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Topic: John 3:16

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-21 Sealed by the Spirit but Losing One's Salvation: Could you give examples of how someone sealed with the Holy Spirit can still lose their salvation for all eternity? Rec: Topical Lectures: "Content of the Gospels," "Eternal Security." [1 John 5:11-12, John 3:16, John 3:36, John 15:1-6, Romans 11:16-22, 1 Corinthians 9:26-27].
2024-02-29 Regeneration Before or After Believing: Do you believe regeneration is caused by man believing, or by God? Rec: Topical lectures "God's Sovereignty, Man's Salvation." [John 3:15-16, John 20:31, Colossians 2:10, Ephesians 2:8, Romans 10:14-15, 1 Corinthians 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 3:2-4].
2023-11-21 David's Hateful Attitude (Imprecatory Psalms): Why is David's hateful attitude found acceptable in some of the Psalms (Imprecatory Psalms)? [John 3:16, Psalm 109:6, Psalm 139:21-22, Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27-28].
2023-11-13 Contradictions about Salvation & Our Security in Christ: Doesn't John 3:16 contradict Matthew 7:21 about salvation? I am very fearful I may not make it into heaven. [John 3:16, Matthew 7:21, Galatians 5:6, James 2:26, James 2:20, Luke 6:46].
2023-08-24 Grieving the Loss of Unsaved Loved Ones: How can I grieve "in hope," if the loved ones I have lost were not Christians? [1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Ezekiel 33:11, Hebrews 9:27, 2 Peter 3:9, Titus 2:11, 1 Corinthians 4:5, Romans 2:6, John 3:16].
2023-08-10 Atheist View of the Nephilim: Atheist questions the "sons of God" in Genesis 6 relative to the Nephilim and the virgin birth. Could Goliath have been one of the Nephilim? [Genesis 6:4, 2 Corinthians 11:14, 2 Samuel 21:22, John 3:16, John 1:12, 1 John 3:2].
Atheist Caller-God's Many Sons: Atheist queries, if the "Sons of God" are humans (rather than fallen angels or demons) in Genesis 6, then how many sons does God have? And in contrast to John 3:16, which says He has only one?
2023-06-23 John3:16: Could you clarify the variations in the translation of John 3:16, particularly "should"vs "shall" considering the different views of hell
Post Mortem Salvation: Is there any biblical support for the possibility that someone may be able to repent after death and be saved? [Hebrews 9:27, Colossians 1:20].
2023-05-18 "Gave" His Only Son: In the scripture where it says that God gave His son, is it the giving of Him, eternally? [John 3:16].
2022-12-12 Word's not Spoken by Jesus: Do you think that Jesus spoke the words in John 3:16-21?
Eternal Security: Once saved, how is it possible that I could ever not be my parent's son, even if I backslide? Isn't scripture really warning those that are not really saved? [John 15:6, Romans 11:22, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Hebrews 3:1].
2022-06-14 Automatic Immortality: Does John 3:16 suggest that we do not have automatic immortality? [I Timothy 6:16, I John 5:11-12, John 3:16, Romans 2:7].
2022-05-20 Atheist: God Has More than One Son: Atheist caller; How is it that God has more than one son? [John 3:16, Genesis 6:2, John 1:12, I John 3:2].
Atheist; Nephilm: Atheist: Who were the "Nephilim"? [Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33].
Atheist: Ancient Languages Atheist; Should we not be learning ancient Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic?
2021-11-01 Love the World - or Not: If God "so loved the world", but our pastor says that we should not love this world, how does that work? [John 3:16, I John 2:15-17, 2 Timothy 4:10].
2021-09-15 Physical Resurrection: Is the resurrection a physical resurrection and will this be true for unbelievers as well? [John 5:28-29, John 3:16].
2021-09-15 Annihilationism (View of Hell): What can you tell me about "Annihilationism" (Conditional Immortality)? [I Timothy 6:16, John 3:16].
2020-11-25 View of Hell-Universal Reconciliation: Could you review the arguments for and against the view of Hell called "Universal Reconciliation"? [Mark 3:29, Luke 15:24, Romans 2:7, Romans 6:23, I Timothy 6:16, I John 5:11-12, I Timothy 2:4, Romans 5:18, Ephesians 1:10, Colossians 1:16-20, Philippians 2:10, Isaiah 45:23].
2020-09-25 The Kind of Belief That Saves: Could you talk about the opposite meanings of the word, "believes" in John & James, when referring to the demons who believe? [John 3:16, James 2:14, James 7:2, Galatians 5:6, Romans 4, Matthew 7:21, John 8].
2020-07-10 If We Fail God in Helping Another Come to Christ: What would God do with us, if we were responsible for someone's salvation, and we didn't do what we needed to do? [Matthew 18:6, Luke 17:2].
God Loves Me More than Anything: What verses would you say would be the best support the idea that God loves us and really wants us to be saved more than anything? [John 3:16, I John 3:16, Romans 5:8-10].
Great and Terrible Day of the Lord: What is the "great and terrible day of the Lord" in Malachi? [Malachi 4:5-6, Deuteronomy 28, Leviticus 26, Joel 2:31, Acts 2, 2 Peter 3:10-12].
2020-07-10 Animals & Plants Eternal Lives: Would plants and animals have lived forever as Adam and Eve would have, if they had not sinned? [John 3:16].
2020-06-16 Heaven or Hell Upon Death: What happens in the intermediate state? Do we go directly to heaven or hell when we die? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Luke 16:19-31, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:14-15, John 3:16, Ecclesiastes 9:5].
2019-08-14 Only Begotten: Would you talk about the word "begotten"? [John 3:16, Colossians 1:18].
2018-04-26 Dinosaurs: Were do the Dinosaurs fit into the Creation timeline?
Belief in Christ (John 3:16): Isn't it true that it doesn't really matter what religion/denomination we are, just as long as we start at John 3:16, we really that?
2018-01-04 Already Condemned: We are condemned if we don't believe in Jesus. We need to tell people that, that they are condemned if they don't believe in Jesus. [John 3:16-18]
2017-05-24 Catholic Relatives: My parents are in the catholic church & so are concerned about some siblings who died who weren't in it are lost, but they believed you have to do the rosary & so on.
2017-05-17 Hell & Perish: I question Greg Laurie meaning & definition "perish" in John 3:16 & what he says about hell. [John 3:16]
2017-02-07 God's Love: Is God's love unconditional? [John 3:16]
2017-01-31 God's love for Mankind: Does He really love EVERYBODY or only Israel? [John 3:16]
2013-08-08 He Gave His Only Begotten Son: Is John 3:16 enough? Can you be a true Christian just by understanding John 3:16? [John 3:16]
2013-07-08 "Perish": In some Bible dictionaries, the word "perish" can mean "ruin" & "loss". What do you think? [John 3:16]
"Eternal" Since the word for "eternal" doesn't necessarily mean "forever", thereby implying that torment in hell might not be actually forever, couldn't that change how we then see "eternal" life as not "forever"? [Matthew 25:46]
Eternal Punishment in Hell: Doesn't the idea of eternal torment in hell cause many not to believe in God?
2013-05-27 3 Views of Hell: Regarding the "3 views of hell", doesn't John 3:16 refute other views because of eternal punishment? [John 3:16, Matthew 25:46].
2013-04-01 The "World": Which "world" did Jesus come to save? How do we know which "world" not to love. [John 3:16, I John 2:15, Luke 2:1, 2 Corinthians 4:4].
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