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Topic: Wilkerson (David)

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Episode Topic Audio
2022-10-18 Prophets Today: Should we consider any future prophecies as legitimate? Are there prophets today, such as David Wilkerson, or did the gift of prophecy end at Pentecost? [Acts 2:17-18, I Corinthians 12, Ephesians 2:20].
The "Didache": Where can I look up the "Didache"?
2021-01-26 David Wilkerson Prophecy: Have you heard of the David Wilkerson prophecy?
The "Last Adam" as Life Giver: Could you help me understand the second part of I Corinthians 15:45 when it says that the last Adam became a "life-giving spirit"? [I Corinthians 15:45, Romans 8:9, 2 Corinthians 15:16].
Adoption: What are the verses about adoption about? [Romans 8:15-16].
2013-07-26 Not Really 12 Disciples: Why does it say there's 12 disciples when in reality, there was only 11, since Thomas & Judas Iscariot were not there? [Luke 24:9]
David Wilkerson: What do you think of David Wilkerson as a prophet?
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