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Topic: Reformed Denominations

Showing 1 to 23 of 23.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-05 Covenantal Circumcision (Infant Baptism): Could you explain "covenantal circumcision?" [1 Peter 3:21, Romans 2:28-29, Philippians 3:3, Colossians 2:11-13, Genesis 17:14, John 3:5-6].
2023-05-16 Leaving a Calvinist Church: How do I navigate leaving my Calvinist church, espeically in light of being asked to not share views that don't agree with Calvin?
2023-04-17 Reformed Theology: Could you explain why this verse in Proverbs has been said to support the Reformed (Calvinist) view of theology? [Proverbs 11:20].
2023-03-07 Doctrine of Sovereign Election (Calvinist): Buddhist caller objects to the "sovereign election" stance of the Calvinist (Reformed) denominations.[1 Timothy 4:1].
2022-07-11 Puritan: Do you consider yourself a "Puritan"?
2022-01-13 Denying Any Free Will: Is there a denomination that strictly denies any free will?
2021-12-20 Lutheranism, Rather Than Calvinism: Would you consider a third option, rather than just the two options of Calvinism or Non-Calvinism, and consider Lutheranism?
2021-12-13 Calvinism: What is a Calvinist?
2021-08-30 Re-Baptism: Is it biblical to get re-baptized for to gain more power of the Holy Spirit?
Re-baptism in the Lutheran Church: Should I get re-baptized in the Lutheran church, even if they believe in infant baptism.
2021-04-07 Jesus Would Not Lose Any: What is the non-Calvinist view of the verse about Him not losing any of His own, and what is meant by that? [John 6:39, John 17:12, John 17:6, 2 Peter 3:9, I Thessalonians 4:3].
2020-10-09 Total Depravity: Do you agree with the Calvinist position regarding "total depravity"? [Colossians 2, Ephesians 2, Luke 15:11-32].
Chosen in Christ: What do you say about the verses that say we are "chosen" in Christ? [Isaiah 42, Ephesians 1:4, John 15, Exodus 12, Isaiah 5].
Chosen Before the Foundation of the World: Were we not chosen before the foundation of the world? [Ephesians 1:4].
2020-10-06 Predestination & Free Will: Can you help me with my struggle with the word, "predestination" and its implications? [Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:29].
2020-07-28 Defining Calvinism: Many of the definitions of Calvinism (from the Reformed Calvinists) seem to disagree with your definition. Can you help me reconcile this?
2020-07-24 Reformed Church of America: Who is the Reformed Church of America?
2020-04-21 The Papacy & the Rider on the White Horse: Did the reformers believe that the rider on the white was the Pope or papacy? [Revelation 6:1, 13].
Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Does the phrase in Revelation 4 about the trumpet saying, "come hither" or "come here" refer to the rapture? [Revelation 4:1, 1:10, 19:7, I Thessalonians 4].
2019-09-06 Calvinists Think God Hates Most People: On Judgment Day when we are asked "who do you say I am", is it not true that most Calvinists would say that God hates most people?
Calvinism: How could John say "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved," if they don't believe that everyone can be saved? [Acts 16:31].
2019-09-06 Calvinists Think God Hates Most People: On Judgment Day when we are asked "who do you say I am", is it not true that most Calvinists would say that God hates most people?
Calvinism: How could John say "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved," if they don't believe that everyone can be saved? [Acts 16:31].
2019-01-11 Reformed Church Would you talk about finding a good church? I am especially looking at the Reformed Church.
2017-08-10 Apostolic Reformation: Do you know anything about the apostolic reformation?
2017-07-17 Oneness Pentecostal & Reformed Church Differences: What is the difference between Oneness Pentecostals & the Reformed Church involving the Trinity?
2017-02-15 Reformed Faith: What is your view of the reformed faith?
Closed Communion: What is your view of churches that won't let you take communion unless a member?
2014-06-26 Ananias & Sapphira: Regarding hell "scaring people into Salvation", isn't that sort've what happened during the incident of Ananias & Sapphira & throwing fear into the church? [Acts 5:1-11]
United Reformed Church: Do you do you know anything about the United Reformed Church?
R C Sprouls & the Reformed Church: I was wondering what the United Reformed Church was being "reformed" from?
2013-02-25 Calvinism & Evangelism: How does one respond to those that think that God does all the choosing, as opposed to us choosing Him, therefore it makes one question evangelizing? [John 15:16, John 12:32, John 6:44].
No Second Chance in Hell: Doesn't one's free will disappear if people have a second chance to repent and follow Jesus when they are already in hell? [Matthew 4:17, Matthew 18:21, Matthew 5:44].
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