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Topic: Serpent (Snake)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-27 Authority Over Serpents & Scorpions: Do you think the verse about having authority was just for the disciples, or is it for all of us? [Luke 10:19, Isaiah 11:8-9].
2024-03-20 Talking Donkey: How do you explain the talking donkey in Numbers? [Numbers 22:28-30].
2023-07-14 Burning at the Stake: What were the reason's in the Old Testament that someone was burned at the stake?
Sorcerer's Snake (Magic): How could the sorcerer mimic Moses' miracle of the snake being made from a stick? [Exodus 7:8-13]. Where do you go for radio call
2023-04-21 Dinosaurs & Dragons: Could you help me with some of the Hebrews words used for "dragons" and do you think that the Kings James Version is accurate in its use of it? [Genesis 1, Job 40, Job 41, Isaiah 14:29, Matthew 12:40].
2023-01-05 Serpent Seed: Is the "seed of the serpent" someone who does Satan's will? [Genesis 3:15, I John 3:12, John 8:44, John 8:39].
2022-10-26 The Identity of Satan (Serpent): When Satan (the serpent) was cursed in the garden, does it gives us a clue to who he was? [Revelation 12:7-9, Genesis 3:15, Romans 16:20, Ephesians 2:2, 2 Corinthians 11:14].
2022-07-19 Global Warming: Caller comments on "global warming" as a result of hearing a previous call about it.
Animals Talking: Do you think that all the animals talked before the fall in Eden (like when Eve spoke with the serpent)?
Animal Sacrifices: Did God eat the animal sacrifices?
2022-05-18 Good & Evil in Eden: Because there was a Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, does that mean evil was already in the garden? [Genesis 1:31, Genesis 3:1].
Satan's Origins: Do you lean toward the view that Satan was created by God or He was a fallen angel?
2022-05-11 Satan's Origins: What other divine character could Satan be, if he was not a fallen angel? [2 Corinthians 11:14-15, Ezekiel 28:12f].
2022-02-15 Why Curse the Serpent?: Why would God make the serpent pay the dues for Satan inhabiting it in the Garden of Eden? [Revelation 12:9, Genesis 3:14, Matthew 12:43].
2021-12-01 "Get Behind Me, Satan": When Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan", what did he actually mean? [Matthew 16:23, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 20:9, Revelation 13:11].
2021-10-20 Serpent & Enmity with the Woman: Could you identify the characters in Genesis 3 as to who is the serpent and seed where there will be enmity with the woman? [Genesis 3:15, Revelation 12:9, Hebrews 2:14, Romans 7].
2021-10-18 Satan & Lucifer: Caller supports the idea that Satan is established in Isaiah and Ezekiel. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
2021-04-15 Sequence of Events Upon Death: Is this the sequence of events when we die; our spirits go to heaven, then when the new earth is created, our spirits join our new bodies in the resurrection?
Satan Before or After Adam & Eve: Was Satan cast down on earth before or after Adam and Eve were created?
Satan Entering the Serpent in Eden: Did Satan enter the serpent, or how did it happen?
2020-11-05 Millennium Will Be in the Future: Doesn't the Lord's prayer affirm that the millennial reign will come in the future? [Isaiah 9:6-7, Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 20]
Devil Let Loose on the Descendants: Doesn't the Bible say that the Devil will be let loose on the descendants at the end? [2 Thessalonians 2:8].
Line of Cain & Serpent Seed Doctrine: Do you reject the "Line of Cain" (Serpent Seed) doctrine? [John 8:44, John 8:37].
2020-08-17 The Serpent & Eve: Wouldn't the motivation to tempt Eve was because the serpent be one of the animals passed over to be Adam's helper, instead of Eve?[Genesis 2:18-23, 3:1].
2020-08-03 Serpent on the Cross Symbolic of Jesus: Would you help me sort out that strangeness of the symbol of the serpent on the pole, its symbolism & relation to Christ's crucifixion? [Numbers 21:8-9, I Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:6, 2 Corinthians 5:21].
2020-05-20 Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves: Would you clarify the directive to be wise (or cunning) as a serpent, but gentle as doves? It seems that characteristic is bad in the serpent. [Genesis 3, Matthew 10:16].
When the Serpent was Created: Was the serpent created as the same time as the rest of the animals in Genesis?
2020-05-20 Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves: Would you clarify the directive to be wise (or cunning) as a serpent, but gentle as doves? It seems that characteristic is bad in the serpent. [Genesis 3, Matthew 10:16].
When the Serpent was Created: Was the serpent created as the same time as the rest of the animals in Genesis?
2020-04-08 Safety in the Pandemic (Coronavirus): Based on the verses about being able to pick up serpents, are we going to be protected with this Coronavirus pandemic, if we are reasonably careful? [Mark 16:18]
2020-03-11 Zacharius & the Course of Abia: What do you know about Zacharius and the "course of Abia"? [Luke 1:15].
Serpent Seed Doctrine: What do you know about the "Serpent Seed" doctrine? [I John 3:12-15, 8:44].
2020-03-04 First Sin on the Planet: Was the first sin committed by Eve or the Serpent?
2020-01-15 Why the Serpent in the Garden: If God is all knowing and all loving, why would he put the serpent in the garden, knowing that Adam & Eve would fail?
2019-12-17 Serpent Speaking in Eden: If we believe that Satan could take over a snake and make it speak, doesn't it open a can of worms for many wild claims? [Genesis 3].
2019-07-17 Satan in the Garden of Eden: Why was Satan allowed to be in the Garden of Eden, if the garden was "very good"? It seems like a set-up to fail. [Genesis 3], 2 Timothy 2:12, Revelation 5:10].
2019-07-10 Bruise Serpent's Head: "Her seed shall bruise the serpent's head" is translated differently by some, can you help me sort this? [Genesis 3:15].
2019-06-17 Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel & Cults: What do you think about the ministry of Arnold Murray and the Shepherd's Chapel (Modalism or Oneness, Serpent Seed doctrine)? What is a cult?
2018-03-23 Adam & Eve's Fall: Was Eve easier to be deceived than Adam?
2017-01-05 Satan being a Fallen Angel: If Satan was an angel, how could he have been a snake?
2016-12-30 Serpent in Genesis: Was this serpent literal or figurative?
2016-03-17 Origins of Satan: Where did Satan officially come from? He was up in Heaven during the book of Job. [John 12:31, Revelation 12:9-10]
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places: What is Ephesians talking about spiritual warfare & spiritual wickedness being up in heaven in the spiritual realm? [Ephesians 6:12]
Timing of Satan's Creation: Was the Serpent Satan? Was he created after Adam & Eve were created? When were the angels created?
2016-03-17 Origins of Satan: Where did Satan officially come from? He was up in Heaven during the book of Job. [John 12:31, Revelation 12:9-10]
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places: What is Ephesians talking about spiritual warfare & spiritual wickedness being up in heaven in the spiritual realm? [Ephesians 6:12]
Timing of Satan's Creation: Was the Serpent Satan? Was he created after Adam & Eve were created? When were the angels created?
2016-01-06 Seed of the Serpent & Woman: The seed of the woman & the seed of the serpent, is this spiritual seed or physical seed that it is talking about? [Genesis 3:15]
After Fall born of the Devil: So then every one who was born after the Fall until converted is a seed of Satan?
2016-01-06 Seed of the Serpent & Woman: The seed of the woman & the seed of the serpent, is this spiritual seed or physical seed that it is talking about? [Genesis 3:15]
After Fall born of the Devil: So then every one who was born after the Fall until converted is a seed of Satan?
2015-07-08 Wise as Serpents: Is there a reason Jesus would use being "Wise as a SERPENT", isn't it kind of odd? [Matthew 10:16]
2014-11-21 Serpent-Seed Doctrine: What do you think about the doctrine that Eve had a physical relationship the serpent in the Garden, having Cain?
2014-04-18 Serpents eating Dust, Human made out of Dust: So do Serpents eat people?
2014-04-17 Serpent on the Pole: I always thought Serpents were a personification of evil, but when the Israelites had to look up at the serpent on the pole, wasn't that symbolic of Jesus? [Numbers 21:8]
2013-10-14 Serpent or the Devil: When God gave the curse to the Serpent for deceiving Eve, saying that he'd be crawling on his belly, was He actually talking to the serpent or the Devil himself?
Devil Tempting Jesus: Where did the Devil get the wherewithal to tempt Jesus the way he did?
Visitation by Evil Spirit: Caller reminds Steve about his apparitions & talks about it again.
2013-10-04 God Cursing the Serprent: What does the Serpent being cursed above the cattle, crwling on its belly mean? [Genesis 3:14-15]
Enimity between Thy Seed & Her Seed: What is "enimity between thy seed & her seed" mean?
2013-05-15 Gifts of the Spirit-Tongues: Though I am going to an Assembly of God church, I am not sure that the gift of "tongues" is legitimate today, because I have not seen it in a convincing way? [Matthew 7:15-20].
Snake-handling: What about the scripture about "snake-handling"? [Mark 16:17-18].
2013-03-15 Painting Portrait of Jesus: Do you think that perhaps someone painted a picture of Jesus, so we know what He looks like?
Talking Serpent: If God can make a donkey talk, why could God make a snake talk?
2013-03-14 Dinosaurs: Where do you see dinosaurs in history? [Job 41:25-27]
The Serpent Satan: Do you think that the serpent was actually a snake that was Satan, but just had that spirit? Could a snake really speak? [Genesis 3:1]
2013-03-07 Magic and Real Snakes?: When Moses was before Pharaoh, and the magicians threw down snakes, were they real snakes? [Exodus 7].
Satan Cannot Create Life; Caller insists that no one but God can create life, therefore the Magicians could not create snakes in Exodus. [Exodus 7].
2013-02-08 A Serpent Speaking: How come Eve wasn't shocked that a Serpent was talking to her?
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