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Topic: Carnal (Carnality)

Showing 1 to 50 of 62.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-20 Betrayal at Church: How do I handle betrayal by a pastor at church and how it now affects me while I'm at church?
2024-04-05 Divisions Among Believers: Why do Christians disagree and divide over so many things? [2 Timothy 2:19, 1 Corinthians 3:1-4].
Satan (Devil): Why do people talk about the devil so much? Should we not be talking about God?
2023-09-18 The Departure of the Holy Spirit: What would happen if the Holy Spirit would leave us? [1 Corinthians 1:12, 1 Corinthians 3:3, 2 Corinthians 3:17].
2023-03-28 Forgiveness Not Owed to Repentant Sinners: Does Joel 2 suggest that God may not forgive repentent sinners? [Joel 2:13-14, Jeremiah 11:14].
"Carnal" or "Carnality" in Scripture: Is "carnal" a word used in scripture? [Romans 7:14, Romans 8:5-6, 1 Corinthians 3:1-3].
2022-12-08 "Carnal" Christians: Would you clarify the meaning of "Carnal" Christians, and how it relates to salvation and losing one's faith? [I Corinthians 3:1, Romans 8:6-11].
Lost Loved Ones: How much should we be witnessing to or pressuring our loved ones who seems to have strayed from the faith? [Matthew 10:16, 1 John 2:4].
2022-11-21 "Sin Nature": If Adam & Eve were created without a "sin nature", but yet they still sinned, then what is the difference to be with or without it? [Romans 7:23, John 8:34].
2022-09-20 Carnal Christian: What is the difference between a carnal Christian and not being a Christian at all? [Romans 8:6, I Corinthians 3:1, Galatians 5:17, Romans 7:14].
Lukewarm: Does God really find "lukewarm" people worse than those that don't believe at all? [Revelation 3:16, Joshua 24:15].
2022-09-20 Carnal Christian: What is the difference between a carnal Christian and not being a Christian at all? [Romans 8:6, I Corinthians 3:1, Galatians 5:17, Romans 7:14].
Lukewarm: Does God really find "lukewarm" people worse than those that don't believe at all? [Revelation 3:16, Joshua 24:15].
2022-05-05 "Deeper Things:" Could you expound on the "deeper things" discussesd in Hebrews 6? [Hebrews 6:2-3, Hebrews 5, I Corinthians 2-3, I Corinthians 2:9, Ephesians 3:3, Ephesians 1:9, Colossians 1:26-27].
2021-08-17 Steve Gregg's Denomination: With what denomination do you identify and why? [I Corinthians 1:10-12, I Corinthians 3:3-4].
2021-05-18 Delight in the Lord: Could you help me with the scripture promise when one "delights in the Lord", and if it is more physical or spiritual? Does this relate to Isaiah 58 [Psalm 37:4, Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 6:25, Genesis 15:1, Luke 22:42].
2020-11-20 Eternal Security or Once Saved, Always Saved: What is your take on Romans 8 in regard to our ability to walk away from our own salvation? [Romans 8:18-39, Jude 21, I Timothy 4:1-5, I John 2:19].
Carnality & Following Jesus: Do you think that there are more teachers promoting the idea that one can't be a carnal Christian, but must take up their cross and follow Him? [Luke 9:23, I Corinthians 3:1].
2020-03-09 No Longer a Slave to Sin & Walking in the Spirit: If we have the capability of not being a "slave to sin" does that mean that we have the power, by grace, to not sin? What if we stumble?[Romans 6:6, 7:14, 24-25, 8:1, 4, Galatians 5:16, Luke 15:11-32, James 3:2].
2019-09-16 Carnal Christian-Guilt & Regret: How would you assess dating a woman who indicates that she has been a Christian for a long time, but says she has been living a carnal life? [I John 1:7,9, Romans 5:1-11].
2019-07-16 Sinful Nature: Do you believe we inherited anything in the fall, such as a sinful nature, that Jesus did not inherit, particularly in light of the quandary about His ability to be tempted like us? [Genesis 3:5-6, Romans 5:12-18].
2019-07-16 Sin Nature Passed Through Men: Caller shared thoughts on her view that the sin nature passed through men, and because all angels are men.
2019-03-06 Battle Flesh & Spirit: Clarify sin and the battle between flesh and spirit [Romans 6:23, Galatians 5:16-17].
2019-02-18 Works of the Flesh: List of carnal things that will keep you from inheriting the kingdom of God. Does this include Christians who do some of those things? [Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10]
2019-02-14 Tempted by Satan or the Flesh: What percentages are we tempted by Satan verses how much we are tempted by our flesh?
2018-11-27 Struggling with Sin: Wanting to not fall into sin but sometimes sinning, why don't we want to do only righteousness? [Romans 7:14, Galatians 5:17]
2018-10-19 Marijuana Use: What can you tell me about marijuana use? I think I keep thinking I have victory over it & then don't.
2018-10-17 Christian Lifestyle: Attempting to live an obedient life but the pull of the world so overpowering.
2018-09-14 Trying not to be in the world: Not being of this world. (time is short just enough time to barely state her question)
2018-08-31 The Book of Ecclesiastes: Would you say that Ecclesiastes was basically the life of an unbeliever?
"Much study is a weariness": In end of the matter, study will make you tired, is that he saying?
2018-07-27 Being Alive without the Law: Can you explain what Paul meant by being alive without the law, but sin revived, & he died? Revealing what sin?
Different names of the Gospel: Are there just many different names of the Gospel, but the same Gospel?
2018-07-17 Demonic Pact & Its Ramifications: I made a demonic pact made when a youth, so what are the ramifications, does there need to be a special deliverance? [2 Corinthians 5:17]
Addiction: Struggle with Addiction a lot.
2018-06-08 Paul pre or post Conversion: In Romans 7, is Paul talking about his pre-conversion experience or his post-Christian experience, the old man or the new creature? [Romans 7]
2018-04-02 Original Sin - Lust of the Flesh: I always thought we got a sinful nature from Adam & Eve, but the Bible talks about being drawn away by our lusts, whether it's food, sex, so were we possibly born with a lust of the Flesh?
2018-03-08 The Devil's Powers: Does satan have powers to control us?
Our Carnal Nature: Are we being tempted of ourselves, our flesh, our carnal nature, just as much as we are being tempted by Satan?
2017-12-18 Carnal & Spiritual Man: A Christian doesn't sin, the spirit man doesn't sin though fleshly man does as Romans 7 says. [1 John 3:6-10, Romans 7, Galatians 5:16-17]
2017-08-03 Unholy Desires: This verse frightens me because I have unholy desires & afraid I'm going to be told this. [Matthew 7:23-24]
2017-07-24 License to Sin By Grace: So a minister thinks that because of grace one can you live any way they want & still be a Christian, is this true?
2017-07-06 Law Before Christ, Grace After: It seemed before Jesus died people were required to keep the law, but after He rose again we were under grace, is that true?
2017-03-07 Bible Interpretation of a Verse in Romans: Can you explain this Romans 8:10? [Romans 8:10]
Lucifer Becoming Satan: I don't see how Lucifer is correlated w/ Satan. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12]
2017-02-24 Sinner's Prayer: Just saying the sinner's prayer some think you're automatically in, & caller suggested you weren't, & one person told me there are carnal Christians. [1 Corinthians 3]
2017-02-01 Holy Spirit control verses Carnal Nature: I am concerned that I'm not letting the Holy Spirit lead me as much as I should? how much control does the He need to have?
2016-09-12 Kingdom of God is at Hand: At what point did or does the Kingdom of God come into existence? Because it says in places that it's near & in other places it says it's in our midst & yet in other places it says it's still to come. [Luke 17:21, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 23:36, Matthew 24:34]
Denominationalism: Can carnally-natured people be true Christians? The very beginning of denominationalim seems to start right then. [1 Corinthians 3:1-4, Romans12:1-2]
2016-09-08 Two Kinds of Salvation: Caller heard a speaker say there are two variations of salvation, one for getting out of hell & the other for your sins.
Carnal Christians: Some use 1 Corinthians 3:15 to prove that carnal sinners will be in Heaven. What does Steve think?
2016-07-01 Enjoying Pleasure: What kind of pleasures are we referring to here in 2 Timothy? Are we talking about evil pleasures or about pleasure-seeking, & if it's the latter, how does it reconcile with 1 Timothy 6:17? [2 Timothy 3:1-9, 1 Timothy 6:17]
2016-05-02 Gold Dust: Do you have any response as to what I should say to my nephew about Jewels & Gold Dust having nothing to do with anything that Jesus would do?
2016-04-19 Being Conformed to this world: How does somebody be conformed to this world? [Romans 12:2] (Caller actually asks 2 questions but Steve never gets to the second one.)
2016-02-29 Christians Sinning: Why do believers choose to sin after they are saved?
Free Will & No Sin in Eternity: How will we have no sin on the other side of glory, but yet still have free will?
2015-12-17 King David & Bathsheba: Did King David actually rape Bathsheba? Do you suppose she knew what she was doing bathing in front of the palace, trying to seduce him?
Paul's struggle in Romans 7: Was Paul's struggle in Romans 7 pre or post conversion? What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? [Romans 7, Ephesians 6]
2015-12-04 The Apostle Paul: Is it true Paul tried to preach in his own prowess at first, just trying to be intellectual, his own knowledge, but wasn't spirit-filled, & came out of Athens sort've deflated, but that in 1 Corinthians 2, he completely changed his approach to how he preached, to preach Jesus & Him crucified only? Is this true? [Acts 17, 1 Corinthians 2:2]
Paul after his conversion: Was Paul in seclusion from preaching after his conversion in Damascus for several years? [Galatians 1:15-24, 2:1]
2015-10-12 Ekklesia - Calling out of or Congregation: Abraham was called out of his country, Israel being called out of Egypt, we are supposed to be as the new spiritual Israel called out of the world.
Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Is there another place in the Bible that references the Tree of the knowledge of good & evil? [Genesis 2:17, 3:1-24]
2015-10-02 Desires of the Flesh: The usage of the word "flesh" seems to be a little contradictory in the way it's used in certain parts of the Bible, such as in Galatians it says the flesh & the Spirit are opposed to each other, in Ezekiel it says God will give us a fleshly heart, & in Ephesians it says we aren't even at war w/ our flesh. Can you explain these apparent contradictions? [Galatians 5:17, Ezekiel 26:36, Ephesians 6:12, Romans 7]
KJV-Only People: Can you please talk about the KJV-only people, that only the KJV should be used, that if you are not reading the KJV you aren't really reading the Bible at all?
2015-08-13 Holy Spirit vs the Carnal Man: The Man of Sin is some sinful tendency in a Christian.
2015-06-10 Contradiction about Sin: In one place of the Bible is says that the soul that sinneth, it shall die, but in another place it says that sin living in us is causing us to sin. [Ezekiel 18:20, Romans 7:17]
2015-05-04 The Old Man & the New Man: What is the Old Man & the New Man & how are we to put off the Old Man? [Ephesians 4:20, Romans 6:6]
2015-05-01 The Spiritual vs the Physical: What is the difference between the Spirit & the Physical?
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