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Topic: Original Sin

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-02-28 The Sinlessness of Jesus: How does it work if Jesus was sinless, but was born as a human, who is automatically sinful? Is this why He wanted to be baptized?
2024-02-26 Sin Entered through One Man: Could you explain the "doctrine of original sin" in light of Romans 5? Rec: Topical Lectures, "Original Sin & Depravity." [Romans 5:12-19, Romans 3:23, Psalm 51:5, Psalm 27:10].
2024-02-14 Solomon an Apostate: Did Solomon go bad and become an apostate? [1 Kings 11:5-6, Ecclesiastes 9:5, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14].
Man Born Upright: Is "God made man upright" a good verse against the doctrine of original sin? [Ecclesistes 7:29]
2024-01-09 Mary's Blood & Genetics: Did Jesus have Mary's blood (and DNA)?
Original Sin & Immaculate Conception: Doesn't the Bible say that we are all born in sin (original sin)?
2023-10-05 Sinful Condition of Man: Does this verse in Job about man being "born to trouble" indicate that man has a naturally sinful condition? [Job 5:6-7].
2023-06-13 Sin of the World: Regarding the question of the plural of sin, could John 1 be talking about the sin of unbelief? [John 1:23, John 1:8].
2023-06-12 Sin vs Sins: You misquoted the verse about Jesus taking away the sin(s) of the world? It is singular, not plural.[John 1:29].
2023-01-16 Corporate Sin: Is there such a thing as "corporate sin"? [Romans 5:12, Ezekiel 18:20, Matthew 19:14].
2023-01-06 The Original Sin: Would not the original sin be Satan rebelling against God in heaven, and not the sin of Adam & Eve?
2022-12-05 Contradiction; Children Punished for Sins of Fathers: Can you address the contradiction between scripture indicating that the children are not punished for the sins of the fathers, yet we are punished for Adam's sin, and David's son died for David's sin with Bathseba? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5].
Original Sin: Is there any place in the Bible that says that we sin because of Adam's sin, or it is because of the limited access to the "Tree of Life?"
2022-12-05 Contradiction; Children Punished for Sins of Fathers: Can you address the contradiction between scripture indicating that the children are not punished for the sins of the fathers, yet we are punished for Adam's sin, and David's son died for David's sin with Bathseba? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5].
Original Sin: Is there any place in the Bible that says that we sin because of Adam's sin, or it is because of the limited access to the "Tree of Life?"
2022-11-21 Romans-Jewish Guilt Discussed: Could you review the parables you cited that helped illuminate the Jews to their guilt early in Romans? [Romans 1, Romans 2:17ff, Romans 2:13, Matthew 21:28-40, 2 Samuel].
Original Sin & David's Illegitimacy: Could you talk about the scripture that led to the doctrine of "original sin" and how David may have been illegimate? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5, Judges 11:1,I Samuel 16-17, Psalms 27:10].
2022-03-21 Humanity's Depraved Condition: What do you think about those that emphasize human weakness rather than our being created by Him?
2022-02-28 Babies Born Sinful: Could you talk a bit about whether a baby in the womb is already guilty of sin?
2021-12-20 Our Responsibility for Adam's Sin (Original Sin): In a book about the Westminster Confession, it is said that we are responsible for Adam's sin, can you clarify? [Romans 5:12, Deuteronomy 24:16, Ezekiel 18:19-20, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 20:13, I Peter 1:17].
2021-11-18 Quoting Eliphaz: Is it acceptable for B.B. Warfield to quote Eliphaz as a proof text for original sin? [Job 4:18, Job 15:14-15].
2021-10-29 Mary Had Original Sin: Would not Mary have original sin attached to her?
Joseph as Jesus' Miraculous Father: If God did no pass sin on to Jesus through Mary, then could He have not created Jesus with Joseph as the father, also?
2021-02-17 Original Sin: Could you talk about the doctrine of "original sin"? [Romans 5:12, Romans 2:6, I Corinthians 15, Psalms 51:5].
2021-01-26 Adam & Eve's Death: Could you clear up whether Adam & Eve died spiritually or physically, on the day they ate of the tree? [Ephesians2:1-2, Colossians 2, Genesis 2:17, Romans 5:12].
2021-01-22 Original Sin, Mary & Jesus' Sinlessness: If the doctrine of "original sin" is true, how could Jesus have been born sinless because Mary would've also tainted with sin? [Psalm 51:5, Psalm 27:10, Romans 5:12].
Babies Born Guilty: Are babies born guilty of sin? [Ezekiel 18:10].
2020-08-11 The Sin Nature (Adamic Curse): Can you comment on the concept of the sin nature of mankind? [Romans 5:6, Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23, Romans 1, Psalm 51:5, Ezekiel 18:20].
2020-08-11 Original Sin and Lesbian Lifestyle: Caller comments on original sin and her lesbian sister who has felt she was gay since early childhood.
2020-08-04 Being Critical of the Faith One Has been Taught & Determining the Non-negotiables: Would you offer some guidance about how to be critical of the faith views one has been taught, and have confidence to explore truth and know what is essential to keep?
Critically Cross-examining the Scriptures: How does one remain spiritually safe, and avoid offending God, when critically cross-examining the scriptures?
Nonsensical Scripture Resolved: If you run across some scriptures that seem nonsensical, how do you process through that?
2020-06-05 Sin Entered Through Adam: Did sin enter into the world through Adam and bring condemnation to all men? [Romans 5:12,18].
2020-06-01 Original Sin: Do you believe in the concept of "original sin" and either way, would you defend your position? [Psalms 51:5, Romans 5:12].
2020-03-06 Adam & Eve's Sin: How and why did Adam & Eve's sin impact the rest of the creation, including the animals? [Genesis 3, I Corinthians 15:21].
2020-03-03 Good Deeds by non-Christians: Can't non-Christians still do good things, and cannot that still be from God? [Romans 6:23].
2019-12-16 Original Sin: Are we all guilty of Adam's sin? [Romans 5:12-21].
2019-08-28 Hell & Eternal Torment: Regarding eternal torment and the idea that Adam's sin affected all mankind [Matthew 25:41,46, Romans 5:18, Revelation 20].
2019-08-14 All Have Sinned: Is the use of the word "all" in "all have sinned", referring to "all" universally, including babies, and mentally challenged, etc.? [Romans 3:9, 21-23].
2019-06-21 Sinful Nature: Is man born with a sinful nature, or do they just become sinful? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5].
2019-05-15 Original Sin & Depravity: Are we all sinners because of Adam's sin, or do we just die because of our own sin? [Romans 5:12, Psa 51:5].
2019-03-27 Lineage of Jesus: How does Jesus by-pass the curse of original sin? What about the genealogy [Luke 3, Matthew 1]? Can you clarify the lineage of Zerubbabel, the descendant of Jehoiakim & Jeconiah?
2019-03-06 Original Sin: Is a child born with the sin of Adam already upon him (Doctrine of Original Sin)?
2018-11-20 God Holy & being around Sin: If God is holy where did sin come from since He can't be in the presence of it?
2018-11-16 Original Sin: Are we capable sinlessness, does sin send us to hell? How come we didn't have a chance to not sin on our own first? [Romans 5:12-21]
2018-11-05 Original Sin: "Original sin" in relation to "original righteousness"
2018-10-18 Original Sin: Are we born sinners?
2018-07-18 Baby considered a Sinner: Why are we considered sinners as soon as we are born, even before we have a chance to sin?
Bible Study Tools: Do you have any recommendations for tools to study the Bible, like a good Interlinear Bible that you use? A lexicon?
2018-04-24 Adam's Original Sin: Where comes the doctrine that we inherited a sin nature, & that Adam's sin was imputed to us? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5]
2018-04-12 Pelagianism: Steve explains that he is NOT a Pelagian, clarifying the position of what the Bible says about original sin and whether people have the ability to not sin.
2018-04-02 Original Sin - Lust of the Flesh: I always thought we got a sinful nature from Adam & Eve, but the Bible talks about being drawn away by our lusts, whether it's food, sex, so were we possibly born with a lust of the Flesh?
2017-10-23 God Holding us Responsible for Adam's Sin: How can God hold the whole world responsible for Adam's sin? [Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:12-21]
2017-09-29 Adam & Eve's Fall: what was the curse of Adam & Eve & how did it affect mankind? Could they have not sinned?
2017-08-30 Age of Accountability: Babies & children being sinners, but aren't really accountable until 20 years old.
2017-08-23 Original Sin: Is there a debate over Augustine's doctrine of Original Sin?
2017-08-14 Original Sin: Original Sin ensues. [Genesis 5:3]
2017-08-11 Calling into the Narrow Path Show: How often can we call your show & ask a question?
Mike the Buddhist Calling in: Michael the Buddhist has been calling your show for 20 years, isn't that right?
Original Sin: Is sin passed down from every parent & have to live (or die) with the consequences of their sin? [Romans 5:12-21]
2017-08-02 Original Sin or Sin Nature: Could you help me your understanding of this passage of scripture, did we inherit Adam's sin nature? [Romans 5:12-21]
2017-05-23 Calvinism & Original Sin: Talking to some Calvinists, they like to talk about original sin, all having sinned. [Romans 5:12-21, Romans 3:23, Psalm 51:5]
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