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Topic: Castration

Showing 1 to 5 of 5.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-09-12 Becoming Eunuchs: What does it mean eunuchs for kingdom of heaven's sake? [Matthew 19:12]
Gambling: Is it a sin gambling or just a bad habit?
2017-12-19 Jesus being a Eunuch: Was Jesus a Eunuch? Was Daniel?
2015-10-27 Eunuchs: Jesus said that some should become Eunuchs if they can receive it, what did He mean by this? [Matthew 19:12]
2014-04-23 Daniel a Eunuch: Was Daniel a Eunuch? [Daniel 1:7]
Modern Terrorism: Could this be possibly talking about Modern Day Terrorism? [Ezekiel 32:24]
Birth Pains: What do you think of the significance of watching for the "Birth Pains" that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24 & Luke 21? [Matthew 24:8]
2013-12-27 Transgender & Eunuchs: Is there any connection between Transgenders & the Eunuchs that Jesus was talking about in the Bible? [Matthew 19:12]
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