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Topic: Irresistible Grace

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-08 James White Debate: Did you see the Leighton Flowers and James White debate last night?
Draw All Men: Would you comment on the word "all" in John 6 and 12 about the "drawing" of "all" men being drawn (in light of Calvinism)? [John 6:44, John 17:6, John 12:32, Matthew 23:37, Isaiah 66:4, Hosea 23:37, John 21:11].
2023-12-14 Involuntary Conversions: Are you familiar with sudden involuntary conversions?
2023-09-27 Paul's Conversion & Calvinism: Do Calvinists use Paul's unique conversion to support their denial of free will? [Acts 26:19, Acts, 9, Ephesians 1:4-5, Luke 19:41-43, 1 Timothy 1:12, Galatians 1:15-17].
2023-02-15 Calvinism & The Prodigal Son: Can I point to some of the parables like "The Prodigal Son", the tax collector, and "the lost coin", to counter Calvinist doctrine? [Luke 15:11-32, Luke 18:9-14, Luke 15:8, Luke 13:34].
2022-01-26 3-Point Calvinism: Didn't you say that one can't be a 3-point Calvinist? Can you explain that?
2022-01-13 Free Will Choice: Do we choose God or does He choose us? [Acts 2].
2021-12-13 Calvinism: What is a Calvinist?
2021-09-17 Coming to Jesus?: Why won't people come to Jesus, unless He draws them? [John 6:44, John 12:32, Matthew 23:37, Hosea 11:4].
2020-07-09 Contrasting the Calvinist View of Election: In contrast to the Calvinist view, would you talk about your view of election in light of John 6? [John 6:44, John 6:65, John 16:8, John 12:32, Jeremiah 31:3, Hosea 11:4, Matthew 23:37, Acts 2:37, Acts 7:54].
Four Horses of Revelation: What is your view of the symbolism of the four horses in Revelation 6? [Revelation 6:2, Ezekiel 14:21].
2020-07-03 Characterizations of Calvinism: Do you agree with the suggestion that the Calvinist view and characterization of God, is like He intervenes to assist someone who is mentally ill and cannot make a decision?
2020-02-12 Calvinism & Irresistible Grace: Is this verse an example of God's "irresistible grace"? [John 6:44, 12:32, Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34, Jeremiah 31:3, Hosea 11:1].
2019-02-28 Calvinism, Irresistible Grace, & the Elect: Calvinism teaches an irresistible grace & that only the elect can hear His voice. Is this true? [John 10:15-27]
2018-07-24 Prevenient Grace & Irresistible Grace: Can you please tell me the difference between "Prevenient Grace" & "Irresistible grace"?
2018-04-24 God drawing Everyone: Do you think God draws every man to His Son? [John 6:44]
2017-09-28 Lordship Salvation & Free Grace: What is the difference between Lordship Salvation & Free Grace?
2017-07-24 License to Sin By Grace: So a minister thinks that because of grace one can you live any way they want & still be a Christian, is this true?
2017-06-01 Golden Chain of Redemption: I would like to talk about Calvinism & Predestination & the golden chain of redemption & Grace. [Romans 8:29-30]
2017-01-26 Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, doesn't that famous passage in Ephesians & a verse in 1 Peter just by themselves prove Irresistible Grace & Calvinism? [Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Peter 1:5]
2016-11-22 Calvinism: Can you please talk about Calvinism & the 5 points, such as Total Depravity, Regeneration, Irresistible Grace. {Romans 8, John 6]
2016-06-02 Cutoff Analogy: Caller makes a humorous analogy about the word "cutoff" that was talked about in the previous show.
Grace-Favor or a Power: What is grace? Is it unmerited favour or is it a power we are given?
2015-08-14 Arminianism vs Calvinism: Steve is not a Calvinist, but he also doesn't call himself an Arminianist but just a non-Calvinist. Is that true?
Total Depravity: A discussion about Total Depravity, Prevenient Grace [John 6:44]
2015-08-13 Salvation Assurance: Extravagant (Hyper) Grace teaches that once we have Jesus we never have to repent again. What does Steve think about this?
2014-11-17 Coming means Believing (Irresistible Grace): Caller thinks the word for coming means believing...Irresistible grace. (The whole call is so convoluted!)
2013-09-04 God "Granting" Repentance: Can only God grant repentance?
Prevenient Grace: Can you talk about "prevenient grace"?
Willing your self into Heaven: Can someone "will" their way into heaven, to become saved?
2013-03-05 Hell: Hell must be so terrible, if God would send His own son to keep us from it, yes?
Terms for Salvation: Would you exegete these verses about those given to God in John? [John 6:37, John 6:65, John 17:6, John 6:44, Luke 7:30, Acts 7:51, Acts 9:5-6, Matthew 23:37-39].
2013-03-01 Defining Sin & Doing the Right Thing: Are not the good works of unbelievers, not actually good, because they are not glorifying God? [Psalm 14:1-3, Psalm 19:1, Acts 2:37, Acts 7:54, Acts 26:14, Acts 17:26].
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