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Topic: Bible Application

Episode Topic Audio

Keys to the Kingdom & Binding on Earth (Eastern Orthodox Church): Would you talk about the passage "Keys to the Kingdom" and the "binding and loosing on heaven and earth?" Who is being addressed? What is the application? [Matthew 18:15-18, John 20:21, Matthew 21:28, Ephesians 2:20].

Adding to the Book of Revelation & Threat of Plagues: Regarding the curse of plagues to those that "add to this book" how would that happen if this is about A.D.70? Wouldn't the curse still apply to us, today? [Revelation 22:18-19].

Contemporary Application of the Ten Commandments: Are the Ten Commandments still applicable to Christians? Why or why not? Would Christians today live more or less under them by default anyway? [Romans 7:1-4, Hebrews 6:13].

Parable of the Sower: Do you think that the "Parable of the Sower" is teaching that there are two ways to lose your salvation? [Matthew 13:18-23, John 15:1-4, Luke 8:4-15, Mark 4:4-20].
Understanding Scripture: How do you understand the nuance of just reading the Bible and really understanding, especially when writers like James seem to stretch for the explanation? How do we know when to apply it to then or now? [Acts 15:14-17, Amos 9:11-12].

Trajectory Application of Scripture: What do you think about the trajectory method and application of Biblical teaching? [Galatians 3:28, Matthew 20:26-28].

Jesus' Commandments (Law of Christ): What are the commandments of Jesus referred to in John 14-15? [John 13:34-35, Romans 13:10, Matthew 5:41, Matthew 5:23-24, Mattew 5-7, Matthew 28:20, Mark 12:30-31, Matthew 22:37].

Application to the Disciples Specifically: Why can't Jesus be only talking to the disciples in Ephesians 1, rather than everyone? [Ephesians 1:1-12, 1 John 1:3].

The Great Commission: If Jesus was addressing his disciples, is it correct to assume that the direction of The Great Commission applies to us today? [1 Corinthians 15:6, Ephesians 4:11, 1 Peter 3:15].
"End of the Age": How do we know when the "end of the age" is referring to in scripture, if it could, at times, apply to A.D.70? [Ephesians 2:7, Matthew 24:3, Matthew 28:20, Matthew 13:40, Matthew 13:49].
Baptizing "in the Name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit": Why did Jesus say to baptize in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, and yet in Acts they baptize in the name of Jesus? [Matthew 28:19].

Ezekiel (Later Chapters): Can you help me find the lectures about the last chapter in Ezekiel to better understand the application to the future or past? (Chapter 37:15-28).

Applying Scripture to Us Today: How do we know which things are specific to Jesus' disciples or applicable to us now? [Luke 10:3-4, Luke 22:35-36].

"Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth": How do we know when we are rightly dividing the Word of truth? [2 Timothy 2:15-19, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 17:17, 1 Corinthians 14:29, 1 John 4:1, 2 Peter 2:1, Acts 17:11].

Applying Old Testament Scripture to Our Lives: Is it wrong to apply Old Testament scriptures to our lives today, even though it was actually directed to the Israelites? [2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Timothy 1:15-11, 1 Corinthians 9:9, 1 Timothy 5:18, Deuteronomy 22:10, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5].

Faith-Living the Christian Life: Where do you live your faith-between being a theologian and living with a child-like faith? [2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:13].

"Desperately Wicked" Hearts: Are we to understand "the heart is deceitfully wicked" as applied to us? [Jeremiah 17:9-10].

Cults & Cultic Churches: Is there something I should be doing about all the cults, and cultic leadership found in so many churches? [Acts 20:30].

Which Levitical Laws Apply to Us?: How do we know which scriptures apply to us, such as the laws in Leviticus?

Bible Literalism: What do you think about Karen Armstrong (in her book, "The Bible-a Biography.") claiming that Genesis was not considered literally true in previous centuries? [Judges 9:8].
Literal vs Symbolic Passages: Where does one draw the line in understanding which passages in scripture to take literally vs symbolic? [Genesis 1:26-27, Isaiah 40:3, Mark 1:3].

Mark of Cain: Was the "mark of Cain" something that is relevant and evident today? Was it not only a curse, but a protection? Was it a visible mark? Was it for only him, or also for his descendents? [Genesis 4:15].

Loving Others: Someone said to look at everyone you are helping as if they are Jesus. This has helped me.
"The Secret:" Isn't there some overlap between the Bible and the book, "The Secret" (by Rhonda Byren) and there remains some validity to it? [Romans 10:17].

Inerrancy & Application in Scipture: Because the Bible is inerrant, doesn't each scripture apply to every one of us, rather than only selectively applicable to some of us?
Adultery: A man says the Bible does not apply in its restriction on adultery, because he is not the one that is married, though the woman with whom he has sex, is married.

Teaching Revelation as Applied to Us Today: What do you think about Malcolm Smith's teaching on the book of Revelation and placing the application to us to day, not the future. Recommends the commentary: "Revelation-Four Views" by Steve Gregg, or the free topical lectures at the website; "When Shall These Things Be?".

The Lord's Prayer: Is "The Lord's Prayer" to be recited as a group corporately, or individually prayed? [Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:1-13].
Gender Pronouns: If someone insists that I use a particular pronoun for them, with which I do not agree, is it wrong to comply?

Poetry in Bible: What problems are caused by people not understanding that part of the Bible is written in poetry and then try to take it literally?
Literal vs Symbolic Interpretation: How does one handle when others inappropriately take things literally or symbolically-actually reversing the correct application? [2 Peter 3:8].

Laying a Fleece: Caller shares her story of "laying a fleece."
Hyperbole in Scripture: How does one know when something is hyperbole in scripture? [Genesis 22:17].

Psalms Direct Obedience: Are these verses about wanting to live a holy and hiding the word in one's heart, prescriptive, or only descriptive? [Psalm 119:9-11].
Memorizing Scripture: Should we not be memorizing scripture to help us ovecome disobedience and sin? [John 8:31, Psalm 119:9-11].

Eschatology & Politics in Judges (Daniel, Isaiah): Atheist asks-Is there any eschatological or current political application to the Old Testament story of Ehud? [Judges 3].
Determining Biblical History from Parables & Allegories: From an atheist-How does one determine the difference between actual Biblical history, allegory, fables, parables, etc.?
Atheist Questions Authenticity of Scripture: Atheist challenges that various religious groups differ dramatically in their opinions of the meanings in scripture, asserts that the Bible is false, and challenges how one determines the correct interpretation of scripture.

The Book of Jude: What is the purpose of the book of Jude, particularly relative to us today? [2 Peter 2].
Jude's Sources for Information: Where did Jude get the conversations between Satan and Michael, and the references to the Book of Enoch?

Symbolism in Scripture: How does one recognize when something depicted in scripture means something more symbolically? [I Corinthians 10:4, John 3:14, Matthew 12:40, I Corinthians 9:9, I Timothy 5:18, Deuteronomy 25:4].

Application of the Vineyard Laborers: Do you apply the parable of the vineyard laborers who are upset because they did not get paid the same as others, to those that come into the faith? [Matthew 20:1-16].

Applying Prophecy from Isaiah to Feminism & Poor Leadership Today: Can someone apply this Isaiah prophecy to us, in America, today, with possible application to feminism & poor leadership? [Isaiah 3:12. Isaiah 3:4].
The "Catching up" in the Rapture: What do you think of someone who interprets the rapture as more relative to the transfiguration? [I Thessalonians 4:17, I Corinthians 15, 2 Corinthians 12:2-4, Matthew 25:1, Acts 28:15].

Quoting Eliphaz: Is it acceptable for B.B. Warfield to quote Eliphaz as a proof text for original sin? [Job 4:18, Job 15:14-15].

Freedom from Marriage vows: If a spouse attempts to kill you, or kills your children, do you think that God would allow divorce?
Using Logic: Is it legitimate to use logic, and not just the Bible, to settle moral dilemmas?

Jacob Wrestled with the Angel (God): Why did Jacob wrestle with the angel and what is the application to us today?

Principles from Old Testament Applicable to Us: Is there spiritual applications to the directives given to Israel in the first verses of Deuteronomy? [Deuteronomy 7:1-12, I Corinthians 10:6-11].

Two Sons & Ten Spies Application: Could you comment on the parallel between the Bible stories of the two sons in the New Testament and the ten spies,in the Old Testament and how that applies to Jews and us? [Matthew 21, Numbers 13].

Seeing Ourselves in Bible Story: The video series called "American Gospel" made the statement that people should see themselves in the Bible stories, such as David overcoming a giant?
Korah author of Psalm: How is it that the Sons of Korah could have written Psalms, when he was so evil and killed by God?

Letting God Make Your Decisions: When you say in your series on discipleship that one should let God make your decisions, how do you mean that? How does one do that?
Employer's Mask Wearing Requirement: I am considering serving a complaint to my employer regarding the requiring of the masks, and my mom thinks as believers we should not cause conflict. What do you think about this?

Rightly Dividing the Word of God: What do you think about rightly dividing the word of God? [2 Timothy 2:15].
The Mysteries of the Church and the Rapture: Why don't churches talk about the mysteries Paul talks about? [Matthew 6, I Thessalonians 4:14-18, I Corinthians 15:51, Revelation 7:14, I Thessalonians 3:4, Matthew 16:33, John 6:39, John 6:44, John 6:54].

Parable of the Sower: What is the application to us in the "Parable of the Sower"? [Luke 8:4-15, Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, Mark 4:34, John 3:3, John 8:31].

Application of Old Testament to Christians (Tithing): Could you help me understand how to determine what in the Old Testament applies to us and what doesn't, like tithing?

Christians Living and Encouragement: Could you give me scripture to help me live my life as a Christian? I need some structure. Recommends "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life", by Hannah Whithall Smith. [Matthew 6:33, Psalm 1, 2 Timothy 2:15].

Verses that Apply to Us (Bible Application): How does one know what verses apply to us today, or what was just for the Jews of the Old Testament? [Malachi 3:10, Jeremiah 29:11, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Luke 14:33, Acts 4:32, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Psalm 103].

Benefits for a Believer Listed in Psalms: Are the benefits for believers mentioned in Psalm 103, still applicable to believers today? [Psalm 103:2-14].

Biblical Fables and Sayings: Are familiar fables and sayings such as, "The Tortoise & the Hare", and "don't throw the baby out with the bath water" have a biblical basis?

Failure of the Contemporary Church: Caller comments on the failure of the contemporary church and loss of Bible literacy.

Not Being Confused or Persuaded Wrongly: How do you not get pulled into alternate views of scripture when there are so many opposing and convincing preachers teaching variations within denominations? [Revelation 13].

God Punishes & Disciplines Us: Does God punish us? [Psalms 103:6-12, I Thessalonians 4:6, 2 Peter 4:13, Hebrews 12:5-12, I Corinthians 11, Proverbs 13:24].
Applying Scripture to Ourselves: How does one know how to apply the Psalms, Proverbs, etc., to oneself? [1 Corinthians 11, Psalm 103:5-6, 2 Timothy 3:16].

Founding Fathers & Inalienable Rights: Did the founding fathers get the concept regarding our inalienable rights (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness) found in the Bible? [Acts 25:11, Philippians 4:8, Mark 12:31, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Genesis 9:6].

Year of Jubilee: Would you describe the "Year of Jubilee" and if there is application to us today? [Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:2, 2 Timothy 2, Hebrews 2:15].

Do Not Take Away From the Scriptures: Would you put a finer point on the passages about the Bible about "not adding or taking away from scripture"? [Revelation 22:18, Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, Colossians 2:21, Genesis 3:3].

The Complexity of the Bible: Why has God made the Bible so complex, which has resulted in so many opposing opinions and misunderstanding? [Mark 7, Luke 21].
Greek & Hebrew Necessary to Understand the Bible?: Does one have to study Greek and Hebrew to understand the Bible?

Biblical Grounds for Divorce: Can you help me determine if we had biblical grounds for divorce? [I Corinthians 7:15].

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness: Is "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" in the Bible?

Elders & Deacons: What is the difference between an elder and a deacon? [I Timothy 3].
Elder-Husband of One Wife: What does it mean in the qualifications for elders when it says "husband of one wife"? [I Timothy 3].
Male as Generic Descriptor in Scripture: Does the Bible use "he", the male gender descriptor, in a generic and inclusive way rather than really indicating a male is being discussed?

Struggle in Spiritual Life: I am struggling with my spiritual life; fellowship and Bible reading, following my wife's death, can you advise? [Amos 8:11].

Comforting Scriptures: Would you suggest some comforting scripture for these challenging times? [Psalms 1, 2, 19, 34, 37, 91].

Beginner's Bible Class: Where would you recommend I begin if I am going to teach a Bible study for the first time, and teach to beginners?

Take up Your Cross: How do we know what our cross is? Does the cross we are to take up, stay the same each day, or does it change each day? [Luke 9:23].
Hearing the Holy Spirit & His Direction: Do you have any suggestion as to how know or recognize the leading of the spirit of God? [Romans 8, Psalm 23, Colossians 3:15, John 10:27].

Memorizing the Bible: Comment; Should Christians find 65 friends and each memorize a book of the Bible, then we would have it when in prison together.
The Imagination: What do you think about one using their imagination?

Memorizing the Bible: Should I re-memorize books of the Bible in a newer translation?
Bible Restrictions in the Future: Do you think that one day we will need to know the scripture by heart, as we may no longer have access?

The Bible - "The Message": Do you know anything about the translation of the Bible called "The Message" (paraphrases)?
Abortion Comment: Comment about the ramifications of abortion.
Life Application Bibles: What do you know about the Keen Application Bible?

"Markan Sandwich Technique" & the Fig Tree: Have you ever heard about a literary technique the "Markan Sandwich Technique", as in the cursing of the Fig tree? [Mark 11:13-21, Matthew 21:18-22].
Cursed Fig Tree in Jeremiah: Is the cursed Fig Tree in Jeremiah about the Temple in 70 AD ? [Jeremiah 8:13].

Justification of Sin Using Biblical Examples: What do you think about someone who justifies their sinful behavior, such as, adultery, by using Bible examples and characters, such as David, who God clearly loved and forgave?

Old Testament Teaching: How profitable and applicable is it for us today to read the Old Testament?

Looking at Old Testament Prophecy: How should we be looking at Old Testament prophecies and their link to New Testament? [John 2, Psalm 2, Psalm 40:6-8, Psalm 110, Psalm 59:9, Isaiah 7, Isaiah 8, Luke 24:45, 2 Corinthians 3:15-18].

Bible & Verses: Why does the Bible read like a story, but is broken into verses?
Women Wanting to Rule Over Husbands: Can you talk about the verse in Genesis that talks about how women, after the fall, are going to want to control their husbands? [Genesis 3:6, 4:7].

Old Testament Applied to Us today: Is it wrong to take Old Testament verses about Canaan's need to root out their sin, and apply them to our lives and our need to root out sin, even when it is an indirect application? [Numbers 33:50-56, 2 Chronicles 7:14].

Word of Faith-Healing: Am I being too critical of my pastor's teaching, if he seems to be promoting Word of Faith teachings and possibly inappropriately applying scripture for physical healing? [Isaiah 40:31, Luke 10:19].

Applying Old Testament Promises to Ourselves: I am wondering if I can apply one of my favorite verses to myself, even though it was meant to the Old Testament exiles in Babylon? [Jeremiah 29:11, Deuteronomy 28, Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5, Psalm 118:6, 2 Corinthians 1:20].

Abigail: What application should we get from the story of Abigail? [I Samuel 25].

Scripture relevancy to today: Why do we think some scripture applies to us, when it was written to specific ancient people [Zephaniah 3:17]? Old Testament verses identified in the New Testament, as applying to us now. How to distinguish ones applicable to us today? [2 Corinthians 1:20].
Seven Churches (Revelation): Are the seven churches in Revelation, equal to "seven ages" many have been taught? [Revelation 1:11].

Apologetics vs the Bible Alone: What is Pre-suppositional apologetics (and evidential apologetics) and isn't the Bible enough as it is? [Romans 1:16].

Scripture Applying to Us: Knowing when a scripture might be meant especially for us, especially one of healing, [Jeremiah 30:17]

Art & Science of Biblical Interpretation: How do you know what is metaphorical and what is historical?
Defining Good & Evil: How do we define Good & Evil? Man was originally a being created with a likeness to God, isn't that right?
Joel Osteen: What do you think of Joel Osteen & his church becoming the biggest church in North America?

Sola Scriptura: There's the Bible but then there's Tradition, so where does tradition play a role?
Traditions: Are there some actual traditions in the Bible that we are supposed to follow?
Division in the Church: All this division in the church seems to have a lot to do with Paul. Is there any reason it seems that way? Did Paul teach a different gospel than Christ?

The More You Learn the More you don't know: Trying to learn what the scripture means, the more you learn the more you realize you don't know!

Circumcision for Today: How does circumcision apply to us today? [Deuteronomy 30:6]

Knowledge of Writing the Bible: Did the writers of the Bible, especially Paul, know they were writing the Bible when they were writing it? After all, Peter considers Paul's writings authoritative. [2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 3:15-16]

Lists in the Bible: Are the things listed in the Bible more important by the order they are listed?
1000 Commandments in New Testament: How many Commandments are in the New Testament?

Reading the Bible: What is the best way to read the Bible?

Partial Preterism: Time Indicators, "soon", "short", have to apply to the WHOLE book of Revelation, & not just apply it whenever you want, saying some things really are short & some things are a long time off. [Revelation 1:1, 22:6]

Dispensationalism: What would it take for you to acknowledge that your original belief system of Dispensationalism was correct? What could occur in the end time that would make you think twice & look at its accuracy again? [Matthew 24, Revelation, Ezekiel 6:3-5, 37:1-10]

Appreciates Show: Thank you for your very awesome show!
Intellectual & Personal Knowledge of God: How do I apply this passage of Scripture to my life, not worrying about our temporal life, but keeping our eyes on something we can't see & making it real, not just having an intellectual knowledge about God but a personal, deep one? [2 Corinthians 4:16-18]

Time Lapse Between Jesus Birth & the end of Acts: How can the time between Jesus' birth & the end of Acts only be 30 years?

Parable of the Barren Fig Tree: Can you explain the parable about the Barren Fig Tree, the players the Parable represents? [Luke 13:6-9]

Red lettering of Jesus speaking in a verse: I have a red letter Bible, & so shouldn't this print be in red because isn't it Jesus speaking? [Revelation 21:3,5-6]

Letters of Paul: How did the early Christians receive the instruction from Paul before the New Testament was put into the Bible & grow from it before it was?
Wrath of God revealed from Heaven: How can we make the leap from Paul addressing people in the 1st century church to it applying to us now? [Romans 1]

Adding or Taking Away from the Book: Caller used to think this was talking about the whole Bible, but it's probably just talking about the book of Revelation, so is this just a matter of sincerity or do we need to be very careful how we interpret the book, since there's so many opinions out there? [Revelation 22:18-19]

Understanding a Passage of Scripture: Can you help me understand a chapter in Zechariah? Is it talking about the end times? [Zechariah 14]

Church Fathers & Spiritualizing Scripture: When did the Church Fathers start taking the spiritualizing scripture approach more than taking it literally?

"Better Thing for us": What does Hebrews 11:40 mean, a better thing for us, & without us they won't be "perfect"? [Hebrews 11:40]
Gentiles brought in: Once the all the Gentiles have been brought in that will, the number will be complete? His second coming?

Age of the Earth by the Speed of Light: Determining the Age of the Earth by the Speed of Light thoughts.
Romans: Dealing in Romans 11:25-26, would you deal w/ the meaning of these verses as different since the gospel hadn't been preached yet in all Israel, even though it had after we have read it?
Israel being saved: Why hasn't Israel been saved, according to Dispensationalists?

Canonicity of Scripture & Peter: Do you believe Peter wrote the 2nd epistle of Peter?
The Nag Hammadi Library - Chenoboskion Manuscripts: Was this just a collection gnostic books or books of the Bible also?
James & Jude & Hebrews: Authorship of James, Jude & Hebrews, & how do we know to accept those books?

"Sermon on the Mount" not Applicable: Is it true that the "Sermon on the Mount" is not applicable to us? [Matthew 5-7].

Teachings of Jesus & Sermon on the Mount: Are the Teachings of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount not applicable to us?

Practical Application of the "Kingdom of God": How do we practically apply the "Kingdom of God"?

"Weapons Against You Will Not Prosper": Could you talk about the Isaiah passage and the promise that weapons formed against us "will not prosper" and if it applies to us today? [Isaiah 53, Isaiah 54:17, Galatians 4:7, Revelation 12:10-11].

The Promise of "Healing" their Land: What does this scripture mean when says He will "heal your land"? [2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 1, Proverbs 14:34].

Old & New Testament's Inspiration vs Authority: Could you do a synopsis of the difference of the kind of authority (and inspiration) of the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments? [2 Peter 1:19, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, I Corinthians 7:12, I Timothy 4:1, Matthew 28:18].

Understanding to Whom Scripture Applies: How does one determine whether a certain scripture applies to a specific person or group, or whether it is more universally to be understood? [Jeremiah 13:23, Isaiah 64:6, Jeremiah 17:9, Genesis 6:5].

Women Having Authority over Men: Did you say that the restriction of women having authority over men only applies to the churches of Corinth or as still true for the church today? [1 Timothy 2:12, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35]
Picking & Choosing Verses in the Bible: Caller thinks it dangerous to pick and choose verses from the Bible. Discussion about customs and application of scripture.

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