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Topic: 70 Weeks

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-12-13 Daniel's Timeline & 70 Weeks: Could you help me sort the timeline in Daniel and the 70 weeks? [Daniel 9].
Jesus' Baptism: About when would you date the baptism of Jesus?
Calculation of the Day of Crucifixion: Could the day of the crucifixion be Wednesday?
2023-03-01 70 Weeks of Daniel: Could you help me understand the sequence of events surrounding the "abomination of desolation" and the "destruction of the temple"? [Daniel 9:26-27].
2022-07-19 "Covenant of Many" in Daniel: What is the "covenant of many" in Daniel 9? [Daniel 9:27].
2022-01-25 Daniel's Prophesy Still to Come: Is there still some of the prophecy in Daniel yet to come, or has it already been fulfilled in the past? [Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:11-12, Daniel 9].
2022-01-10 70 Weeks of Daniel: Who is the "he" in Daniel 9, and what does it mean to "confirm the covenant"? [Daniel 9:24-27, Luke 21:20, Matthew 24:16].
2022-01-05 70 Weeks: Why do you not hold to the Dispensational view of the 70 weeks?
2021-12-09 Objections to Post-Tribulation Rapture View: Could you respond to these objections to the post-tribulation view of the rapture? [I Thessalonians 4:15-18, Acts 28, Matthew 25:1, Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:44, Luke 12:40, Daniel 9].
Length of the Tribulation: Do we know how long the tribulation will be? Recommended topical lecture, "When Shall These Things be?" [Matthew 24:21, Matthew 24:34].
2021-12-02 The 70 Weeks in Daniel: Where are the seven 7s in the Daniel 9 passage about the seventy weeks? Recommended topical lecture; "What are we to Make of Israel". [Daniel 9:24-27, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20].
2021-07-20 70th Week of Daniel: Could you clarify the events and timing of events of the 70th week of Daniel? [Daniel 9:27].
New Covenant in Daniel 9: When Daniel says that "the covenant will be confirmed", is He talking about the New Covenant? [Daniel 9:27].
2021-07-14 7-year Tribulation: Where is the biblical evidence for the 7-year tribulation? [Daniel 9, Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14, Revelation 11-13].
Hinderance (Restraining) of the Man of Sin: In scripture, what is hindering the "Man of Sin"? [2 Thessalonians 2:3].
2021-06-24 Biblical Mathematical Calculations: Isn't it realistic to think that some of the biblical mathematical calculations, such as in the 70 weeks in Daniel's prophecy and Cyrus' Decree?
2020-12-07 Antichrist or Messiah & Confirming the Covenant in Daniel: What does it mean to confirm the covenant in Daniel, and to whom is it referring? [Daniel 9:27, Daniel 24-27, Galatians 3:16, Acts 3:24-27, Romans 1:16].
2020-12-03 Gap Between 69th and 70th Weeks of Daniel: Regarding the 70 weeks of Daniel, isn't it unnatural to place a large gap between the 69th and 70th week?
Earthquakes & Famines: Why are earthquakes and famines mentioned in prophecy? [Matthew 24, Luke 21:20].
2020-11-05 Time of the End in Daniel: Does it seem like the book of Daniel makes it clear that more revelation will be given in the end times? [Daniel 9, Daniel 12:9].
COVID & the White Horse in Revelation: Does the verse in Revelation about the conquering white horse possibly align with COVID? [Revelation 6:2].
2020-09-25 Jesus' 3.5 Year Ministry: Could you tell me where the Bible indicates that Jesus' ministry was 3.5 years? [John 5:1, Luke 13:6-9, Isaiah 5, Daniel 9:26-27].
2020-09-24 Jesus Crucified on Wednesday: Caller says that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday. [Daniel 9:27].
2020-08-20 Delayed 70th Week of Daniel: What do you think about the Dispensational view of the delayed 70th week of Daniel? [Daniel].
2020-08-05 Paul to Britain: Did Paul go to Britian? [Acts 29, 2 Timothy, Titus].
Identifying the antichrist in Daniel 9: Why is the "he" in Daniel often identified as the antichrist, rather than Christ and who first came up with that view? [Daniel 9:27].
Future Millennium: Who was the first to believe in a future 1000 year millennium? [Revelation 20, Isaiah 65-66, John 5:28-29, Matthew 25:31].
2020-07-31 Transfiguration: Why didn't they fall down "as one dead" at the transfiguration? [Revelation 1:17].
Daniel's 70th Week: When did the 70th week of Daniel end? [Daniel 9:24-27].
2020-04-17 How Many Stations carry The Narrow Path: How many radio stations are you on?
Clear Prophecy Before the Destruction: Why was not God, through Christ, more clear to the Jews, about His 70 week prophecy and its consequences before the following destruction?.[Luke 19, Deuteronomy 28, Matthew 24].
2020-04-13 70 Weeks of Daniel: Were the 70 weeks of Daniel fulfilled in the time of Jesus? How do I refute that the one week has been delayed to Dispensationalists? [Daniel 9:24-29].
2020-04-07 70th Week in Daniel: When does the last half of the 70th week in Daniel end? [Daniel 9:27]
The Local Church: Are you familiar with "The Local Church"? What was your overall impression of them?
Peter Popoff: What do you think about Peter Popoff?
2019-07-12 70th Week of Daniel: Can you help me explain the 70th week of Daniel if it is actually following immediately after the 69th week, rather than having a 2000 year gap? And when he was crucified (or was cut off) in the midst of that week (3.5 years of that 7 years)? Does the 'abomination of desolation'" help one lean one way or the other? [Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15].
2019-04-04 End Times Signs: According to the Dispensational view, what would you say are the two most definitive signs that the Daniel's 70th week has begun? What should we look for as signs (treaty and 3rd temple)? Current events (or "Newspaper exegesis") used for interpreting the Bible.
2019-03-08 Revelation-3.5 years: Would you help clarify the timeline in Revelation relative to the 70th week of Daniel [Daniel 9] and the 3.5 years in Revelation?
2019-02-25 Jews & the 70 Weeks in Daniel: The Jewish view regarding the 70 weeks in Daniel 9 is that it is not talking about Jesus. What is the 70 weeks talking about?
2019-02-18 70th Week: Why would the Messiah make a covenant for only 1 week? [Daniel 9:27]
The Millennium: Could the book of Revelation be revealing a millennium? [Revelation 20]
2019-02-04 Rapture: Where does the word, "Rapture" come from? What is Greek word for rapture, "caught up"?
70 Weeks: When does the start 70 weeks, which date do we start with? Daniel 9 & Ezra
2018-12-14 Ezekiel Is the Temple that is described in Ezekiel which hasn't been built still going to be built? [Ezekiel 40:5-24]
Professing Christianity but not: What do you tell someone who claims Christianity but is anything but?
Gap Between the 69th & 70th Week: Gap between the 69th & 70th week [1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, Daniel 9:24-27]
2018-08-31 70 Weeks in Daniel: Prophecy of the 70 weeks in Daniel 9, 70 x 7=490 years, rebuilding of the temple & dating from the decrees. Cyrus decree started off the 70 weeks?
Annual Memorials: Annual memorials from when people die, is this ok?
2018-06-18 The 70 Weeks: Why do the Dispensationalist embrace this huge gap between the 69th & 70th week? [Daniel 9]
2018-05-22 70 Weeks of Daniel: Can you talk about the 70 weeks in Daniel? [Daniel 9:24-27]
2018-04-17 Preterist Timeline: Is the Stoning of Stephen (still) the ending of the 70 weeks?
2017-11-07 70 Weeks: Is there no gap in the 70 weeks but a continuous timeline?
Dispensationalism: Why the strength in dispensationalism?
Churches that aren't Dispensational or Calvinistic: Are there any churches that aren't dispensational or Calvinist?
2016-10-04 70th week in Daniel: What is the correct view about the 70th week? Are all the weeks consecutive? [Daniel 9]
2016-09-26 70 Weeks of Daniel: Is the 70th week over, & did the sacrificial system end in the middle of the 70th week, & is the Prince Jesus Christ? [Daniel 9:20-27]
2016-09-01 7 Years of Tribulation: Where do the Dispensationalists get the idea about a 7-year tribulation?
Cremation: What are your thoughts on cremation?
2016-05-25 Deuteronomy Important to Fulfilling of Daniel: Could you comment on what you said about Deuteronomy being the most important fulfillment for the verses of Daniel 12:7 & the 3.5 yrs or 1290 days? [Daniel 12:7, Deuteronomy 32:35-40]
2016-05-23 70 Weeks: Caller is wanting to make sure he's understanding what Steve is saying here about the 70 weeks of Daniel & is trying to sort out the "he". [Daniel 9:26-27]
2016-05-04 Split between 69th & 70th Week: Where do dispensationalists think the 69th & 70th week in the Bible is split by over 2,000 years? [Daniel 9:24-27]
2016-04-22 The 70 Weeks & Wings of Desolation: Questions about 70th Week & the wings of desolation, what is that referring to? [Daniel 9]
Obeying Parents: Are we supposed to be obeying our parents even as adults? [Romans 1:28-32, Genesis 2:27]
2015-04-15 Dispensationalism: The supposed gap between the 69th & 70th week. [Daniel 9]
2015-04-02 The 70th Week: If the "He" is referring to the Messiah, how did He make a covenant with them for one week (7 years)? Did the Church Fathers see a gap between the 69th & 70th week? What is the wing when it says, "on the wing of abominations"? [Daniel 9:27, Romans 15:8]
2015-02-06 70 Years & 70 Weeks: Is the 70 years in Jeremiah 25 the same as the 70 years in Daniel 9? So what does this have to do the Dispensationalists view about the 70th week? [Jeremiah 25, Daniel 9]
2015-01-08 Daniel (70th week): Jesus can't come yet because the 70th week hasn't happened yet. What does Steve say about that?
2015-01-08 Responding to 70th week: Caller called to rebut the 70th week in Daniel & the anti-Christ.
2014-08-27 Ptolemy's chronology of the 70 weeks: Philip Mauro thinks that Ptolemy's got the chronology of the 70 weeks wrong by 80 years. What does Steve think?
2014-01-13 70 weeks: Do you think the 1st Decree of Cyrus is the date we should start dating the 70 week prophecy from?
2014-01-06 70 Weeks in Daniel: I would like you to explain the 70 weeks in Daniel & the 3 & half yrs in Revelation. [Daniel 9, Revelation 12:14]
Dispensations dispensing w/ Historical Fact: You said that Dispensationalists dispelled w/ Historical Fact regarding the 70th week, so what do YOU think about the 70th week?
2014-01-06 70 Weeks in Daniel: I would like you to explain the 70 weeks in Daniel & the 3 & half yrs in Revelation. [Daniel 9, Revelation 12:14]
Dispensations dispensing w/ Historical Fact: You said that Dispensationalists dispelled w/ Historical Fact regarding the 70th week, so what do YOU think about the 70th week?
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