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Topic: Hinduism

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-01-25 Comment on Hinduism: Converted from Hinduism to Christianity, caller comments on the lack of evidence for Hinduism.
Both God and Human: How can God be both man and human?
Dying for the Sins of Others: If any man was sinless, could he die for the sins of others?
2024-01-10 Atheist-Apostasy: Do you think I am stupid and deserve to go to hell?
Atheist-Theological Disagreement: Do you think that theological disagreements are a good enough reason to send someone to hell?
Atheist-Hinduism Predates the Flood: Atheist caller claims that he has seen evidence that proves that Hinduism predates the Flood. He also challenges Steve's claim that he has evidence that Jesus and the gospels are true.
2024-01-10 Comment-Hinduism & Old Testament Events: Caller comments on the previous call from the Atheist about the origins of Hinduism and various thoughts about the Old Testament timeline (the Flood and Tower of Babel).
2024-01-09 Hinduism's Timeline: Does the Hindu religion predate creation?
Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): What do you think about the "once saved, always saved?" [John 15:6].
2023-12-15 World Religions & Cults: Is Christianity the only real religion, or do some of the other religions have merit also? [Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:20].
2023-09-21 Hindu Triune God: Callers states that the Hindu god is also triune, as with Christianity.
God's Name: What is Christianity's triune God's name?
2022-10-04 Parallel between Christianity & Hinduism: Have you ever looked into Hinduism and its parallels to Christianity?
2022-08-26 Atheist; Apostasy-Conversion to Another Religion is Compromise of Integrity: Atheist; What does it say about one's integrity if they were born in Hinduism and converted to Christianity? Isn't that compromising your committment?
2021-11-09 Harm Caused by Christianity: How do you justify the harm that is caused by Christianity? [Acts 11:26, Matthew 10:16, John 8:31].
Slavery in Scripture: Didn't Paul teach that people should be good slaves? [I Corinthians 7:21, I Corinthians 13:4-8, Romans 13:10].
2021-10-25 Eastern Religions: Is there any reference in Christian writings to some of the things like the seven energies in eastern religions (Kundalini, chakra, etc.)?
2021-05-03 "One Way" Through Jesus: If there is only "one way", through Jesus, then is there no provision for all those that never heard of this way or Jesus? [John 14:6, Ezekiel 18:32, 2 Peter 3:8-10, John 1:9-10].
2020-12-08 Those of Other Faiths: Do you think that people of other faiths possibly benefit from their beliefs, similarly, or even better than some Christians do? [John 1:8-9, Psalm 24:1] (A lot of static on the line.)
2020-08-31 Why Christianity is the Correct Faith: In light of all the different religions in the world, what makes Christianity the correct and true faith? Are we looking all at the same God? [Deuteronomy 18, John 5, Philippians 4:6, James 4:2-3].
2020-07-15 Healing & Quantum Physics & Chakras: Do you think that quantum physics and Chakras have anything to do with the woman who was healed in the Bible?
2020-02-19 Oldest Religion: What is the oldest religion?
2019-02-21 Reincarnation: What does the Bible say about reincarnation?
God Speaking to us: Does God speak to us through other people?
2018-08-20 Jesus in India as Youth: Did Jesus go to India in His youth?
Lot Offering Daughters: Why did Lot offer his daughters to the men at the door? [Genesis 19]
2018-08-10 Let Thy Will Be Done: We say in the Lord's Prayer, "let Thy will be done". How do we know things have actually been done in His will for the last 2,000 years?
Future False Religions & Cults: Why didn't God have John specifically direct admonitions to Muslims and Mormon & Buddhists?
2018-06-08 "Slain in the Spirit": Where did getting "Slain in the Spirit" come from?
2017-08-08 Hindu god Statues: We are getting ready to have some remodeling done & a company we are considering using has a Hindu statue in their showroom. Should we use them?
2017-06-08 Hindu Worships gods & Jesus: I've been talking to a Hindu who believes in worshipping many gods, & also claim that he worships Jesus, could that be true?
2017-01-20 Christians performing Yoga: Exercising using Yoga, is that acceptable? Isn't that Hinduism? Should I practice it?
2017-01-20 Yoga: The caller thinks the problem with Yoga is that you need to abstain from all appearances of evil like the Bible says. [1 Thessalonians 5:22]
2016-12-30 Jesus No Different than Other Religious Leaders: Adult daughter of caller suggested Jesus taught the same thing as other religious leaders, & so is no different.
2016-12-19 Hindu maybe turning Christian: A Hindu friend of Michael the Buddhist to Michael that it's all about Jesus & may be converting to Christianity
2016-06-23 Hinduism: Is Hinduism the oldest religion in the world?
2015-09-10 Eastern Philosophy infiltrating the church: What is Steve's opinion about incorporating Christianity with Buddhism, Hinduism, Metaphysics, Transcendental meditation and so on?
2015-04-09 Hinduism - Krishna: Caller believes in Hinduism, especially in Krishna. What does Steve know about him? Did he really exist?
2015-04-02 Witnessing to Hindus & Muslims: The caller would like to share the gospel w/ co-workers who are Hindu & Muslim, & would like tips on how to do it.
2015-01-08 Jesus & Eastern Religions: Wouldn't Jesus have been aware of all the Eastern Religions during His day?
2014-03-05 Hinduism verses Christianity: Does God seek us or do we seek Him?
Becoming a Christian: How do we become a Christian? [John 3]
Incognito Christian & not understanding everything: If we are threatened w/ death for being a Christian, can we pretend we are not, even though we are? What if I don't understand everything as a Christian? [Luke 17:33, Matthew 10:39, Matthew 16:25 25, John 12:25 25, Mark 8:35 35, Luke 9:24]
2013-07-09 Statutes & Relics from Eastern Religions: What should I do wth my statutes & relics from the eastern religions to which I belonged? [Acts 19]
2013-07-01 Demonic Pagan gods: Are the pagan gods just idols or is there real demonic power behind them? [1 Corinthians 10:20, Deuteronomy 32:17]
Hindu Gods: Do the Hindu gods have demonic forces behind them?
2013-03-13 Chakras (Hinduism): What do you know about "Chakras" (Hinduism)?
Acupuncture: Is acupuncture anything to be concerned about?
Yoga: What do you think about Yoga?
2013-03-13 Chakras: Chakras are discussed from a Buddhist perspective. Are Chakras more biological or spiritual?
Jesus in the Old Testament: Is Jesus prophesied in the Old Testament? [Isaiah 53].
Jewish Tradition of "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW): What does the Jewish tradition make of the "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW)" in Isaiah 53? [Isaiah 53:6-8].
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