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Topic: Manichaeism

Showing 1 to 11 of 11.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-25 Calvinism's "The Elect": What verses do the Calvinists use to support their ideas about "the Elect" and their chosenness? [1 Peter 2:9-10, Ephesians 1:4].
2023-01-03 Calvinism-a Heresy: Why do we not find Calvinism an unacceptable heresy? [Romans 1:16].
2022-04-25 Predesdination: Is "predestination" in scripture more about God determining how people would be saved through Christ? [Ephesians 1:4-5, Ephesians 1:11, I Peter, Romans 9:29-30, I John 3:2, Romans 8:14-16].
Augustine, Predestination & Manichaeism: Doesn't the misunderstanding that Calvinists have about predestination actually come from the Gnostics (Manichaenist)?
2021-12-21 "Gospel of John" Movie: Could you clarify which movie on the "Gospel of John" you like? The Gospel of John, 2003, with Henry Ian Cusick as Jesus.
Free Will and Predestination: Can one believe in both "free will" and "predestination"? [Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:3-5].
2021-11-30 Fatalism & Manicheism: What more do you know about the pagan theology of Fatalism?
2021-11-02 Augustine's Belief in Free Will-or Not: Caller disagrees that Augustine did not believe in free will or free choice.
2021-08-26 Sproul & Calvinism: How does R.C. Sproul justify his view that those that receive salvation get grace, and those that receive hell get justice? Recommended topical lecture: "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation."
2021-01-25 Calvinism vs the Alternates: What is the difference between Calvinism and other denominations? Recommended lecture; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation."
Steve Gregg Leaving Calvary Chapel: What lead to your departure from Calvary Chapel?
2020-07-17 Terrified into the Church: How could John MacArthur, a Calvinist, believe that people could be terrified into entering the church, if they are already elect?
2020-05-21 Augustine & Calvinism: Did you say that Augustine was the father of Calvinism?
Calvinism Origins & Manichaeism: What is Manichaeism?
Calvinism, Church Fathers, Alternate Views: Did the church fathers that introduced Calvinism have any opposition?
2013-01-03 Mary Couldn't Touch Jesus: Why was Mary prohibited from touching Jesus after the resurrection but the disciples were later allowed to? [John 20:15-17, Matthew 28:9]
Augustine a Manichaean: Wasn't Augustine a Manichaean?
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