the church in the story of Enoch and Noah (types of the rapture and the spared 144,000)? [Luke 17:26, 1 Peter 3:20]
Methuselah: What about the meaning of "Methuselah" (“When he is dead, it shall be sent”)?
Church Father's View of Types: What did the church fathers think about "types" in scripture? Isn't it just guessing at the meanings? Rec: Topical lectures: "When Shall These Things Be?"
2023-05-23 Characters in Scripture named "Jesus": How many people are there in the Bible named Jesus? Isn't there someone who pretends to be Jesus? Why do some say, Jesus, the Christ, if there is not another one? [Acts 19:13-15].
2023-05-18 Moses' Father-in-law: What do you know about Moses' Father-in-law name's, as he is called by different names?
2023-05-10 God's Name-Jehovah: Could you clarify the necessity of calling God by His name, "Jehovah," rather than one of His titles?
2023-01-06 Science-Lucy: Comment about early mankind and the debunking "Lucy."
Lucifer (the Title): Could you comment on the title of "Lucifer" (Morning star) and that fact that it should not be used for a name? Recommends topical lectures series; "Spiritual Warfare"-"Origins of Satan." [2 Peter 1:19, Isaiah 14:4, Ezekiel 28:12, Isaiah 14:16].
2023-01-03 Transgender Pronouns & Taking Husband's Last Name: How do you look at the pronoun question and how it may relate to not taking a husband's last name?
Husband's Last Name: How do I address my grand-daughter if she won't take her husband's last name? Should I call her by her husband's name or her maiden name as she prefers? [Genesis 5:2].
2023-01-03 Transgender Pronouns & Taking Husband's Last Name: How do you look at the pronoun question and how it may relate to not taking a husband's last name?
Husband's Last Name: How do I address my grand-daughter if she won't take her husband's last name? Should I call her by her husband's name or her maiden name as she prefers? [Genesis 5:2].
2022-10-25 Messiah Not Named "Emmanuel": Why did Joseph ignore the angel and not name Jesus "Emmanuel" as he was instructed? [Matthew 1:21, Jeremiah 23:5, Isaiah 9:6].
2022-09-27 "The" Holy Spirit: Why do we put "The" in front of "Holy Spirit" if that is His name? We don't put "the" in front of other names.
2022-08-03 Gender Pronouns: Do you address someone with a pronoun as they wish to be called, regardless of their evident gender? What would you do?
Not Taking a Husband's Last Name: How should I address my granddaughter and her live-in boyfriend, if she is not taking his name in their marriage?
2022-05-12 Where Two or Three Are: Doesn't the verse say, "where there are two or more", rather than "two or three"? [Matthew 18:20].
ALterante Names for the Same Person: Why is "Noah", called "Noe", "Judah", called "Judas", and "Jeremiah", called "Jeremy" in scripture? [Matthew 27:9].
2022-05-05 Titles for Jesus & Hebrew Punctuation: Is there any significance to the translator's choice to put commas in different places in the verse giving titles to Jesus in Isaiah 9? [Isaiah 9:6].
2022-03-08 More Knowledge in the Last Days: Is there anything in scripture that suggests that new or more knowledge will develop in the last days?
"Book of Remembrance": Could you talk about the "Book of Remembrance" in Malachi? [Malachi 3:16, Malachi 3:1, Luke 10:20, Genesis 8:1, Jeremiah 23:20].
2022-02-17 Significance of Names in the Bible: Could you talk about the significance of the various names used in the Bible? Some are explained, but what about others? [Matthew 1].
Jesus' Name Contradiction: How does one view the seeming contradiction with the name of Jesus being to be Emmanuel, but also Jesus? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:21, Jeremiah 23:5, Exodus 34:6-7].
2013-07-30 Blotting Out Names-"Book of Life": Because scripture says only that names are blotted out of the "Book of Life", are our names in there before we are born? [Revelation 3:5].
Ezekiel's Temple Still Future: Caller's pastor thinks there's no way Ezekiel is not talking about a future temple.
2013-03-14 Adam Naming Eve: Did Adam name Eve in the same fashion or manner that he named the animals? [Revelation 2:17, Genesis 3:20, Genesis 5:2].
Morning Star: Could you talk about the "Morning Star" title? [Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 22:16, Daniel 2:37 ].
2013-02-04 Massah & Meribah: To what are the names "Massah" & "Meribah" referring? [Exodus 17:7]
2012-01-06 The Meaning of the Name "Jesus" What does the name "Jesus" mean?
Who is "They"?: Who is "they" in Matthew 1:23? [Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, Jeremiah 23:5-6].
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