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Topic: Jacob (the Man, also called Israel)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-14 Abrahamic Covenantal Conditions: Do you think Jacob's dream suggests there were no conditions on the Abrahamic covenant? [Genesis 28:10f, Jeremiah 18:7-10, Genesis 18:19-21].
2024-05-17 Amillennial View of the Tribulation: How do non-preterist Amillennialists view the tribulation in Revelation?
The True Israel: Was Jesus the true Israel? [Hosea 11:1, John 15, Galatians 3:28].
2024-03-18 God's Hate for Esau: Why did God hate Esau before he ever did anything wrong? [Romans 9:12-13, Malachi 1:2-3, Romans 9:11-12, Genesis 25:22-28].
2024-03-07 Israel-Still the Chosen People: Is Israel (the Jews) still God's chosen people? [Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 22:18, Galatians 3:16, Zechariah 9:9].
2024-01-19 Jacob & His Wrestling Match: Is there a reason that Jacob got into the wrestling match, instead of just being blessed? [Genesis 32:24-28, Genesis 28:21].
2024-01-12 Paul the "Broken Off" Branch: Was Paul the first "broken off" branch of the olive tree and the first to be grafted back in?
Jacob or Israel (the Names): Is the name "Israel" like a betrothal name?
2023-11-09 God's Chosen Few: Would you comment on Romans 9 and the references to Esau, and God's right to choose only some? [Romans 9, Galatians 3, Romans 9:6, Romans 9:27 ].
2023-08-30 Calvinist's Proof Texts & Romans 9: Can you talk about the favorite proof texts of the Calvinists? Rec topical lecture series: "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [Romans 9:11-13, Genesis 25:23, Malachi 1:2-3].
2023-08-03 "Cut Off from the People": Did all the descendants of Abraham continue to circumcise their children? If they did not, were they Gentiles and what did it mean to be "cut off" from the people?
Job, Who Knew God: Was Job a descendent of Abraham? And how did he know God so well?
2023-08-02 Hebrews, Israelites & Jews: What is the difference between Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews? [Genesis 14:13].
2023-07-20 Earth Age Before This One (Gap Theory): What do you think about an earth age before this one, and one in the future? [Genesis 1:1, Exodus 20:8-11, Malachi 1:2-3].
2023-07-10 Time of Jacob's Trouble: Could you explain "The Time of Jacob's Trouble?" [Jeremiah 30:7].
2023-06-15 The Birthright & the Patriarchal Blessing: Could you explain the birthrights discussed in Genesis 25 and Genesis 27? [Genesis 25, Genesis 27].
2023-06-12 Blessing of One's Children: How do I relate the blessing of Isaac to my own children? Especially if some are going astray? [Genesis 27].
2023-04-20 God's Love Unequally Distributed: Does God love everyone equally, or does it vary depending on the person, in light of He loved Jacob and hated Esau? [Romans 9:13, Malachi 1:2-3, Hebrews 2:9].
2023-01-23 Jacob, Esau & Repentance: On whose part was the impossible "repentance" in the story of Esau in Hebrews 12? [Hebrews 12:17, 1 Samuel 15, Genesis 27:34].
2022-12-23 "Jacob I Have Loved":: Can you clarify the meaning of the phrase "Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated?" [Romans 9:13, Malachi 1:3].
2022-11-11 Bible Mistake?; 70 or 75 People: The number of people of the house of Jacob, and where they were taken in Stephen's testimony was called into question. [Acts 7:14-16, Genesis 46:27].
The Masoretic Text: Why is my copy of the English version of the Masoretic text not consistently in English and sometimes inserts Hebrew? [Isaiah 9:6].
2022-09-20 Jacob & Esau: In the story of Jacob & Esau, would not Isaac notice that goat had been substitued for venison? [Genesis 27:9].
2022-07-11 God's Sovereignty: Isn't Romans 9 (about the potter & clay, Jacob & Esau) just saying that He has the right to do what he wants to do? [Romans 9, Galatians 5:6, James 2, Hebrews 11].
2022-05-17 Jacob Wrestling with the Angel of the Lord: Why did the "angel of the Lord" wrestle with Jacob all night, when he could've beaten him at any time? [Genesis 32:30, Genesis 28:20, Genesis 33:20].
2022-03-23 Jews Called the Israelites: Why are the Jews called the "Israelites" rather than stemming from the names Abraham or Isaac?
2022-02-04 Creation of Tribes and Races: When did God create the different tribes and races, including the twelve tribes of Israel? [Genesis 10].
2022-02-02 American Standard Version of the Bible: Is the Revised Standard Version the same as the American Standard Version of the Bible?
Conflict with Josephus' Writings: Information about Esau's wives in Genesis differs in Josephus' writing. Do you know where he got his information?
2022-02-02 Binding Oath of Jacob & Esau: Why were the oaths binding in the story of Jacob & Esau? [Genesis 27].
2021-08-26 Jacob Wrestled with the Angel (God): Why did Jacob wrestle with the angel and what is the application to us today?
2021-08-03 Jacob Wrestling with the Angel: What was the purpose of Jacob wrestling with the angel, and what did God think of that? [Genesis 32:22-32, Hosea 12:3-4].
2021-07-20 Events & Chronology of End Times: Could you describe the events and the chronology of end times events?
"Day of the Lord" Meaning and Synonyms: Are the phrases, the "Day of the Lord", "Day of Christ", "The Last Day", Day of God, etc. all synonymous? [2 Peter 3, Matthew 25, John 6:39-54, John 12:48, I Corinthians 1:7].
The Tribulation, Bowls of Judgment, & Time of Jacob's Trouble: Where does "The Tribulation" fit into the timeline of end times events and is it the same as the "Time of Jacob's Trouble"? And how does the "Bowls of Judgement" fit in? [Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14, Jeremiah 30:7, Revelation 22:10, Matthew 24:34, John 16:33].
2021-07-19 Angel that Wrestled with Jacob: What do you think the meaning of the story of the angel wrestling with Jacob? [Hosea 12:4, Genesis 32:22-32].
2021-01-21 Lineage of Christ Via Birthright: Is there any verse that says that the lineage of Christ would come through a birthright? [Genesis 49:10, 2 Samuel 8:14].
Significance of the Birthright: Is there any more significance to the "birthright" in the Old Testament, other than just taking over the family estate? [Genesis 25:25].
Jacob & Esau Produce the Messiah: Why do we assume that the offspring of Jacob & Esau would produce the Messiah?
2020-10-14 Servant in Isaiah: Who is being referred to in Isaiah 49:6? [Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 53, Acts 13].
2020-08-25 The Name, Israel: Could you flesh out the name "Israel", and what does it means to strive with God, and then prevail? [Genesis 32:28].
2020-08-06 The Names of Adam & Eve: Why did Adam & Eve have such modern names?
Hebrews, Semites, Israelites, and Jews: Is Semintes, Hebrews, Jews and Israelites refer to the same people?
The True Sabbath Day: When is the true Sabbath day? [Hebrews 4:9, Acts 2:46].
2020-07-27 Joseph's Dream in Genesis: How did Rachel fit into Joseph's dream about the sun, moon, stars bowing down to him? [Genesis 37:5-10].
2020-06-29 Bart Ehrman Video: Bart Ehrman thinks the Bible was just handed down from Heaven in immaculate form, & Steve asked who actually believes that, & caller points out that that is what his church taught.
Ordination & Seminary What is your opinion of ordination and seminary training its relationship to competency when teaching the Bible?
Leah, Rachel, Jacob & Laban: Was Laban always planning to substitute Leah for Rachel, or could it have been a last minute decision because she had not found a husband by then? [Genesis 29].
2020-04-15 Jacob & Esau-Wrestling & Name Change to Israel: Could you talk about Jacob & Esau, his wrestling with God, and his name change to Israel? [Genesis 35:10, 32:22-31].
2020-04-13 Deception of Jacob & Rebeka: I struggle with why God allows deception to bring about His plans, as in the story of Jacob, Esau, Rebeka, and Isaac? [Genesis 27].
2020-03-20 Calvinist Views of Election & Predestination: Could you talk about the Calvinist views of election, being chosen, and predestination held by some of the leading Calvinists, such as Calvin and Sproul? [Romans 8-9].
2020-01-09 Isaac Blessing Jacob: Did Isaac exhibit supernatural power when he bestowed a blessing on Jacob? [Genesis 25:19-36, Genesis 49].
2019-08-15 Jacob, Laban & The Spotted Sheep: Would you talk about when Jacob (Israel) made a deal with Laban about the spotted sheep, particularly in regard to the brew he created to control the spots on sheep? [Genesis 30:25-43, 31:10].
2019-07-12 Deception of Jacob: Can you comment on the deception involved in the story of Jacob and Esau? [Genesis 25:29-34].
2019-06-17 God Choosing People: Can you explain the choosing of Jacob and Esau, and God hardening Pharaohs heart? [Romans 9:6].
2019-01-21 Jesus Wrestles with Jacob: Was it Jesus who wrestled with Jacob in Genesis? [Genesis 18, 32:24, 30, Isaiah 9:6].
Nation of Israel: How should Christians view the nation of Israel? [2 Corinthians 10:3-5].
2018-09-27 Jacob have I Loved: Loved Jacob, but hated Esau, is God practicing favoritism? [Romans 9:6, Genesis 25:23, Malachi 1:2-3]
Hardening Pharaoh's Heart: Why did God harden Pharaoh's heart? [Romans 9:14-18]
2018-09-18 Calvinism, Jacob & Esau: It seems to be talking about Nations, so what do the Calvinists say about it again? [Romans 9-11]
2018-06-27 All Israel shall be saved: Would Old Testament faithful be considered Israel? "all israel will be saved", does it mean the land, the man, the government, the people, believers?
2018-06-12 Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I Hated: "Jacob have I loved but esau have I hated", so God loves the Jew & hates the Arabs, is that true? [Malachi 1:3; Romans 9:13]
2018-05-22 The Bible Stories: How do help someone who thinks some stories in the bible are pretty far-fetched, like Jacob & Esau. Jacob was dishonest to Esau, but yet he was the chosen one.
Incest in the Bible: Why is there so much incest in the Bible?
2018-03-19 Nathanael: What was Nathanael doing under the fig tree before Philip called him? Was there something significant about it? [John 1]
Angles Ascending & Descending out of Heaven Jacob saw angles ascending & descending out of heaven on a ladder, & then Jesus said the Son of Man would be ascending & descending, that what Jacob saw in Genesis was refer to Him. [John 1:52, Genesis 28:12]
2018-03-12 Jacob Wrestling with God: How could Jacob wrestle w/ a Man for such a long time? How could he possibly win against God? [Genesis [32:24-30]
Seeing God: There seems to be a contradiction in Scripture here because it says that Jacob saw God face-to-face, yet when Moses encountered God, God told him no one can see Him & live. [Genesis 32:30, Exodus 33:20]
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