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Topic: COVID-19 (Coronavirus )

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-11-16 Covid Vaccine & Mark of the Beast: Have you heard of the claim that the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast and it changes your DNA and God won't recognize you?
2022-10-20 Atheist: Religious Exemption for Vaccines: Atheist caller; What is the religious justification to take a religious exemption for not taking a vaccine?
2022-10-20 Vaccine-Religious Exemption: Do you think that because some of the vaccines were reported to be created from aborted babies is why some sought "religious exemptions"?
2022-04-28 Artificial Intelligence: Is it possible for artificial intelligence to become greater than its creator?
Iron & Clay Symbolism & Artificial Intelligence: Does the mixture of iron and clay in Daniel symbolizing artificial intellgence mixed with human, and possibly related to the vaccine, etc.? [Daniel 2:43].
2022-03-08 COVID Vaccine Requirement: How should I handle the request from my doctor that I get a COVID vaccine when I don't want to get one?
2022-03-02 Pastor Closing Doors During COVID: Should I go to my pastor and apologize for my anger about the church remaining closed when they should have opened?
2022-03-01 Vaccine & Mark of the Beast: Could the COVID vaccine be the "Mark of the Beast"?
2022-02-09 COVID fulfilling Prophecy: Could COVID 19 be part of the prophecy about pestilence and such in the end times? [Matthew 24:34].
2022-02-01 Vaccine as the Mark of the Beast: What do you think about the possibility of the vaccine being the mark of the beast?
2022-01-12 Fear of Death for the Believer: How might the Christian church today, remove the fear of death? [Hebrews 2:14-15, Job 2:4, Matthew 16:25, Luke 9:24].
2021-12-22 God Can Destroy His Own Soul: Can a person destroy his own soul, or is God the only one who can destroy the soul? [I John 1:9, I John 2:1]. (Same caller as first caller of today's show.)
2021-11-17 Vaccines-Telling the Truth: Am I obligated to indicate that I specifically have been vaccinated against COVID, or can I just say that I have been vaccinated (for any number of other things, and let them think it was for COVID?
Vulgarity for a Christian: What do you think of a Christian wearing a shirt that says, "Let's go, Brandon" (which represents a vulgarity).
2021-10-27 Church Mandates Vaccine: What do you think about my church not allowing me to attend unless I get the vaccine? [Matthew 16:25, Luke 17:33].
2021-10-15 Jesus Not Stating He was the Messiah: Did you say that Jesus never said He was the Messiah?
Current Events: What do you think about what is going on in current events?
COVID Vaccine: Do you think the vaccine is safe?
2021-10-11 Vaccine Mandates: What are the biblical arguments for and against taking the vaccine and the idea that it could be motivated to protect others?
2021-10-11 Alternate View of the Vaccine: Caller shares her alternate view of the vaccine.
2021-10-07 Vaccines: What about the vaccine?
2021-09-15 Aborted Fetus' for Vaccines: Is there a moral issue with taking the vaccine, since they have been created at the expense of aborted fetuses?
2021-08-27 The Narrow Path Phone App: Would it be possible to put a playback speed option on the phone app?
Religious Exemption to Vaccine: Do you think Christians who use their faith as a religious exemption to avoid the vaccine, are abusing that right?
2021-08-27 Religious Exemption for Vaccine: Prayers for someone who filed for COVID religious exemption and whose husband suffers from having gotten a debilitating vaccine previously.
Mark of the Beast & COVID Vaccine: Do you think that this COVID vaccine could be related to the "Mark of the Beast"?
2021-08-27 Religious Exemption for Vaccine: Prayers for someone who filed for COVID religious exemption and whose husband suffers from having gotten a debilitating vaccine previously.
Mark of the Beast & COVID Vaccine: Do you think that this COVID vaccine could be related to the "Mark of the Beast"?
2021-08-24 Choosing Not to Get the Vaccine: What would you say to my son who prefers not to get the vaccine, but his wife wants him to? [I Peter 3:7].
2021-08-24 Trusting God (COVID): Caller shares his choice to trust God in whether he and his wife would get COVID.
2021-08-24 COVID Vaccine Mandates: Would you advise me about the taking of the vaccine, in light of the government forcing it upon us?
2021-08-19 COVID Mask Mandate: Could you help me sort out our church mess over the COVID mask Mandate? [Romans 14:5].
2021-08-19 Being Forced to Take the COVID Vaccine: How should we handle being forced to take the COVID vaccine?
2021-08-11 COVID Testimony: Caller shares his experience in growing through COVID and how it has been good for him. Also how much we can disagree, but still have unity.
2021-08-04 Vaccine & Loving Your Neighbor: Caller shares her view that getting the vaccine is practicing "love your neighbor as yourself." [Mark 12:31].
2021-08-02 Vaccine Mandates: How should Christians respond to the vaccine mandates? Is there any relevant scripture? [Psalm 118:8].
The Vaccine for COVID: Is it more loving to take the vaccine?
2021-07-30 Call for Prayer: Caller requests prayer for his case of COVID.
2021-07-21 Submission & COVID Vaccine: If my sister doesn't want to get the COVID vaccine, but her husband wants her to, should she do so out of submission?
2021-07-21 Pregnancy & the Vaccine: Caller shares her insight into pregnant woman taking the COVID vaccine.
Leaving Jesus: Have you heard much about the Catholic church and many evangelicals leaving their devotion to Jesus? [Galatians 1:10].
What Must I Do to be Saved: What must one do to be saved? [Matthew 1:21, Romans 10:9, Luke 17:10, I Corinthians 10, I Peter 3, John 8:31].
2021-07-14 The Mark of the Beast Being Forced on Us: Could you clarify what you understand about the possibility of the "Mark of the Beast" being forced upon us? [Revelation 13:16, Revelation 14:19, Revelation 20:4, Revelation 24, Revelation 14:1].
Mark of the Beast: So you don't think that the "Mark of the Beast" is something physical, but a matter of the heart?
2021-07-14 The Mark of the Beast Being Forced on Us: Could you clarify what you understand about the possibility of the "Mark of the Beast" being forced upon us? [Revelation 13:16, Revelation 14:19, Revelation 20:4, Revelation 24, Revelation 14:1].
Mark of the Beast: So you don't think that the "Mark of the Beast" is something physical, but a matter of the heart?
2021-07-05 Deceptions & Signs Today Signaling Jesus' Return: Since Jesus said we are not to let anyone deceive us, do you think that the signs of end times, like the vaccine, are of those deceptions? [Matthew 24:4, Mark 13:4, Luke 21:7].
2021-06-30 Coronavirus Vaccine: What do you think of not taking the Coronavirus vaccine if I am being warned by my own sister that I am taking a huge risk with my health?
2021-06-11 Religious Exemption for COVID Vaccine: Is there biblical support for not taking the COVID vaccine?
2021-06-04 Coronavirus (COVID) Vaccine: What do you think about the Coronavirus (COVID) vaccine?
2021-06-03 Worldly Christians: What is a worldly Christian? [Romans 12:2, Psalm 1:3].
Taking the Vaccine a Sign of Worldliness: Is it a sign that I am worldly, if I took the vaccine?
2021-05-26 Ethics of Compromising Truth to Protect Others: Could you help me with the ethics of compromising truth for good, or in order to preserve someone's choice, as with Rahab, in particular with being forced to take the COVID vaccine? [I Samuel 16, Joshua 2, Matthew 23:23, I Peter 4:8].
2021-05-17 Healthcare & Vaccines: Is there a biblical basis for not wanting to take the vaccine because of the complexity in the balance of our body?
2021-04-23 The New Vaccine: What do you think about the new vaccine?
2021-04-01 Letting God Make Your Decisions: When you say in your series on discipleship that one should let God make your decisions, how do you mean that? How does one do that?
Employer's Mask Wearing Requirement: I am considering serving a complaint to my employer regarding the requiring of the masks, and my mom thinks as believers we should not cause conflict. What do you think about this?
2021-03-29 Demonic Powers Today: Can you help me with the spirits that are causing COVID and political evil right now?
2021-03-26 Vaccine from Fetal Cells: What do you think of the vaccine using fetal cells? [Psalms 139:15, Acts 15:29}.
2021-03-19 Provoking Your Children: What does it mean to "not provoke your children to anger?" [2 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 4:15].
Wearing Masks: Should we wear masks based on the commands to "love one's neighbor, as yourself"? [Ephesians 6:4].
2021-03-08 DNA Alteration Ramifications: If your DNA can be altered by vaccines, then at what point could we become irredeemable? Did not Jesus die for human, not animals?
Soul & Spirits of Humans & Animals: Isn't the spirit what separates us from the animals? [Ecclesiastes 3:21].
2021-01-26 COVID Vaccine & The Mark of the Beast: Do you think there is any parallel between the vaccine and the mark of the beast?
2021-01-20 Home Church Fellowship & Community: I am not sure how to think about going back to the more traditional church, as this time of community meetings seems better. Before we tolerated sinfulness in the church, but now we interact more. Can you help? [Matthew 13:24-30, Matthew 18:17, I Corinthians 5:12-13].
2021-01-12 Shutting Down a Church-Forsaking the Assembly: Is it wrong to shut down a church and forsake the assembling together of the saints? [Hebrews 10:25].
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