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Topic: Lust

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-02-06 Sex, Lust, Jesus, and Adam: Is there a possibility that the sin of lustful sex entered because of the fall, and the natural state without the fall would have been seeing women with more innocence? [Galatians 5:16, Genesis 2:25, Psalm 16:11, James 1:17].
2023-07-06 Roaming Eyes (Lust): If I have a roaming eye and am attracted to women, will I be condemned for that? Rec: Book; "Every Man's Battle." [Job 31:1, Matthew 5:28, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Corinthians 6:20, Matthew 5:29, Hebrews 4:15].
2023-06-15 "Things of the World" (spiritual vs material): Regarding the "things of the world," is there a correlation between 1 John 2 and 1 Corinthians 7? [1 John 2:15-17, 1 Corinthians 7:31-34, 2 Timothy 4:10].
Compromised by Unbelieving Spouse: What if the Christian spouse is caused to compromise in life by the unchristian spouse?
2022-11-18 Men-Greater Temptation to Sin: Do men have a greater propensity for sin, or carry a greater burden of sin, than do women?
2022-10-21 Modesty-Bathing Suits & Speedos: Is it sinful to wear a speedo to the beach?
2022-06-02 Born "Gay": Could you clarify your position on whether some people be born "gay"?
Homosexual Marrying the Opposite Sex: Should a "gay" person go ahead and get married to the opposite sex, knowing that they are gay, in order not to burn in lust? [Exodus 4:11]
2022-05-27 Homosexuality: Do you think that some people can be born with same-sex attraction?
Homosexuality: If people are born with same-sex attraction, doesn't that excuse them, since they have no hope of marriage?
2022-03-04 Warning Against Adultery: Is the warning against adultery about committing adultery in one's heart specifically directed only to men, and does that still apply today? [Matthew 5:28].
Warning Against Lust in the Heart: Is there an overall principle against malevolence in the teaching of looking upon a woman with lust in the Sermon on the Mount? [Matthew 5:28, I John 3:15].
2022-03-04 Warning Against Adultery: Is the warning against adultery about committing adultery in one's heart specifically directed only to men, and does that still apply today? [Matthew 5:28].
Warning Against Lust in the Heart: Is there an overall principle against malevolence in the teaching of looking upon a woman with lust in the Sermon on the Mount? [Matthew 5:28, I John 3:15].
2022-02-23 Sin in Word, Thought & Deed Every Day: How do you talk about those that routinely sin and backslide (often excusing it) regarding obedience and salvation? [Galatians 5:16, Titus 2:1-5, James 3:2, I John 2, Romans 6:1, John 15:5].
2021-12-21 Thoughts as Sin: When do thoughts become sin? [I John 3:15, Matthew 5:27-28, James 1:15, Hebrews 4:15, Matthew 4:9, Luke 4:1-13].
2021-11-29 Jesus' Temptation to Sin: Do you think that our sin nature is different than the sin that Jesus was tempted by? [I John 2:15-17, Genesis 3:6].
2021-06-28 Love of Money: Don't you think that the desire for wealth is exactly how Satan is derailing many? [I Timothy 6:9-10, I John 2:15-17, Matthew 19:24].
2021-04-12 Sexuality in Scripture: What does scripture say about sex outside of marriage? [I Corinthians 6:16].
2021-03-31 Making Difficult Commitments and Promises: How do you know what to make a commitment to, so that one won't eventually break it and sin?, as in the temptation of something like pornography?
2020-10-22 Christian in Name only: How do I deal with Christian who seem to only have a form of godliness but still live a life of sin? [1 Corinthians 5]
Judging Others: When I tell them we shouldn't be doing our old life anymore, I get ostracized & told that I shouldn't judge. [1 Peter 4]
2020-09-30 Oral Sex Acceptable with One's Wife: Is it a sin to engage in oral sex with one's wife?
Lusting After Your Own Wife: Is it acceptable to lust after one's own wife?
2020-09-28 Homosexual Addiction: What do you say to someone who has been involved in a homosexual lifestyle and addiction their whole lives due to childhood abuse? Rec Lecture: Cultivating Christian Character [I Peter 2:11].
2020-09-11 Masturbation: Would you talk about masturbation and how it compares with adultery and if and how we can control it? [Matthew 23:23]
2020-08-31 Confession of Sins & a Pure Heart: Could you talk about our confession of sins in order to keep a pure heart? [James 5:16, I John 1:9].
Pure Heart for Communion: What about having a pure heart in order to take communion, because we sin so often? [I Corinthians 10:31, I John 2:1].
Masturbation: What about masturbation? [I Thessalonians 4:3, I John 2:16, John 15:13, Matthew 26:41, Psalm 103:1-14].
2020-03-18 Who is Left Behind: In Matthew when speaking about those left behind, who do you think the ones left behind are? Are they being left behind for judgment? [Matthew 24:40].
Beating Sin's Temptation: When we are face tempting sin, how do we beat the temptation to continue to be right with God? [James 1].
2020-02-13 Sin vs Temptation: If you don't actually act out a sin, but you keep entertaining thoughts of that sin, are you sinning? [James 1:15].
2019-08-14 Grounds For Divorce: Is it adultery, and grounds for divorce, if a man simply lusts in his heart? [Matthew 5:27-28].
2019-07-16 Lust vs Attraction: Is it really adultery if you lust, if neither person is married? [James 1:14-15, I Timothy 5:2].
Jesus Tempted to Lust: Did Jesus actually have the same temptations as we do, such as, lust? [Hebrews 4:15].
2019-07-16 Lust vs Attraction: Is it really adultery if you lust, if neither person is married? [James 1:14-15, I Timothy 5:2].
Jesus Tempted to Lust: Did Jesus actually have the same temptations as we do, such as, lust? [Hebrews 4:15].
2019-07-16 Adultery in Heart Is the adultery alluded to in a previous call more about adultery toward God?
2019-01-04 Overcoming Lust: How does one overcome the sin of Lust?
2018-08-03 The Impeccability of Jesus: Could Jesus have sinned? [Hebrews 5:7]
Surrendering to God: What does it mean to surrender to God?
Lust: What does the word "lust" mean?
2018-06-19 Masturbation: Whether Masturbation is a sin or not depends on what you are thinking about, the caller thinks.
2018-06-14 Provocative Dress: Young women wear provocative dress to church and are causing men to stumble.
2018-06-13 Pornography Addiction: Isn't it unbiblical to look at Playboy?
2018-05-02 Passion for Your Pre-married Spouse: Paul says it's okay to have passion for each other & NOT be sinning, but to get married, so isn't he basically saying sex before marriage is okay? [1 Corinthians 7:36]
2018-04-20 Plucking out your Eye: Lusting after a woman, & then having to pluck out your eye, cut off your hand so you stop lusting, so are you supposed to do this literally? [Matthew 5:27-28]
2018-02-05 Fornication: What is fornication?
2017-11-09 Free to Marry Again: Caller is wondering if she would be free to marry again though she left her husband, especially since he married again.
2017-06-30 Sex: Is sex a need or strong desire or want? (very garbled call)
2017-01-03 Pornography Addiction: Are addiction problems biblical or is it referring to people who are just out of control?
2016-10-24 God healing: If our God can heal, why do Christians then need hospitals or ambulances?
Combatting Pornography: Is there a way to combat pornography? How to deal with the guilt?
2016-09-01 Augustine's gnosticism & total depravity: Have been listening to lectures on Total depravity, wondering if you have ever made a connection of Augustine's gnosticism & total depravity?
2016-07-01 Enjoying Pleasure: What kind of pleasures are we referring to here in 2 Timothy? Are we talking about evil pleasures or about pleasure-seeking, & if it's the latter, how does it reconcile with 1 Timothy 6:17? [2 Timothy 3:1-9, 1 Timothy 6:17]
2016-07-01 Marriage & Divorce & Remarriage: Another marriage question with a lot of factors.
2016-05-02 Sexual Thought not a Sin: Caller heard a pastor say sexual fantasy is not actually sinful, only the physical act, witha married woman, is that true?
The ESV & NASB Bibles: Is there difference between the ESV & the NASB bible? Which one would you recommend?
2015-12-17 King David & Bathsheba: Did King David actually rape Bathsheba? Do you suppose she knew what she was doing bathing in front of the palace, trying to seduce him?
Paul's struggle in Romans 7: Was Paul's struggle in Romans 7 pre or post conversion? What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? [Romans 7, Ephesians 6]
2015-07-29 Homosexual Temptation: A friend of the listener struggles w/ same-sex attraction. Can he still be a Christian despite this?
2015-03-26 Bible interpretation in James: "Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5 What does it mean? [James 4:5]
2015-03-23 Homosexuality: Caller is struggling w/ same sex attractions.
2014-12-12 Fasting: What's commanded or expected of us in the New Testament when it comes to Fasting? Is there a certain amount of time we should fast? Should we be listening for the prompting of the Holy Spirit? What are we to fast? The new fad is to fast from internet, computers, tv. Is that acceptable?
Mental Lust Grounds for Divorce: Is lust which happens in the heart grounds for divorce or only actual physical adultery, fornication?
2014-12-12 Lust thoughts crossing your mind (Sin & Temptation): What if a lustful thought crosses your mind, but you'd never act on it? When is it sin or just temptation?
2014-10-28 Practicing Lesbianism: Is there a difference between being gay & not practicing, like heterosexuals not practicing fornication, & being gay & practicing it? Are you still sinning just for being gay or lesbian even though you aren't practicing?
2014-05-16 Lust or Natural Attraction: Caller thinks the church is too simplistic regarding lust or natural attraction of the opposite sex, and thinks that they are wrong for thinking it's a sin that one of the reasons you are dating someone is because you are looking forward to having sex with them once you are married. [Matthew 5:28]
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