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Topic: Timothy (Disciple)

Showing 1 to 10 of 10.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-11-08 Circumcising Timothy: Do you think that Paul regretted circumcising Timothy, in light of his strong position against it? [Acts 16:1-5, Acts 21:21].
2022-07-21 Apostles Mistaken: We know that the apostles were sometimes mistaken, so are these examples of that; Timothy's circumcision and Paul going to Jerusalem? [Acts 16:1-5, I Corinthians 9:20-22, Acts 21:4, Galatians 2:9, Galatians 5:2, Romans 14:5].
2019-06-04 Prophecies Uttered Over Timothy: Is there anywhere in scripture that talks about the prophecies that were uttered over Timothy? Do we have any of Timothy's writings? [I Timothy 1:18, 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6, Ephesians 6:17].
2017-05-18 Paul & Timothy: Paul was a mentor to Timothy, so do you know what happened to Timothy after paul died, did he keep the faith? [1 Timothy, 2 Timothy]
Luke: What about Luke? Whatever happened to him?
Paul's defectors: Did anyone who worked with Paul end up leaving the faith?
2017-05-09 Against Circumcision, Yet permits it: Why did paul have timothy circumcised if he spoke so much against it? [Acts 16:3]
2016-12-30 Circumcision: Why did Paul tell Timothy to get circumcised after he's been preaching it's not important anymore? [Acts 16:3]
2015-08-20 Timothy Not To Neglect Gift: What is the Gift that was given to Timothy by hands & to not neglect it or stir it up. [1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6]
2015-03-16 The Torah: Paul was talking about the Torah when he was talking to Timothy about the Scriptures, caller thinks. [2 Timothy 3:15-16]
2014-02-06 Circumcision: Why the apparent conflict, Paul saying don't worry about circumcision, but then proceeds to let Timothy to be circumcised? [1 Corinthians 7:18, Acts 16:3]
2013-12-16 Paul having Timothy Circumcised: If Paul was so against circumcision, why did he allow timothy to be circumcised? [Acts 16:3, Romans 2, Galatians 3]
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