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Topic: Lukewarm

Showing 1 to 11 of 11.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-01-23 Apostasy vs Eternal Security: Can you lose your salvation? [1 John 5:11-12, John 15:6-7, John 3:2, Hebrews 2:1, Titus 1:16, John 10:27-28].
2022-09-20 Carnal Christian: What is the difference between a carnal Christian and not being a Christian at all? [Romans 8:6, I Corinthians 3:1, Galatians 5:17, Romans 7:14].
Lukewarm: Does God really find "lukewarm" people worse than those that don't believe at all? [Revelation 3:16, Joshua 24:15].
2021-06-11 Lukewarm & Vomited Out: Could you expand on the verses about being lukewarm and vomited out of His mouth? [Revelation 3:16, Proverbs 27:14].
2021-01-08 The Parable of the Unwise Virgins (Bridesmaids): Could you clarify the meaning of the parable of the unwise virgins (bridesmaids)? [Matthew 25:1-13, I Thessalonians 4:17, Acts 28:15].
2020-05-19 Lukewarm or Introvert: As an introvert, I fear that I may be considered lukewarm, though I don't want to be. Can you comment?
2016-11-30 First Love: Caller wants to find his first love & fire of Jesus that he had before & wants recommendations on how to do that!
2016-11-22 Lukewarm, spewing them out of His Mouth: Does that mean loss of Salvation? [Revelation 3:16]
2016-01-15 Being Tolerant or having Righteous Anger: How do we draw the balance between having tolerance for people's behaviour & have righteous indignation about it?
2015-11-10 Lukewarmness: Who are the hot, cold & lukewarm? [Revelation 3:15-16]
2015-05-13 Church Growth in Dark Ages: How was the church growing in the Dark Ages during the monopoly the Catholic Church had on the Bible, on the Truth? [Matthew 13:31-32]
Materialism: Western Society seems to have lost their way, the husband & the wife both working, undermining the family by being taught by schools & daycares, ignoring Christianity.
2013-06-21 Catholic Church Speaks Out Against Immorality: How come Protestant Christians aren't more involved in speaking against abortion and injustice, like the Catholic church is?
Protestants & Social Issues: Is it just because Protestants just don't want to get involved in social issues?
Birth Control: What is your postion on Birth Control?
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