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Topic: James (Bro of Jesus)

Showing 1 to 14 of 14.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-24 Apostles vs Disciples' Authority: Since you indicate that the apostles were authoritative writers of the New Testament, even if they were not inspired, how do you see Mark, James, and Jude when they were not apostles?
2024-02-21 Jesus' Brothers: When did Jesus' brothers become believers? [John 7:5, Acts 1:14, 1 Corinthians 15:7].
Jesus' Transfiguration: Regarding Jesus' transfiguration, does the description as a "vision" indicate it didn't actually happen? [Matthew 17:9, Acts 26:19].
2023-08-31 James (Brother of Jesus): Could the disciples have mistakenly put James in a more prominent leadership position, possibly because he was the brother of Jesus? [1 Corinthians 15:5, John 7:5, Acts 1:14, Acts 15:28, Galatians 1:18-19].
2023-08-29 James' Leadership in the Church: How did James (brother of Jesus) become so prominent and such a notable leader in Jerusalem?
2023-07-28 James and Jude: Are James and Jude brothers of the Lord, without a doubt?
2022-10-31 Faith, Obedience & Love: Does it seems like there is a contradiction between Paul and Jamess in scripture about being able to be obedient? [John 14:15, Romans 8:4-7, I Corinthians 8:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, James 2:19, James 2:8, Galatians 5:6, I Timothy 6:3-4].
2022-09-28 "Torah Observance" After Pentecost: How did Jewish Christians, after Pentecost and before the destruction of the temple think of "Torah Observance"? [Acts 21].
Persecutions of the Early Christians: Why did the Jews persecute the early Christians? [Acts 21, Acts 12, Acts 6:5].
Persecution of the Early Christians in Acts: Is Acts 10 talking about Jewish persecution of the early Christians? [Hebrews 10:32].
2021-09-03 Peter, James & John in Jesus' Inner Circle: Why was Peter, James & John part of Jesus' inner circle & not Andrew?
2021-04-26 Secular Roman Historical Records of the Resurrection: Who are the secular historians and figures to which we can point in order to support the resurrection records (Tacitus, Suetonius, Josephus)?
Steve Gregg's New Books: Would you talk more about your two new books, "Empire of the Risen Son", volume 1 &2?
2021-04-05 Various Views in the Jerusalem church: What are the different views of those in the Jerusalem church?
Senior Pastors in the Jerusalem Church: How did the hierarchy of the Jerusalem church compare to those that would be considered senior pastors in churches today? [Galatians 2:12, Acts 15, Matthew 23:8].
2020-12-29 "James the Just" & "James, Brother of Alphaeus": Could you clarify if "James the Just" is the same as "James, brother of Alphaeus"?
Were Peter & Paul Intimidated by James: Were either Peter or Paul intimidated by James? [Acts 11:21, Acts 12, Acts 15, I Corinthians 9]
2016-11-09 Salvation by Faith or Works: Paul & James seem to be saying conflicting things about faith & works, can Steve reconcile them? [Ephesians 2:8-10]
2013-07-05 Persecutions in the Book of James: Do we have any idea what trials or persecutions the Book of James was specifically talking about? [James 1:1]
Eating Unclean Animals: When did Peter's Vision about the sheet involving unclean animals relate to the council about avoiding blood, strangled animals & meats sacrificed to idols? [Acts 15:23-29]
Prophets-Judas & Silas: John the Baptist was the last of the Old Testament prophets, but two new prophets follow; Judas & Silas. Are there more prophets? [Acts 15:22]
2013-04-29 Two Different "James": Where there two different "James" in Acts 12? Who was "James, the Just"? [Acts 12:2, James 12:17]
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